Before starting adding a new crew member profile, we recommend you perform some useful settings.
You can define a set of fields that will be checked to be unique when adding a person.
This will help you to avoid duplicate crew members inside the system.
This setup is performed under Setup > Global Options > Datagroups > Crew List - Personal Details > General section:
Important Validations are as follows:
Normally, it is enough to check First/Last Name + Birth Date but you may add any fields that are available if necessary.
A. Setting the checkbox for Uppercase person names will prohibit the possibility of inputting the lowercase letters when creating a person (if this is your corporate standard).
An optional possibility to provide validation on Personal ID to have a unique number when creating a person or editing his details. A warning message is shown each time a user tries to create/modify a person having the Personal ID same as already existing in the database. Still, a user can ignore it & create
a duplicate.
B. The default Check full name is selected where it cross-checks the Lastname and Firstname of the person.
C. When creating a person & adding a Personal ID No for Chile – the application automatically performs validation as per applied Chilean ID rules in a format using format XX.XXX.XXX-X. If the input value is invalid – the application will show
a warning message. This warning can be overruled & it is possible to save invalid Personal ID No.
When creating a new person, we added validation of security rights for fields P14 & P21 (Personal ID No & Personal ID Country) in ACC:
D. Another useful validation is limiting the age of the person from minimal to maximal age when inserting a new person.You can also set a checkbox with the option Open person details on new person create in User Options > Crew List:
It means that when you passed the first stage of creating a new crewmember (filled Insert New Person form), the Personal Details data group opens automatically and you can continue inputting data (Biography, Contact information, Employment-related information, Payroll related information, Appearance, health details, etc.).
You do not need to search this pin in the crew list and open the Personal Details data group manually.
User options affect only the user that is logged in without any impact on other users.
To begin creating a new personal record, an open Crew List module, click the Create button, or press the F9 hotkey:
The Insert New Person box pops up. It requests minimal necessary information:
The person will be linked to the organization unit that is opened as a current client, by default.
But you can change it by clicking 3 dots in Organization/Vessel field and selecting a target unit from an available list.The PIN is the mandatory unique identifier of a person in APM. It is filled automatically, depending on a set of valid pins for your site (setup in Adonis Control Centre).
, Last name and Birth Date fields are mandatory
From ver. 2017.2:
They can't be blank.
When you add a new person, it is available to define a Country to which the Personal ID number belongs. For Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian IDs the validation is provided according to national standards. The system will warn you if you mistype any symbol but you will be able to continue anyway.
The Personal ID will be displayed on the Personal Details > Personal tab, where you can redefine it if necessary. The validation for national codes mentioned above will be performed as well.
This works only if the option Check Person ID Validity is set in User Options > Validity Check:
The age is automatically calculated from the person’s birthdate.
The gender is limited only to Male, Female, Non-Binary, and Unknown.
Batch Input, if checked, then after you finish creating a current person, the 'Create step' will reoccur & you will be able to create another person in a row.
Click Create when you are finished to save the record.
After that, your next step is to enter all known information about this new person in the Personal Details data group:
Biography data;
Contact information;
Employment-related information;
Payroll related information;
Appearance and health details, etc.
See the Personal Details section.
Checking on Duplicate Crew Profile
The system always checks if the crew member with the same Last/First Name, Personal ID number, and Birth Date already exist exists in the system.
If that is the case, you will see a warning message, e.g.: