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415203329415203329APM 20Create APM Patch Notes

Release 2020.30 of the Adonis Personnel Manager is ready and can be downloaded and installed.

Page Properties

SoftwareVersionRelease DateDownload Link

Latest Patch

Adonis Personnel Manager



Child pages (Children Display)

Starting from version 2019.10, APM requires one of the following drivers to be installed on your workstation:

-ODBC Driver for SQL Server (v.13 or higher)
-SQL Native Client (v.11 or higher)

Please note that if you are using Brightwell Plugin, it should be updated to ver. 2020.6.4.2 or higher to work properly with APM 2020.30.  

Release Highlights 

Image Modified



The majority of the issues included in this release are important change and bug request in existing functionality. Some major core functionality is refactored increasing  the performance in certain module like Crew Station Bill and Rotation planning. 

Distribute Payslip

In the previous release it was possible to email and distribute the payslip. The distribution of the payslip to the enclosed documents datagroup, enabled the possibility for our customers using the portal to distribute the payslip. In release 2020.20 the distribution is a separate option, that disables emailing the payslip to the employee.  

Gangway Monitoring

For those user using our gangway access module, the monitoring functionality in APM now also shows those persons signing on.    

Start Page

New functionality is added to the start page so that the administrator can define standard layouts, End users can then select from the various predefined layouts.  In the upcoming replicator release 2020.10 we added the functionality to purge unused and expired crew records from the database when the vessel or site is setup for partial replication. APM Release 2020.30 contains the necessary functionality and database modification to support this functionality. 

Image Added

Payscale table assignment by vessel type and union

This new options allows the system to define which payscale table to be used based on the persons vessel type and union assignment. The person is linked to an union in the personal details deatagroup, while the vessel is found via the persons activity.  The payscale code is defined by the position of the person.   

Image Added

Resolved Jira Issues 

Accounting Interface 

KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
APM-4148Navision Export unbalanced debit/credit amounts comparing different currencies


Accounting Interface

When creating Accounting Voucher report – it shows accounts that might appear as unbalanced due to the fact that they are steered in different currencies. We exclude such unbalanced lines from the generated file when performing export to Navision

Bank Interface 

KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
APM-4240Bank will not accept the file if they have the same bank counter.BugBank Interface

When generating Advance List for BDO & RCBC balance actions the number of Batch Counter was stored per user. It is now changed to seamless global value that will be incremented for all users, disregards on who creates a new batch.

APM-3766Danske Bank - Bank Interface ISO 20022 FormatChange RequestBank Interface/20022

We provided the possibility to generate telepay file for Danske Bank in ISO20022 format. For this purpose corresponding bank should be defined with Danske Bank value for Bank Transfer property in General Codes > Banks

Cabin Allocation Module


KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
3590Need to see Gender when adding a pin to a cabin
3132Different data in column ‘Modified’ and in ‘Modified’ line in record overviewChange Request
Cabin Allocation Module

When assigning a person to a cabin you can instantly check his gender in the newly displayed column of Onboard Crew form

Image Removed

APM-3723Improve search for assignment of the crew to crew cabins.Change RequestCabin Allocation Module

It is now possible to search crew not only by pin or name but through all displayed field values, same as through Find Panel in crew list.

Image Removed


Activities audit trail, we synchronized Modified value with corresponding database field (instead of its GMT equivalent used earlier) & added ChangeTime field to be displayed as well.
KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
APM-3132Different data in column ‘Modified’ and in ‘Modified’ line in record overviewDatagroups\Activities

For audit trail, we synchronized Modified value with corresponding database field (instead of its GMT equivalent used earlier) & added ChangeTime field to be displayed as well.

APM-3833Cost place on activity must be set automatically according to rank setup in Gen codesBugDatagroups\Activities, Setup\General Codes

When generating activity from any application module/datagroup, the Cost Place is automatically set according to Rank setup in General Codes

APM-3978Adding Travel that overlaps several activitiesChange RequestDatagroups\Activities

Internal improvements as per existing specified functionality

APM-3294Replacement functionality for checking requirements by current/promotion rank in Competence datagroupChange RequestDatagroups\Competence


APM-3833Cost place on activity must be set automatically according to rank setup in Gen codesBugDatagroups\Activities, Setup\General Codes

When generating activity from any application module/datagroup, the Cost Place is automatically set according to Rank setup in General Codes

APM-3978Adding Travel that overlaps several activitiesChange RequestDatagroups\Activities

Internal improvements as per existing specified functionality

APM-3294Replacement functionality for checking requirements by current/promotion rank in Competence datagroup

Documents Evaluation check we now provide competence replacement to be also performed when evaluating based on Current/Promotion rank requirements

APM-3295Data input fields in Customized TopicsChange RequestDatagroups\Customized Topics

We now allow storing data in Customized Topics datagroups as rich text format, allowing various text formatting.

Image Added

  1. Set a field as Rich Text type under General Codes > Customized > Topics Codes
  2. Access corresponding customized datagroup & select to Edit reach text field
  3. Use enhanced Rich Editor engine to provide extended text formatting
APM-3844Finnish PersonalID number validationChange RequestDatagroups\Competence

For Documents Evaluation check we now provide competence replacement to be also performed when evaluating based on Current/Promotion rank requirements

APM-3295Data input fields in Customized TopicsChange RequestDatagroups\Customized Topics

We now allow storing data in Customized Topics datagroups as reach text format, allowing various text formatting.

Image Removed

  • Set a field as Rich Text type under General Codes > Customized > Topics Codes
  • Access corresponding customized datagroup & select to Personal Details

    We now provide validation of Finnish personal ID number according to government standards. User will be notified if ID doesn’t meet the requirements. Note that Check Person ID Validity must be set under User Options.

    Image Added

    APM-4115Allotment entries need to be generated from activitiesBugAllotment, Datagroups\Family, Payroll

    We extended the application with the possibility to process multiple entry codes per Allottee family members. The corresponding setup should be done in Organization Structure > Company > Allotment.

    Image Added

    1. Extended settings for First Allottee with Percentage field additionally to Amount
    2. Removed general option & extended it to be set up per Allottee priority & not only if activity exists, but also with the possibility to choose Always or For Each Sea Service Activity
    3. An Allottee of each priority can be set up with multiple entry codes for generation, each with its own setting for Amount & Percentage


    KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
    APM-3404On/Off-Signers, Promotion, Travel Confirmation ColumnsChange RequestModules\Crew Change

    In the module’s overview it is now possible to view the number of confirmed records for Sign On / Sign Off / Promotion / Travel

    Image Added

    APM-3273Travel records are not confirmed in Crew ChangeChange RequestModules\Crew Change

    When setting a Calling Port record to historical but there exist non-confirmed Travel record – the application will raise the warning to verify if you still want to archive this record

    APM-2661Add "All" check box option for sorting crew listsChange RequestModules\Crew List

    All application grids now provide you with Check All option for filtering by column values. It might be useful if you require to include all values but several. Instead of tagging only those necessary you can use Check All to select all values then un-tag those not needed

    Image Added

    APM-4038Permanent solution for performance loss in the Crew Station Bill moduleChange RequestModules\Crew Station Bill

    We significantly improved module performance when loading data & Requirements Check option is On.

    APM-4205Overlapping drills assignmentBugModules\Drill and Course Registration

    It is now possible to assign crew to drills with overlapping time

    APM-3678Passive Lifeboats/Rafts are not excluded from the listBugModules\Drill and Course Registration

    If a Lifeboat is set to passive under Vessel > Safety > Rescue Stations, the corresponding value is then shown in grey color.

    Passive lifeboats are now excluded from selection for Course Scheduler module Drills fields Boat No & From Boat No. If already assigned earlier, such values are displayed in grey color.

    APM-3539Forbid to select not accessible crew in Course Scheduler moduleChange RequestModules\Drill and Course Registration

    When using Find Participant form, crew that is linked to Organization that is prohibited for a user (Can Open Client is set to No in Adonis Control Centre) will not be available for selection

    APM-3887Missing replacement functionality when checking Missing Vessel Required CompetenciesBugModules\Position Requirements, Modules\Rotation Planning

    Replacing Competence documents were not taken to count when verifying Missing Vessel Required Competencies

    APM-4233Requirements profile by Vessel is not working properlyBugModules\Position Requirements, Modules\Rotation Planning

    We modified the rules for calculating required value per Safety Level under Requirements By Vessel mode (value shown in brackets next to Safety Level). It is now equal to the number set for Total Number of Certificates Required Onboard

    APM-2421Missing person on the shift after reassign to overlapped shiftBugModules\Rotation Planning

    A person was not assigned to an old shift remainder when re-assigned to a new shift, overlapping in the middle.

    APM-3250Add possibility to insert additional non-sea-service activity in Rotation during Sign Off.Change RequestModules\Rotation Planning

    When performing shift Sign Off it is now possible to add an extra activity to be created in-between sea-service & next upcoming activity

    Image Added

    APM-3590Need to see Gender when adding a pin to a cabinChange RequestCabin Allocation Module

    When assigning a person to a cabin you can instantly check his gender in the newly displayed column of Onboard Crew form

    Image Added

    APM-3723Improve search for assignment of the crew to crew cabins.Change RequestCabin Allocation Module

    It is now possible to search crew not only by pin or name but through all displayed field values, same as through Find Panel in crew list.

    Image Added

    APM-4238Allseas - Crew link E-profile errorBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

    Connection issue when Adonis user operates with a lower Windows version using TLS 1.0, while ATPI only operates with a higher version of the protocol.

    APM-4102Refund status is blocking further processing of the flight bookingsBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

    Added possibility to delete bookings with statuses REFUND_REQUEST и REFUND_UNDER_PROCESS, and allowed to create new booking if a Refund booking exists for the same date

    APM-4244Issues with replication of Crewlink Reference recordsBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

    Internal database changes to prevent possible data duplicates when interface in use on several sites

    APM-4262'Invalid class typecast' error in Crew Change module -> Flight Booking tabBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Crew Change

    Invalid Class Typecast when changing Airport then switching to a different tab

    APM-4250Access violation error in Flight Inbox moduleBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Flight Inbox

    AV when switching between tabs with flight segments expanded


    KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
    APM-3700Automatic payscale assignmentChange RequestPayroll

    It is now possible to define automatic assignment of activity payscale table using the preliminary setup, based on Union & Vessel Type as defined in corresponding fields in Personal Details

    Image Added

    • Open Setup > Tables > Payscale Table By menu and define all used combinations for Payscales, Unions & Vessel Types
    • Enable checkbox Payscale Assignment by Union and Vessel Type in Organization structure > Company > Payroll > General
    • All crew linked under selected Company will have his activities generated with the payscale table that corresponds to person’s Union (as in Personal Details > Employment tab)  & activity Vessel
    APM-4158Accumulators not generated when space in the formulaBugPayroll

    Payroll scripts were not calculating if extra space existed before & after equation sign of the formula

    APM-4255ACH: File ID Modifier should be unique for both Net and Advance PaymentsBugPayroll

    For balance action Automatic Clearing House (export format Bank of America) we implemented interface field File ID. It will display a numeric auto-incremented value in range 1-26, that will correspond to respective alphabet letter A-Z that will appear in the export file position 34

    Image Added

    APM-4170Payment amount is wrong on manual entries entered with currency code before the exchange rates are updated in Gen CodesBugPayroll\Calculation, Payroll\Currency, Setup\General Codes

    Modified calculation of Currency Rate for the current period to be 0 by default (recalculated with General Codes rate when closing month), but with the possibility to manually input rate that will override the one from General Codes & will not be recalculated

    APM-4209Extend the width of the column "Søknadsbeløp" on the Refusjonsoppgave and Inntektsoversikt reportsBugPayroll\Fixed Reports

    Numeric symbol might appear missing on layout field Søknadsbeløp for Norwegian bi-monthly reports Refusjonsoppgave and Inntektsoversikt, although calculated correctly


    KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
    APM-4175Enable Functionality Change RequestActivities affecting Payroll

    Subtask for Automatic Payscale Assignment by Union and Vessel Type - creating option in Organization Structure

    APM-4160Possibility to have more than one entry code created from an allotteeBugAllotment, Datagroups\Family, Payroll

    Please see release notes for APM-4115

    APM-3219Need to modify the timeline in the Course Schedule grid to show valid time.Change RequestCourse Scheduler Module

    We improved the current time line to appear at actual date-time value, instead of always show at 12:00 as before

    Image Added

    APM-4156Include selected calculatedamounts to Navision from payment/advance listBugExport\Import, Payroll

    For those customers that are exporting to their General Ledger system for each payment made out of Adonis. The system now offers to export additional calculated amounts. These calculated amounts are withheld from the end of period GL The entry code(s) used during the payment GL Export are also included at the end of period export,  but only those calculated amounts that are not used in the payment GL Export. 

    Calculated Amounts are only exported if linked to a GL-Account.

    Valid for Visma and Navision

    Image Added

    APM-4187Change County caption to the State captionChange RequestRegions Editor

    Renamed Country’s property from County to State

    APM-4064Database Purge: separate table to store fields DataPurgedAfterDays, PKPurgeQuery and PKRestrictionQueryChange RequestReplicator

    Database modification for compatibility with Adonis Replicator functionality of database purge & satellite purge settings based on replication channels.

    APM-3945Error received while on the process of sending payslip via APM email.BugSend Email

    Canvas Doesn't Allow Drawing when using Crew List > Email Report

    APM-4096Add multicolumn context search in fields definition for Gencodes viewChange RequestSetup\General Codes

    When defining fields list for any General Code view definition, it is now possible to find the needed one using multicolumn context search

    Image Added

    APM-4217Prefix field in notification tasksChange Request

    It is now possible to define the prefix that will be used when creating the filename of a generated report. It is possible to use not only fixed text but to also use fields that are returned in Dynamic Recipients query.

    Image Added

    APM-4241Extension of PW001PAI.Payname character from 35 to 180Bug

    Database modifications to comply between application fields for Family member & Allottee

    APM-4213Table index preventing replicationBug

    Removed unique database index to prevent possible replication issues

    APM-4190Option to "Exclude sign off day from leave earning" must not deduct when there is a position changeBug

    When calculating Leave Days & option Exclude Sign Off Day From Leave Earning was set – situations with promotion & vessel transfer were erroneously processed as off-signing that resulted in wrong leave calculation

    APM-4200Calculation error when using USD1 in scriptBug

    If calculation script used <CURRENCY>1 it could be parsed incorrectly when validating Valuta formula

    APM-4166Travel activity of rotation type is created as currentBug

    Travel activity, created from module was set to Current state although Global Options were set to use Rotation activity type

    APM-4257Cash Balance ActionsChange Request

    For compatibility of module with Master Cash plugin we allowed Cash balance action to be used in Payroll Additional Information & also added balance action Check Onboard

    Database Modifications

    Image Added


    1) dbo.adt_HasRequiredCompetence (@ReqCode VARCHAR(10), @pin INT, @date DATETIME) - table function returning SequenceNo of the highest required person's competence valid on @date considering competence replacement functionality. 
    Valid competence means that the competence doesn't have expiry date or expiry date is greater then @date + IGNORE_EXPIRY_DAYS. Returns NULL if there is no required document and its replacement. 

    2) dbo.adt_ReturnReplacingCode (@pin INT, @ReqCode VARCHAR(10))- table function returning code of the highest existing person's competence considering competence replacement functionality. Returns NULL if there is no required document and its replacement. 

    3) Database modification for compatibility with Adonis Replicator functionality of database purge & satellite purge settings based on replication channels. APM-4064 


    Field name 

    Field Type 









    Varchar (max) 


    Varchar (max) 

    Other Versions 

    Image Added

    Page Properties Report
    cqllabel = "apm-rn"

    Show if

    415203329415203329APM 20Create APM Patch Notes

    Release 2020.30 of the Adonis Personnel Manager is ready and can be downloaded and installed.

    Page Properties

    SoftwareVersionRelease DateDownload Link

    Latest Patch

    Adonis Personnel Manager



    Child pages (Children Display)

    Starting from version 2019.10, APM requires one of the following drivers to be installed on your workstation:

    -ODBC Driver for SQL Server (v.13 or higher)
    -SQL Native Client (v.11 or higher)

    Please note that if you are using Brightwell Plugin, it should be updated to ver. 2020.6.4.2 or higher to work properly with APM 2020.30.  

    Release Highlights 

    Image Added


    In the upcoming replicator release 2020.10 we added the functionality to purge unused and expired crew records from the database when the vessel or site is setup for partial replication. APM Release 2020.30 contains the necessary functionality and database modification to support this functionality. 

    Image Added

    Payscale table assignment by vessel type and union

    This new options allows the system to define which payscale table to be used based on the persons vessel type and union assignment. The person is linked to an union in the personal details deatagroup, while the vessel is found via the persons activity.  The payscale code is defined by the position of the person.   

    Image Added

    Resolved Jira Issues 

    Image Added

    Accounting Interface 

    KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
    APM-4148Navision Export unbalanced debit/credit amounts comparing different currencies


    Accounting Interface

    When creating Accounting Voucher report – it shows accounts that might appear as unbalanced due to the fact that they are steered in different currencies. We exclude such unbalanced lines from the generated file when performing export to Navision

    Bank Interface 

    KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
    APM-4240Bank will not accept the file if they have the same bank counter.BugBank Interface

    When generating Advance List for BDO & RCBC balance actions the number of Batch Counter was stored per user. It is now changed to seamless global value that will be incremented for all users, disregards on who creates a new batch.

    APM-3766Danske Bank - Bank Interface ISO 20022 FormatChange RequestBank Interface/20022

    We provided the possibility to generate telepay file for Danske Bank in ISO20022 format. For this purpose corresponding bank should be defined with Danske Bank value for Bank Transfer property in General Codes > Banks

    Image Added


    KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
    APM-3132Different data in column ‘Modified’ and in ‘Modified’ line in record overviewChange RequestDatagroups\Activities

    For audit trail, we synchronized Modified value with corresponding database field (instead of its GMT equivalent used earlier) & added ChangeTime field to be displayed as well.

    APM-3833Cost place on activity must be set automatically according to rank setup in Gen codesBugDatagroups\Activities, Setup\General Codes

    When generating activity from any application module/datagroup, the Cost Place is automatically set according to Rank setup in General Codes

    APM-3978Adding Travel that overlaps several activitiesChange RequestDatagroups\Activities

    Internal improvements as per existing specified functionality

    APM-3294Replacement functionality for checking requirements by current/promotion rank in Competence datagroupChange RequestDatagroups\Competence

    For Documents Evaluation check we now provide competence replacement to be also performed when evaluating based on Current/Promotion rank requirements

    APM-3295Data input fields in Customized TopicsChange RequestDatagroups\Customized Topics

    We now allow storing data in Customized Topics datagroups as rich text format, allowing various text formatting.

    Image Added

    1. Set a field as Rich Text type under General Codes > Customized > Topics Codes
    2. Access corresponding customized datagroup & select to Edit reach text field
    3. Use enhanced Rich Editor engine to provide extended text formatting
    APM-3844Finnish PersonalID number validationChange RequestDatagroups\Personal Details

    We now provide validation of Finnish personal ID number according to government standards. User will be notified if ID doesn’t meet the requirements. Note that Check Person ID Validity must be set under User Options.

    Image RemovedImage Added

    APM-4115Allotment entries need to be generated from activitiesBugAllotment, Datagroups\Family, Payroll

    We extended the application with the possibility to process multiple entry codes per Allottee family members. The corresponding setup should be done in Organization Structure > Company > Allotment.

    1. Extended settings for First Allottee with Percentage field additionally to Amount
    2. Removed general option & extended it to be set up per Allottee priority & not only if activity exists, but also with the possibility to choose Always or For Each Sea Service Activity
    3. An Allottee of each priority can be set up with multiple entry codes for generation, each with its own setting for Amount & Percentage
    KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release NotesAPM-4238Allseas - Crew link E-profile errorBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

    Connection issue when Adonis user operates with a lower Windows version using TLS 1.0, while ATPI only operates with a higher version of the protocol.

    APM-4102Refund status is blocking further processing of the flight bookingsBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

    Added possibility to delete bookings with statuses REFUND_REQUEST и REFUND_UNDER_PROCESS, and allowed to create new booking if a Refund booking exists for the same date

    APM-4244Issues with replication of Crewlink Reference recordsBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

    Internal database changes to prevent possible data duplicates when interface in use on several sites

    APM-4262'Invalid class typecast' error in Crew Change module -> Flight Booking tabBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Crew Change

    Invalid Class Typecast when changing Airport then switching to a different tab

    APM-4250Access violation error in Flight Inbox moduleBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Flight Inbox

    AV when switching between tabs with flight segments expanded


    KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
    APM-3404On/Off-Signers, Promotion, Travel Confirmation ColumnsChange RequestModules\Crew Change

    In the module’s overview it is now possible to view the number of confirmed records for Sign On / Sign Off / Promotion / Travel

    Image Removed

    APM-3273Travel records are not confirmed in Crew ChangeChange RequestModules\Crew Change

    When setting a Calling Port record to historical but there exist non-confirmed Travel record – the application will raise the warning to verify if you still want to archive this record

    APM-2661Add "All" check box option for sorting crew listsChange RequestModules\Crew List

    All application grids now provide you with Check All option for filtering by column values. It might be useful if you require to include all values but several. Instead of tagging only those necessary you can use Check All to select all values then un-tag those not needed

    Image Removed

    APM-4038Permanent solution for performance loss in the Crew Station Bill moduleChange RequestModules\Crew Station Bill

    We significantly improved module performance when loading data & Requirements Check option is On.

    APM-4205Overlapping drills assignmentBugModules\Drill and Course Registration

    It is now possible to assign crew to drills with overlapping time

    APM-3678Passive Lifeboats/Rafts are not excluded from the listBugModules\Drill and Course Registration

    If a Lifeboat is set to passive under Vessel > Safety > Rescue Stations, the corresponding value is then shown in grey color.

    Passive lifeboats are now excluded from selection for Course Scheduler module Drills fields Boat No & From Boat No. If already assigned earlier, such values are displayed in grey color.

    APM-3539Forbid to select not accessible crew in Course Scheduler moduleChange RequestModules\Drill and Course Registration

    When using Find Participant form, crew that is linked to Organization that is prohibited for a user (Can Open Client is set to No in Adonis Control Centre) will not be available for selection

    APM-3887Missing replacement functionality when checking Missing Vessel Required CompetenciesBugModules\Position Requirements, Modules\Rotation Planning

    Replacing Competence documents were not taken to count when verifying Missing Vessel Required Competencies

    APM-4233Requirements profile by Vessel is not working properlyBugModules\Position Requirements, Modules\Rotation Planning

    We modified the rules for calculating required value per Safety Level under Requirements By Vessel mode (value shown in brackets next to Safety Level). It is now equal to the number set for Total Number of Certificates Required Onboard

    APM-2421Missing person on the shift after reassign to overlapped shiftBugModules\Rotation Planning

    A person was not assigned to an old shift remainder when re-assigned to a new shift, overlapping in the middle.

    APM-3250Add possibility to insert additional non-sea-service activity in Rotation during Sign Off.Change RequestModules\Rotation Planning

    When performing shift Sign Off it is now possible to add an extra activity to be created in-between sea-service & next upcoming activity

    Image Removed

    1. setting for Amount & Percentage


    KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
    APM-3404On/Off-Signers, Promotion, Travel Confirmation ColumnsChange RequestModules\Crew Change

    In the module’s overview it is now possible to view the number of confirmed records for Sign On / Sign Off / Promotion / Travel

    Image Added

    APM-3273Travel records are not confirmed in Crew ChangeChange RequestModules\Crew Change

    When setting a Calling Port record to historical but there exist non-confirmed Travel record – the application will raise the warning to verify if you still want to archive this record

    APM-2661Add "All" check box option for sorting crew listsChange RequestModules\Crew List

    All application grids now provide you with Check All option for filtering by column values. It might be useful if you require to include all values but several. Instead of tagging only those necessary you can use Check All to select all values then un-tag those not needed

    Image Added

    APM-4038Permanent solution for performance loss in the Crew Station Bill moduleChange RequestModules\Crew Station Bill

    We significantly improved module performance when loading data & Requirements Check option is On.

    APM-4205Overlapping drills assignmentBugModules\Drill and Course Registration

    It is now possible to assign crew to drills with overlapping time

    APM-3678Passive Lifeboats/Rafts are not excluded from the listBugModules\Drill and Course Registration

    If a Lifeboat is set to passive under Vessel > Safety > Rescue Stations, the corresponding value is then shown in grey color.

    Passive lifeboats are now excluded from selection for Course Scheduler module Drills fields Boat No & From Boat No. If already assigned earlier, such values are displayed in grey color.

    APM-3539Forbid to select not accessible crew in Course Scheduler moduleChange RequestModules\Drill and Course Registration

    When using Find Participant form, crew that is linked to Organization that is prohibited for a user (Can Open Client is set to No in Adonis Control Centre) will not be available for selection

    APM-3887Missing replacement functionality when checking Missing Vessel Required CompetenciesBugModules\Position Requirements, Modules\Rotation Planning

    Replacing Competence documents were not taken to count when verifying Missing Vessel Required Competencies

    APM-4233Requirements profile by Vessel is not working properlyBugModules\Position Requirements, Modules\Rotation Planning

    We modified the rules for calculating required value per Safety Level under Requirements By Vessel mode (value shown in brackets next to Safety Level). It is now equal to the number set for Total Number of Certificates Required Onboard

    APM-2421Missing person on the shift after reassign to overlapped shiftBugModules\Rotation Planning

    A person was not assigned to an old shift remainder when re-assigned to a new shift, overlapping in the middle.

    APM-3250Add possibility to insert additional non-sea-service activity in Rotation during Sign Off.Change RequestModules\Rotation Planning

    When performing shift Sign Off it is now possible to add an extra activity to be created in-between sea-service & next upcoming activity

    Image Added

    APM-3590Need to see Gender when adding a pin to a cabinChange RequestCabin Allocation Module

    When assigning a person to a cabin you can instantly check his gender in the newly displayed column of Onboard Crew form

    Image Added

    APM-3723Improve search for assignment of the crew to crew cabins.Change RequestCabin Allocation Module

    It is now possible to search crew not only by pin or name but through all displayed field values, same as through Find Panel in crew list.

    Image Added

    APM-4238Allseas - Crew link E-profile errorBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

    Connection issue when Adonis user operates with a lower Windows version using TLS 1.0, while ATPI only operates with a higher version of the protocol.

    APM-4102Refund status is blocking further processing of the flight bookingsBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

    Added possibility to delete bookings with statuses REFUND_REQUEST и REFUND_UNDER_PROCESS, and allowed to create new booking if a Refund booking exists for the same date

    APM-4244Issues with replication of Crewlink Reference recordsBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

    Internal database changes to prevent possible data duplicates when interface in use on several sites

    APM-4262'Invalid class typecast' error in Crew Change module -> Flight Booking tabBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Crew Change

    Invalid Class Typecast when changing Airport then switching to a different tab

    APM-4250Access violation error in Flight Inbox moduleBuginterfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Flight Inbox

    AV when switching between tabs with flight segments expanded


    KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
    APM-3700Automatic payscale assignmentChange RequestPayroll

    It is now possible to define automatic assignment of activity payscale table using the preliminary setup, based on Union & Vessel Type as defined in corresponding fields in Personal Details

    • Open Setup > Tables > Payscale Table By menu and define all used combinations for Payscales, Unions & Vessel Types
    • Enable checkbox Payscale Assignment by Union and Vessel Type in Organization structure > Company > Payroll > General
    • All crew linked under selected Company will have his activities generated with the payscale table that corresponds to person’s Union (as in Personal Details > Employment tab)  & activity Vessel
    APM-4158Accumulators not generated when space in the formulaBugPayroll

    Payroll scripts were not calculating if extra space existed before & after equation sign of the formula

    APM-4255ACH: File ID Modifier should be unique for both Net and Advance PaymentsBugPayroll

    For balance action Automatic Clearing House (export format Bank of America) we implemented interface field File ID. It will display a numeric auto-incremented value in range 1-26, that will correspond to respective alphabet letter A-Z that will appear in the export file position 34

    APM-4170Payment amount is wrong on manual entries entered with currency code before the exchange rates are updated in Gen CodesBugPayroll\Calculation, Payroll\Currency, Setup\General Codes

    Modified calculation of Currency Rate for the current period to be 0 by default (recalculated with General Codes rate when closing month), but with the possibility to manually input rate that will override the one from General Codes & will not be recalculated

    APM-4209Extend the width of the column "Søknadsbeløp" on the Refusjonsoppgave and Inntektsoversikt reportsBugPayroll\Fixed Reports

    Numeric symbol might appear missing on layout field Søknadsbeløp for Norwegian bi-monthly reports Refusjonsoppgave and Inntektsoversikt, although calculated correctly


    KeySummaryIssue TypeComponent(S)Release Notes
    APM-4175Enable Functionality Change RequestActivities affecting Payroll

    Subtask for Automatic Payscale Assignment by Union and Vessel Type - creating option in Organization Structure

    APM-4160Possibility to have more than one entry code created from an allotteeBugAllotment, Datagroups\Family, Payroll

    Please see release notes for APM-4115

    APM-3219Need to modify the timeline in the Course Schedule grid to show valid time.Change RequestCourse Scheduler Module

    We improved the current time line to appear at actual date-time value, instead of always show at 12:00 as before

    APM-4156Include selected calculatedamounts to Navision from payment/advance listBugExport\Import, Payroll

    For those customers that are exporting to their General Ledger system for each payment made out of Adonis. The system now offers to export additional calculated amounts. These calculated amounts are withheld from the end of period GL The entry code(s) used during the payment GL Export are also included at the end of period export,  but only those calculated amounts that are not used in the payment GL Export. 

    Calculated Amounts are only exported if linked to a GL-Account.

    Valid for Visma and Navision

    APM-4187Change County caption to the State captionChange RequestRegions Editor

    Renamed Country’s property from County to State

    APM-4064Database Purge: separate table to store fields DataPurgedAfterDays, PKPurgeQuery and PKRestrictionQueryChange RequestReplicator

    Database modification for compatibility with Adonis Replicator functionality of database purge & satellite purge settings based on replication channels.

    APM-3945Error received while on the process of sending payslip via APM email.BugSend Email

    Canvas Doesn't Allow Drawing when using Crew List > Email Report

    APM-4096Add multicolumn context search in fields definition for Gencodes viewChange RequestSetup\General Codes

    When defining fields list for any General Code view definition, it is now possible to find the needed one using multicolumn context search

    APM-4217Prefix field in notification tasksChange Request

    It is now possible to define the prefix that will be used when creating the filename of a generated report. It is possible to use not only fixed text but to also use fields that are returned in Dynamic Recipients query.

    APM-4241Extension of PW001PAI.Payname character from 35 to 180Bug

    Database modifications to comply between application fields for Family member & Allottee

    APM-4213Table index preventing replicationBug

    Removed unique database index to prevent possible replication issues

    APM-4190Option to "Exclude sign off day from leave earning" must not deduct when there is a position changeBug

    When calculating Leave Days & option Exclude Sign Off Day From Leave Earning was set – situations with promotion & vessel transfer were erroneously processed as off-signing that resulted in wrong leave calculation

    APM-4200Calculation error when using USD1 in scriptBug

    If calculation script used <CURRENCY>1 it could be parsed incorrectly when validating Valuta formula

    APM-4166Travel activity of rotation type is created as currentBug

    Travel activity, created from module was set to Current state although Global Options were set to use Rotation activity type

    APM-4257Cash Balance ActionsChange Request

    For compatibility of module with Master Cash plugin we allowed Cash balance action to be used in Payroll Additional Information & also added balance action Check Onboard

    Database Modifications


    1) dbo.adt_HasRequiredCompetence (@ReqCode VARCHAR(10), @pin INT, @date DATETIME) - table function returning SequenceNo of the highest required person's competence valid on @date considering competence replacement functionality. 
    Valid competence means that the competence doesn't have expiry date or expiry date is greater then @date + IGNORE_EXPIRY_DAYS. Returns NULL if there is no required document and its replacement. 

    2) dbo.adt_ReturnReplacingCode (@pin INT, @ReqCode VARCHAR(10))- table function returning code of the highest existing person's competence considering competence replacement functionality. Returns NULL if there is no required document and its replacement. 

    3) Database modification for compatibility with Adonis Replicator functionality of database purge & satellite purge settings based on replication channels. APM-4064 


    Field name 

    Field Type 












    Varchar (max) 


    Varchar (max) 

    Other Versions 

    Page Properties Report
    cqllabel = "apm-rn"