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Release 2019.50 of the Adonis Personnel Portal is ready and can be downloaded and installed.

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Adonis Personnel Portal



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Resolved Jira Issues 


Release notes
APP-1652The tile icons in Reports Settings are doubled

The issue with doubled tile icons in the Reports Settings module was fixed.

APP-1717Error: a network-related or instance-specific error occured while establishing a connection to SQL Server

Modified AdsExec utility to check the user in the PWSECURITY_USERS table and create if it not exists.

APP-1492Administrator Roles
Administrator, Administrator-Access Rights

Implemented functionality to give Administrator access to some modules for certain crew portal users/user groups.

APP-1680Cannot ADD and DELETE the report

Fixed issue creating new report linked to modules and user groups in Maintain Reports module.

APP-1529Access to registration for the future
Administrator-Access Rights

Added new option. Default is "true". If set to "false" user can register for Now + 15 minutes, otherwise Today.EndDay + 15 minutes.
For panel PC option is always "false", other words - panel PC can't make future registration.
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Release notes
APP-1684PTC API calls doesn't work over RoutingService

Updated services references to call CRUD API for PTC to work via Routing Service.

APP-1653Seaservice CRUD - Addition parameters

The new parameters are added for SeaserviceCreate and SeaserviceUpdate methods:
"PlannedTrvStartDate": "string", "PlannedTrvEndDate": "string", "Seniority": 0.

APP-1741SeaserviceCRUD - Addition parameter PlannedSignOnDate

The new parameters "PlannedSignOnDate": "string" was added for SeaserviceCreate and SeaserviceUpdate methods to set the seaservice planned.

APP-1674AIS NextOfKin added parameter Percentage

The new parameter "Percentage": 0 was added to NextOfKinUpdate and NextOfKinCreate

APP-1667AIS NextOfKin new parameter Email

The new parameter "Email": "string" was added to NextOfKinUpdate and NextOfKinCreate methods.

APP-1736AIS NextofKinUpdate Missing Row

The telecommunication update function was modified for NextOfKinUpdate method.

APP-1789AIS NextOfKin - PAYBANKNO should kept NULL

Modified NextOfKinCreate and NextOfKinUpdate method to store "BankAccount" in PW001P06.ALLOTM_ACCOUNTNO

APP-1740Content Hub: Contenhub_ChangeLog request by DocNo

Modified CONTENTHUB_CHANGELOG method to return the specific DocNo in addition to the Period.

APP-1708Adonis Integration Service - Organization_CRUD

Implemented Organization_CRUD methods related to Adonis Integration Web Service. These methods allow to create and maintain the organization structure.

APP-1603API - GatewayAPI Routing service via HTTPS

Implemented the possibility for Routing Service to working via HTTPS.

APP-1605Adonis Integration Service - Seaservice CRUD

Implemented Seaservice CRUD methods related to Adonis Integration Web Service. These methods allow to enter and update a sea service record.

APP-1666AIS - PYR_AllotmentDelete/Read

Implemented PYR_AllotmentRead and PYR_AllotmentDelete methods related to Adonis Integration Web Service.

APP-1597Adonis Integration Service - Allotment Information

Implemented PYR_Allotment method related to Adonis Integration Web Service.
This method allows for entering allotment information or payment deduction transactions in the current payroll period. The input to create a payroll transaction is the same as when entering the entry code manually.

APP-1665AIS Missing NextOfKinRead

Implemented NextOfKinRead allows finding records based on sequenceno and PIN.

APP-1631Adonis Integration Service - NOK / Allotee CRUD

Implemented NextOfKin CRUD methods related to Adonis Integration Web Service. It gives the possibility to add next of kin information, including allotment information into the APM database. When a person is an allottee the user can add bank details and if the next of kin is the 1st 2nd or 3rd allottee.

APP-1711AIS - Implementation - Organization_Update

Implementation of OrganizationUpdate method to update organization structure. Finds organization using numorgid and updates the fields.

APP-1712AIS - Implementation - Organization_Read

Implementation of OrganizationRead method to return organization structure.

APP-1710AIS - Implementation - Organization_Delete

Implementation of OrganizationDelete method will find an organization using numorgid set it to passive.

APP-1663API CreateEmployee parameter to add PIN

Extended CreateEmployee method, added PIN parameter to have the possibility to overwrite the system generated PIN number.
If the parameter PIN is set the system will overwrite the system generated PIN number. If PIN is absent or NULL the PIN stays system generated.

APP-1662Adonis Integration Service - Philippine Tax Information add CRUD functionality

CRUD functionality was added for Philippine Tax Information menthod:

  • PYR_TAXINFO_PH_Create;
  • PYR_TAXINFO_PH_Update;
  • PYR_TAXINFO_PH_Delete.
APP-1738AIS - Implementation - Organization_Read Need the possibility to search for Code and Type

Added possibility for OrganizationRead method to search by: Numorgid only; Code only; Code + Type.

APP-1709AIS -Implementation - Organization_Create

Added API 'OrganizationCreate' method that allows creating Company, Vessel, Department, Position

APP-1604APP - Modify NameInZip validation
API, Personal Details

Implemented validation for NameInZip from "O" to "Y" according to last changes is APM

Chain of Approval 

ComponentsRelease notes
1648Teams are duplicatedChain of Approval
1642API - CreateEmployee need extra fields for employment start and end date

Added new parameters for the CreateEmployee API call.

EmploymentStartDate =>PW001P01.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE
EmploymentEndDate =>PW001P01.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE

Chain of Approval 

KeySummaryRelease notes
APP-1648Teams are duplicated

Fixed issue for 'Assign Batch Entry Access' when Teams were duplicated depending on a number of Approvers.

APP-1649Missing warnings to save changes
Chain of Approval

Added warning message for 'Assign Batch Entry Access' in the case when tagging teams and moving to another position without clicking Save.
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Installation Set 

Release notes
1634Move Chain of Approval module from Administrator to Crew and Employee portals

Added possibility to grant access to CoA Settings for Crew and Employee Portal users.

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Installation Set 

KeySummaryRelease notes
APP-1620A different set of report modules for each vessel
Installation Set

New WEB_CP_REPORTS_MODULES table created to store connections between reports and modules.

APP-1390Need the possibility to set the password of the user-defined db user
Installation Set

Internal fix cleaned made database access compatible with the Application Manager and Replicator. 

APP-1594Adonis_API not created after installation
Installation Set

Fixed INSERT / UPDATED Adonis_API password.


Release notes
APP-1601Disembarkation day guaranteed hour is displayed in the Monthly Timesheet report
Reports - Time and Attendance

Modified functionality related to option 'Include disembarkation day' in Monthly Timesheet report.

APP-1677The guaranteed column shows wrong values
Reports - Time and Attendance

Fix for 'Guaranteed' column to display a max value between hours of work and guaranteed hours with enabled 'Include Disembarkation Day' option.

APP-1645WorkAnd Rest International is failed
Reports - Time and Attendance

Added filtering by vessel for Work&Rest reports.

APP-1706CBA hours is Extra Overtime is not computed correctly because CBA hours is still 303.10 for a crew that embarked after the TS period started: 303.10 for a crew that embarked after the TS period started
Reports - Time and Attendance

Added filter by vessel for Monthly Timesheet and Overtime reports.

APP-1571Reports for TE mobile UI
Reports Travel Expense, Travel Expense, WDA - Travel Expense

Implemented the possibility to generate Travel Expense and WDA report on mobile.

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APP-1564APP - Replace Ghostscript.NET by DevExpress.Pdf
Reports Travel Expense, WDA - Travel Expense

Replaced Ghostscript.NET by DevExpress.Pdf

Time and Attendance 

Release notes
APP-1023Mandatory comment when adjusting time registration
Time and Attendance

New option 'Approver/Coordinator must add comments to edit/delete time registration' added to Administrator portal TAA Settings - Custom Settings.
When the Approver/Coordinator makes the changes in time registrations, the comment will become a mandatory field.
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APP-1644Relievers popup
Time and Attendance

New Relievers pop-up was implemented to have the possibility to switch between several persons.
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APP-1473Overlapped time blocks with TimeOut < TimeIn
Time and AttendanceMade

Modified functionality to exclude Overlapped time blocks in case of double Current activity

APP-1596'Timesheet document is missing' error raised deleting time registration
Time and Attendance

Made fix for the issue with deleting time registration from 'Registration details' screen followed by 'Timesheet document is missing' error message.

APP-1522Relievers should work as Approvers.
Time and Attendance

Implemented new Manager Relievers module, this gives the possibility to set PIN to be a reliever for several crew members.
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APP-1536TC user's documents are showing the wrong value.
Time and Attendance

Fixed issue when 'Time clock users documents' notification counter displayed document which was not in the list inside of the view.
The document rejected by Approver and Coordinator would not be counted in the notification counter.

APP-1632Move Time and Attendance Settings

Added possibility to grant access to TAA Settings for Crew Portal users.
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User Interface 

Release notes
APP-1517'Not enough storage is available to complete this operation' message loading Audit Timecards
User Interface

Implemented 'Purge Audit Timecards' function. This operation moves all timecard audits, one year old and older, to a separate database table.
(APP_PURGE_AUDIT_WEB_CP_TIMECARD_yyyymmddhhmm). Where '_yyyymmddhhmm' the time the user pressed the purge button.

Travel Expense 

Release notes
APP-1627TE expenses overview
Travel ExpenseAPP-1636
Implemented adaptive design for different expense sections (Various, Accommodation, etc.)
APP-1636Scans section UI
Travel Expense

Scan expense UI became adaptive for the different screen width.
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APP-1626TE dialog boxes
Travel Expense

Modified dialog box width on the TE mobile interface.

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APP-1696Reference Error opening TE Summary grid
Travel Expense

Made references fix for opening 'Summary' grid from TE document preview.

APP-1612Various/Advance section UI
Travel Expense

Made Various/Advance expense UI adaptive for different screens width.
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APP-1610Transportation section UI
Travel Expense

Made Transportation expense UI adaptive for different screens width.
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APP-1611Accommodation section UI
Travel Expense

Made Accommodation expense UI adaptive for different screens width.
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APP-1366Possibility to choose columns in Travel Expense overview screen
Travel Expense

Implemented possibility to hide and change the order of the columns.
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APP-1609Main Travel Form UI in travel expense
Travel Expense

Implemented new adaptive UI for Travel Expense.
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APP-1613TE Overview UI
Travel Expense

Implemented columns selection, filters and search panel for Travel expense mobile.

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APP-1412Possibility to make adding scan mandatory in TE
Travel Expense

Now it is possible to make it mandatory when adding a transaction to add the scanned document. 

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APP-1682TE: Passenger Addition - Wrong Calculation
Travel Expense

Fixed calculation of travel expenses for your own car with passengers based on a number of passengers added.

APP-1725A document can be Submitted without adding mandatory scan file
Travel Expense

Fixed behavior when TE document could be Submitted without adding a mandatory scan for transportation type which appears on a second place in the list.

APP-1582The amount for Taxi and Own car is not saved
Travel Expense

Excluded TE TransportationTypes from all levels, will use 'Default settings' instead.

APP-1491Must be possible for Approver to view approved Travel Expenses
Travel ExpenseAll

Checked functionality for Approver to have the possibility to see Approved Travel Expense documents.

APP-1650Travel Expense: show all vessels for users to select
Travel Expense

All the vessels that are not passive are available in the drop-down list for an Employee to select.
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APP-1655TE mobile UI - not CoA level message
Travel Expense

Added warning message on the Travel Expense UI to inform user, that he has no CoA node and a document can not be created.
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APP-1623Breadcrumb for TE
Travel Expense

Added navigation toolbar for Travel Expense and WDA mobile.
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APP-1625WDA module after TE changes
Travel Expense, WDA - Travel Expense

WDA module has separate UI for desktop and mobile.
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APP-1572Pdf attachments for mobile UI
Travel Expense, WDA - Travel Expense

Added possibility to upload and preview .pdf attachments on mobile UI.
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APP-1574Preview of attachments in the mobile UI
Travel Expense, WDA - Travel Expense

Added possibility to preview attachments for Travel Expense mobile module.
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APP-1573Language options for TE mobile
Travel Expense, WDA - Travel Expense

Added possibility to change language for TE mobile module.
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APP-1679URGENT - Error in API method WDA_ReadyToProcess
WDA - Travel Expense, Web ServicesKeySummaryComponentsRelease notes

Updated TE and WDA overview API methods. Fixed error "2100 parameters".


APP-1452Move mobile TE platform to a desktop

Travel Expense module moved to mobile UI.

1615Signing off via Gangway removes Leave activityGangway Access Control

Made fix when after Sign OFF using Gangway one day earlier, compared to EED, next Leave activity was deleted.

APP-1459Rename E and F rulesNonconformity

The 'E' and 'F' rules are re-named.

APP-1526Information from
1624TE Access rights

Review existing Access rights and apply them to Travel Expense mobile.

APP-1633Move WDA & Travel Expense Settings

Added possibility to grant access to WDA & Travel Expense Settings for Employee Portal users.


KeySummaryComponentsRelease notes
APP-1615Signing off via Gangway removes Leave activityGangway Access Control

Made fix when after Sign OFF using Gangway one day earlier, compared to EED, next Leave activity was deleted.

APP-1459Rename E and F rulesNonconformity

The 'E' and 'F' rules are re-named.

APP-1526Information from Personal Details Datagroup > Customized section shouldn't be displayed in Employee PortalPersonal Details

Fixed appearance of Customized views in Personal Details if APP Module not selected for

each view.APP-1452Move mobile TE platform to a desktopTravel Expense module moved to mobile UI

each view.

APP-1776"Value" properties are missing for approved timesheets per day method

The new 'Text' and 'Value' properties are added to TAA_ApprovedTimesheetsPerDay.

Parameters affected:

.APP-1624TE Access rightsReview existing Access rights and apply them to Travel Expense mobile


APP-1561Add access to Faulty List from Crew Portal

Registrations faulty list module re-named to Pending List. Access rights are added.

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APP-1638Remove NS Task Scheduler from APP

Notification Service Task Scheduler no longer available under Administrator Portal. This module is not updated to the latest modifications of NS and not used in APP. NS tasks are maintained from APM.

APP-1577Manage Relievers sub-module: if there is a js error if any person has an apostrophe in the name

Modified JavaScript in Manage Relievers sub-module to avoid errors for persons with an apostrophe in the name.

APP-1616SMTP server setup shouldn't be mandatory

Modified Email Server setup screen. The 'SMTP server' and 'Sender address' fields

are not mandatory.APP-1575DG_EnclosedDocView need to return SOURCEDOC

Modified DG_EnclosedDocView method to return SourceDoc.
In case the scanned documents are stored in 3rd party system, the method returns the source (field containing the URL) in addition to the actual scan. 

APP-1554The leave days are set to zero once Sign Off is confirmed via Gangway

Made fix fro issue when leave days are set to zero once Sign Off is confirmed via Gangway.
Implemented support Personal Rate (PR) fields. PR fields implemented as read-only. It is not possible to write a value to PR fields from the script.
Implemented support comments in a script started from //

APP-1589Adonis Integration Service - Philippine Tax Information

Implemented PYR_TAXINFO_PH method to update Filipino tax information: PhilHealthNo; SSSNo; PensionAgreementNo; PagIbigNo.

APP-1342Add scrolling bar to My Timesheets

Implemented scroll bar for registration detail view if the scale is set to 15min or 30min
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APP-1442APP - Remind about pending documents waiting for approving

Implemented remind for Electronic Signing module about pending documents waiting for approval. Appears if more than 5 days waiting.
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APP-1477APP - Possibility to set a place for signature.

Implemented functionality that provides select image area and gets coordinates to place the electronic signature.

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APP-1581CRUD functionality for Employee Picture

Implemented CRUD functionality for Employee Picture.

APP-1633Move WDA & Travel Expense Settings

Added possibility to grant access to WDA & Travel Expense Settings for Employee Portal users.
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APP-1637Move TimeClock Maintain module from Administrator to Crew portal

Added possibility to grant access to the Time Clock Maintain module for Crew Portal users.
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APP-1632Move Time and Attendance Settings

Added possibility to grant access to TAA Settings for Crew Portal users.
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APP-1634Move Chain of Approval module from Administrator to Crew and Employee portalsAdded possibility to grant access to CoA Settings for Crew and Employee Portal users.
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are not mandatory.

APP-1575DG_EnclosedDocView need to return SOURCEDOC

Modified DG_EnclosedDocView method to return SourceDoc.
In case the scanned documents are stored in 3rd party system, the method returns the source (field containing the URL) in addition to the actual scan. 

APP-1554The leave days are set to zero once Sign Off is confirmed via Gangway

Made fix fro issue when leave days are set to zero once Sign Off is confirmed via Gangway.
Implemented support Personal Rate (PR) fields. PR fields implemented as read-only. It is not possible to write a value to PR fields from the script.
Implemented support comments in a script started from //

APP-1589Adonis Integration Service - Philippine Tax Information

Implemented PYR_TAXINFO_PH method to update Filipino tax information: PhilHealthNo; SSSNo; PensionAgreementNo; PagIbigNo.

APP-1342Add scrolling bar to My Timesheets

Implemented scroll bar for registration detail view if the scale is set to 15min or 30min
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APP-1442Reminder about pending documents waiting for approving

Implemented remind for Electronic Signing module about pending documents waiting for approval. Appears if more than 5 days waiting.
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APP-1477Possibility to set a place for signature.

Implemented functionality that provides select image area and gets coordinates to place the electronic signature.

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APP-1581CRUD functionality for Employee Picture

Implemented CRUD functionality for Employee Picture.

APP-1637Move TimeClock Maintain module from Administrator to Crew portal

Added possibility to grant access to the Time Clock Maintain module for Crew Portal users.
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APP-1635Move Audit module from Administrator to Crew portal

Added possibility to grant access to Audit Module Settings for Crew Portal users.

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APP-1629Allotment Information - New parameter 'additional'

Added new parameter "Additional": "string" to PYR_AllotmentCreate. The parameter indicates if an additional record needs to be created

.APP-1642API - CreateEmployee need extra fields for employment start and end date

Added new parameters for the CreateEmployee API call.

EmploymentStartDate =>PW001P01



EmploymentEndDate =>PW001P01.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE
APP-1551Add an option to disable Submitting TS anytime

Added new option in the Admin portal - TAA - Custom Settings that allows or deny document submission before period or activity ends.

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Other Versions 

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