Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  1. Download Org.Pg here: ORG.Pg template  (updated with 4.4.0 version)
  2. Open the Folder with Sublime Text (File > Open Folder)
  3. Right Click on the top level folder and select "Find in Folder..."
  4. Replace all "ORG" to "something"
    1. add ",*.xml,*.cshtml,*.css" to the end of the "Where' fieldfield 
    2. Match whole word and match case
      Image Added
    3. There should be about ~2500 ~8000 changes to replace (if there are more, check the settings in (b) and delete any Audit folders and try again)
    4. Be sure to save the files after replace.
  5. Change folders and files in those specific folders with ORG in the name to "something".  Also rename O.Repo to 'X'.Repo (as the Find and Replace doesn't affect folder or file names.)
  6. Move somewhere more accessible if needed (e.g. c:\ or c:\test) for the next step
  7. Run a local instance and run the following command from the Client Tool:
    importNavPage /Root ExSrt FOO "Example Something" "Demos" "c:\Example.Pg" Copy
  8. Once you have the instance running, you will see a folder in your File Collection (e.g. ExSrt FOO from example above)
  9. Edit those cshtml templates, css, images, etc... to customize your site!  (Found in the File Collection)
    1. NOTE: The style.css is common between all orgs.  It is recommended that all changes go into the org-style.css and use the '!important' when overwriting the CSS class/element from style.css.  This ensures that future changes to the style.css do not get lost.

      Code Block
      /* Add to org-style.css.  The following overrides the style.css  */
      #welcome-container .main {
          border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(237, 31, 36, .75) !important;
      #welcome-container > .text-container {
          padding-top: 0px !important;
      #welcome-container .main:before {
          border-top: 8px solid rgba(237, 31, 36, .45) !important;
      #welcome-container .main:after {
          border-top: 8px solid rgba(237, 31, 36, .45) !important;
      #welcome-container p.bottom {
          padding: 7.5px 12.5px 0px 12.5px !important;

  10. When you are done be sure to export the files using the following command:
    exportNavPage /Root/BWY FOO c:\temp\ full
  11. After exporting, go to the folder that was exported to and delete all Audit folders (nested in courses) as well as the Audit folder at the root folder.
  12. Move that folder to your FTP folder on the Demo server
  13. Then import the exported folder using the command in (7) with the path to your ftp (for example:)
    importNavPage /Root BWY "Bluewater" "Customer Demos" "d:\ftp\caleb\BWY.Pg" Copy
  14. As of version 4.1, if you want Feedback and Forgot Password notifications to work for the org, you must create rules for them. See: /wiki/spaces/CMD/pages/5432387149
