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The article explains how to update merge documents.


Knowledge Base Article


Merge Document

The article explains how to update merge documents.


A record in Documents module, which we use for “merging“, that is - for picking up crew data - consists of the actual Word template and an sql behind.


The Documents Module is used for storing files, which are used for “merging“. By “merging“ we mean that the system picks up crew data and fetches it into the corresponding Word template with the help of an SQL select statement.

The SQL, together with the bookmarks, defines the database fields


which various info is to be picked up from. So if you need to update what exactly needs to be displayed in the merge document, you might need to have


SQL knowledge


or might need to involve your IT or contact


However, if it is just a Word template that needs to be updated a bit, it is quite easy and does not require any special skills.


Table of Contents

How to

To update the Word template:

  1. Open the Modules → Documents and locate the level where the required document record is seen.


It should not be the upper level <All Documents>, as editing options are disabled on the upper level:


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2. Open the attached


Word file, save it locally, and make the necessary updates.


We recommend enabling hidden characters and formatting symbols


so that you do not jeopardize the bookmarks.


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It can be wise to save the file somewhere to your local before making the changes, in case if you want to revert it all back. Then you have a working valid merge file stored at your local.


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3. Then re-upload it to the system. Ensure you click OK in the Document record to save the file.


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Sometimes the OK button can be disabled due to a reason, so users just close the window, and as a result, the changes are not saved.


Try editing Description, as an example, even if you just add a space and then delete it, in this way you get the OK button enabled and you can be sure the changes you made will save.
