Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Release 2019.40 of the Adonis Personnel Manager is ready and can be downloaded and installed.

Page Properties

SoftwareVersionRelease DateDownload Link

Latest Patch

Adonis Personnel Manager



Child pages (Children Display)

Please note that starting from version 2019.10, APM requires one of the following drivers to be installed on your workstation:

-ODBC Driver for SQL Server (v.13 or higher)
-SQL Native Client (v.11 or higher)

Table of ContentsmaxLevel2excludePatchesclass


Release Highlights 

ATPI Crewlink interface 

We continue to strengthen the interface with ATPI Crewlink and added the following dynamic refrerences; 

Resolved Jira Issues 

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Crew List 

APM-1908Adonis Query tool saves not only the last request.Modules\Crew List

Last set parameters were not remembered per user


APM-2776Timesheets are being transferred to Payroll twice.Datagroups\Timesheets, Payroll\Process Time Sheets

It was possible to click Process Timesheet when a timesheet has already been under processing, which could result in double entries for payroll.

APM-2071Employee information to A-melding changes based on vessel they are onDatagroups\Personal Details

CrewType: identifying if the crew member is joining (joiner) or leaving (leaver) the vessel. 

CurrentUser: User generating the booking 

Activity Position: Returning the cross reference value of the position, If it not exist is uses department or vessels cross reference.

Image Added

General Improvements

Release 2019.40 we have used to fix  minor change and bug requests. In the addition to the traditional gender type, we have added the third gender type unknown. As well we have improved the import of applicant from the Adonis Web Recruitment.  

Resolved Jira Issues 

Image Added

Crew List 

APM-1908Adonis Query tool saves not only the last request.

Last set parameters were not remembered per user


APM-2776Possible to restart the time sheets import when the first process was still running.

It was possible to click Process Timesheet when a timesheet has already been under processing, which could result in double entries for payroll.

APM-2071Employee information to A-melding changes based on vessel they are on

Implemented new EDAG action A-melding (Payroll Only), allowing to only report payroll data excluding Arbeidsforhold.

Implemented option A-melding Reports Virksomhet Based On Entry Employer (Global Options > Payroll > General > EDAG), allowing to report A-Melding for multiple Employers in entries.

Image RemovedIssue

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APM-2252The system doesn't remove a person from the "historical" shift that starts after person's employment end date
Datagroups\Personal Details, Modules\Rotation Planning

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

Need to add more Gender typesDatagroups\Personal Details

New gender type

We added new Gender option Unknown. Corresponding control in user-interface is changed to dropdown menu instead of radiogroup

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Image Added

APM-3173Error when opening Flight
Details datagroupDatagroups\Flight_Details
Details data-group

SQL error when opening datagroup for Manual travel interface.

APM-2929Not possible to add a new item to drop-down list field in Customized topics
Datagroups\Customized Topics, Setup\General Codes

It was not possible to add a new element to list of values offered in drop-down menu.

APM-2547Confirm Sign On with creating of travel activity gives AV error

AV when using Confirm ribbon button & setting Travel activity to be created.

The error during creating of flight record from Activity
datagroup when
data-group when Flight Details
datagroup is
data-group is opened
Datagroups\Activities, Datagroups\Flight_Details

Abstract Error when trying to Book Flight & Flight datagroup is open

APM-955Leave days for planned activities are wrong on the current payslip
Datagroups\Activities, Payroll\PayslipAs certain companies

As certain companies include planned activities & calculate their leave days specifically, we extended Payslip Laser Layout1 with new dialog option, allowing use Estimated End Date of planned activity even if it is out of reported payroll period.

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Image Added

APM-2269Audit Trail of activities should display values related to multiple Leave Accumulators while 'Use Multiple Accumulators' is ON

Improved Audit Trail for proper data-display when Use Multiple Leave Accumulators is set under Global Options > Payroll

The system doesn't remove a person from the "planned" shift when the shift crosses
Empl EndDateDatagroups\Activities, Modules\Rotation Planning
the employees employment end date.

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-2708Not possible to create overlap
Datagroups\Activities, Modules\Rotation Planning

It was not possible to create overlapping historical activities although Allow Overlapping Historical Activities was set for Organization under problem vessel.

APM-2704Overlapping activities

It was possible to create overlapping activities

APM-2219The error raises when tried to create a flight record via Activity datagroup for a person without activities
Datagroups\Activities, Datagroups\Flight_Details

List Index error when trying to Book Flight when no activity exists

APM-3126OK button doesn't work in Activity Details if the opened activity wasn't changed

Not possible to close Activity details using OK button

Ship Owner not displayed
correclty in
correctly in Activity details
Datagroups\ActivitiesProvided database & source code modifications to

Owner/Operator field was incorrectly displayed in activity details

APM-2997Embarkation/Disembarkation Reasons should be stored in one place
Datagroups\Activities, Modules\Crew Change , Modules\Rotation Planning

Provided database & source code modifications to instant update of Embarkation/Disembarkation Reason values between Rotation shifts & corresponding sea-service activities.

APM-2754Changing crew list view with change to current selection does not change current crew member in already
opened datagroupsDatagroups\Activities, Datagroups\Competence, Datagroups\Enclosed Documents, Datagroups\Family, Datagroups\Personal Details, Modules\Crew List
opened data-groups

Switching between different Crew List views with open

datagroups didn’t

playgroups didn’t reload data to newly tagged person

The error during opening 2nd
datagroup if
data-group if 1st opened
datagroup is dockedDatagroup\General
data-group is docked

Component error when opening a

datagroup when

data-group when there is already a docked open



Notification Service 

APM-3046Database changes for Sender setup in NS
Notification Service

Subtask dedicated to database changes for additional setup fields

APM-3047UI changes to provide Sender setup for a Notification Task
Notification ServiceSubtask

Subtask for UI changes for new Notification Task fields setup


APM-2689Display User name as "Seagull" and Issued Place - "eLearning" for competences imported from Seagull

If a competence is issued through Seagull interface, record shows Issued Place as ‘eLearning’, User Name as ‘Seagull’

Dynamic Selection Position need to be recursiveinterfaces\ATPI

New dynamic reference Activity - Position (recursive)

Added new Dynamic Reference type Activity – Position (Recursive) fetching corresponding Department or Vessel if XREF for below Org.unit is empty.

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APM-2962Need to additional global booking references Booked By and Passenger Type

Added new Dynamic Reference types for Crew Type & Current User Name

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APM-2974Crew Link - two new dynamic selections; Airport- Departure, and Airport Arrival

Added new Dynamic References for Activity – Departure Airport & Activity – Arrival Airport.

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APM-3022Embarking/ Disembarking reason in Activity are empty as they are not updated by the values entered in Crew Change module

Embarkation / Disembarkation Reason fields were not mutually updated with values set in Rotation Planning or Crew Change module

3110Pending Confirmation tab isn't refreshed for the onsignersinterfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Crew Change

Improved performance for loading of booking form

APM-2972Crew Change - Flight Bookings extra column Departmentinterfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Crew Change

We added Department column to be displayed in Crew Change booking screen.

APM-3009Booking should not contain email and phone number (GDPR)interfaces\ATPI CrewlinkWe removed email & phone number from booking request for GDPR
3009Booking should not contain email and phone number (GDPR)Crewlink

We removed email & phone number from booking request for GDPR compliance.

Rotation Planning 

APM-2767Add possibility to create sea-service activity as a Gap
from rotaionModules\Rotation PlanningAdded
from rotation

Added possibility to select activity codes defined as sea-service when creating a gap activity after shift modification

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APM-2744Show gender on Rotation Shifts
Modules\Rotation Planning

We added field to display Gender of a person assigned to a shift.

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APM-2671Indication on Notes icon, that notes exist
Modules\Rotation Planning

We provided a specific icon that clearly indicates if a record exists at Notes tab

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Image Added

Crew Change 

APM-3199Disembarkation reason in Activity not updated from Crew Change via Common Entry
Modules\Crew Change

Disembarkation Reason was not updated into activity if using grid Column Common Entry.

3060Crew change, remove a person from Off Signing leads to SEQNO error.Modules\Crew Change

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-3203Crew Change - snap a person to the earlier port doesn't remove it from previous portModules\Crew Change

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-1185Not allow to create overlapping ports for one and the same vessel on the same dateModules\Crew ChangeProvided validation, preventing from possibility to create Crew Change records with overlapping Date/Time for the same vessel. Validation is applied both to interface & Import Calling Ports tool
1185Not allow to create overlapping ports for one and the same vessel on the same date

Provided validation, preventing from possibility to create Crew Change records with overlapping Date/Time for the same vessel. Validation is applied both to interface & Import Calling Ports tool

APM-3110Pending Confirmation tab isn't refreshed for the onsignersImproved performance for loading of booking form
APM-2972Crew Change - Flight Bookings extra column DepartmentWe added Department column to be displayed in Crew Change booking screen.


APM-2741Customization is not saved

Columns’ hidden state was not remembered per user.


APM-2782Script Editor replaces the latest updated script with the previous revision update

Unmodified (but previously opened) scripts were replacing another script being modified and saved by another user

APM-3075Automatically re-authenticate if token TTL is expired
Payroll\Process Time Sheets

Internal improvements for token re-authentication when working with APP services

APM-1698Sent payslip log contains wrong information



log was not showing crew with the same names that made a Send list look incomplete

APM-3175Fields Setting issue for
OvertimePayroll\PayscalesFields L40
payroll processing Timesheets

Fields L40, L41, L42 were not available for the selection in Fields Setting for Overtime setup on specific Entry Code

2703German bank balance action cannot be selected on the PAIPayroll\Payroll Additional Info

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

2844ECs 994, 995, 996 pick up vessel from the last activity even if this activity doesn't generate any ECs.
Payroll\Entry Codes

Changed value to be fetched into Vessel for ECs 994, 995, 996. Earlier it was fetched from the last existing activity in the period, now it is from the last activity that has linked payroll transactions being created. Criteria is only valid if By Employer option is set (Organization Structure > Company > Payroll > Payment > Generate Payment Entry).

APM-3086ECs 995/996 are generated with the Calculatedamount1=0
Payroll\Calculation, Payroll\Entry Codes

Brought Forward / Carry Forward values were generated with 0 amounts due to erroneous decimal part

2665Payroll user options have been lostPayroll\Annual Summary, User Options

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

3125Possibility to overwrite the Currency rates in General Codes

Enabled possibility to use L84 in payroll scripts. This can be used for overwriting Currency Rate for Payment which is set from General Code rate value by default.

APM-3154Error when preview or send customized payslip for some crew
Payroll, Payroll\Email reports

Error when emailing customized Payslip report & APP service returns error

APM-2770Needed to increase the number of characters for Alternative Receiver > "Name" field

Extended field Alternative Receiver to 35 characters.

APM-2457Annual Compilation "Årlig Sammenstilling" report by Employer
Payroll, Payroll\Fixed Reports

For A-Melding we provided new report options By Employer and Individual Persons In Crew List. They allow to cover situations if a person has payroll with several Companies from Organization Structure, to report his transactions which are linked to corresponding Virksomhet. Report selection will be no more based on person’s link to a Company under Personal Details.

APM-2639Payslip performance issue

Internal improvements for using APP methods that allow to increase performance for customized Payslip report that display APP Timesheets data.

2681Cannot create 'E-Banking(Mammut)' payment filePayroll

Issue foun & fixed during int.testing

APM-2684Hellenic bank telepay payment file cannot be createdPayroll

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-2707Metrobank payment file cannot be createdPayroll

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-3194Payroll Details form - Entryfield3 bloсks input to another fieldsPayroll

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-2677Nothing happens when you doing Electronic Payment -> Chase ManhattanPayroll

Removed Chase Manhattan from the list of available elements under Electronic Payments as not maintaned

APM-2534Need to create a common entry function for E-mail Payslip check-box under Payroll > Payment > e-mail Payslip tabPayroll

We provided possibility to set Payslip Output to Email through Common Entry > Payslip Output menu. User should have access to routine 439 Payment set in Adonis Control Centre

Image Removed

APM-3116Improvement with Payroll -> EDAG for multiple "Virksomhet"Norwegian Payroll

Improved EDAG tab to display data in more user-friendly way when A-melding Reports Virksomhet Based On Entry Employer is set under Global Options > Payroll > General > EDAG

Image Removed

APM-3145ISO 20022 BNP Paribas file is wrong for International paymentsBank Interface/20022

To keep in compliance with BNP ISO requirements (for International payment format) we removed <Category Purpose> tag and replaced <SvcLvl>-<Cd> with <InstrPrty> (available values HIGH & NORM)

APM-2231The system should check for the correspondence of employment start date to the activity start dateActivities affecting Payroll

Improved validation for Change Employment State wizard if a person’s status is set to Employed, but there exists an activity with Date From earlier than set Employment Start & payroll transactions related. Wizard will provide informative message with possibility to cancel changes to avoid mis-paid activity days.


KeySummaryComponent(S)ReleasenotesAPM-3043Special characters are not displayed correctly for imported ApplicantsTools\Import

Characters of UTF-8 charset were not imported properly

APM-3153AV on attemt to test settings for import of web applicantsTools\Import

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-3104IR7 Taxisnet - changes-3 for year 2019Tools\Export

Interface is improved to follow latest IR7 requirements as per below:

  • T.I.C. values in Declaration section are hardcoded to display 00752884H
  • updated fields epr7m3t0r17c1 and epr7m6t0r1c19f to show CalcAmount2 for EC692
  • improved dialog & logic with possibility to operate with multiple periods instead of one

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APM-2715Changes will be saved without asking a user after Regions Editor had been closedRegions Editor

Added “Do you want to save” dialog instead of default saving of input changes

APM-2698Allow overlapping history activityOrganization

Option Allow Overlapping History Activities has been moved from Company > Payroll to Company > Modules & Datagroups > Activities, as it should be available even if Payroll is not in use by a customer

Image Removed

APM-3142Creation of the field is missed from upgrade scriptInstallation Set

SQL error due to database field not created upon installation

APM-2793Need to add a new option to the setup of Web Applicants importImport of approved applicants

We added possibility to import applicants without defining their status as Active/Deactive. Employment State of imported persons will not be set to any value

Image Removed

APM-3180Custom Export not exporting decimalsExport\Import

It was not possible to export decimal records although Show Fractional Part was set

APM-2652Crewing user not able to confirm Crew ChangeActivities affecting Payroll, Modules\Crew Change

Payroll validation based on routines 237/238 was applied wrong when confirming Sign Off

APM-2846Drug & Alcohol view available for user with no accessACC, Datagroups\Appraisals

Drug & Alcohol view was available for a user even if access rights were prohibited for routine 241 in Adonis Control Centre

APM-3117Previous login session for ACC isn't closedACC

Issue found & fixed during int.testing


KeySummaryComponent(S)ReleasenotesAPM-2811Notification Service - Set sender email address and sender name for each task

Provided possibility to setup Sender Email & Sender Name to be used in sent email per each task. Note that your Notification Service should be updated to the latest version of Notification Service 2019.10

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APM-2881Error message when approving a document in WDA

We extended Comments field to contain up to 500 symbols.

APM-3043Special characters are not displayed correctly for imported ApplicantsTools\Import

Characters of UTF-8 charset were not imported properly

APM-3153AV on attemt to test settings for import of web applicantsTools\Import

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-3104IR7 Taxisnet - changes-3 for year 2019Tools\Export

Interface is improved to follow latest IR7 requirements as per below:

  • T.I.C. values in Declaration section are hardcoded to display 00752884H
  • updated fields epr7m3t0r17c1 and epr7m6t0r1c19f to show CalcAmount2 for EC692
  • improved dialog & logic with possibility to operate with multiple periods instead of one

Image Removed

APM-2741Customization is not savedReplicator

Columns’ hidden state was not remembered per user.

APM-2715Changes will be saved without asking a user after Regions Editor had been closedRegions Editor

Added “Do you want to save” dialog instead of default saving of input changes

APM-2782Script Editor replaces the latest updated script with the previous revision updatePayroll\Scripts

Unmodified (but previously opened) scripts were replacing another script being modified and saved by another user

APM-3075Automatically re-authenticate if token TTL is expiredPayroll\Process Time Sheets

Internal improvements for token re-authentication when working with APP services

APM-1698Sent payslip log contains wrong informationPayroll\Payslip

Payslip log was not showing crew with the same names that made a Send list look incomplete

APM-3175Fields Setting issue for OvertimePayroll\Payscales

Fields L40, L41, L42 were not available for the selection in Fields Setting for Overtime setup on specific Entry Code

APM-2703German bank balance action cannot be selected on the PAIPayroll\Payroll Additional Info

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-2844ECs 994, 995, 996 pick up vessel from the last activity even if this activity doesn't generate any ECs.Payroll\Entry Codes

Changed value to be fetched into Vessel for ECs 994, 995, 996. Earlier it was fetched from the last existing activity in the period, now it is from the last activity that has linked payroll transactions being created. Criteria is only valid if By Employer option is set (Organization Structure > Company > Payroll > Payment > Generate Payment Entry).

APM-3086ECs 995/996 are generated with the Calculatedamount1=0Payroll\Calculation, Payroll\Entry Codes

Brought Forward / Carry Forward values were generated with 0 amounts due to erroneous decimal part

APM-2665Payroll user options have been lostPayroll\Annual Summary, User Options

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-3125Possibility to overwrite the Currency rates in General CodesPayroll

Enabled possibility to use L84 in payroll scripts. This can be used for overwriting Currency Rate for Payment which is set from General Code rate value by default.

APM-3154Error when preview or send customized payslip for some crewPayroll, Payroll\Email reports

Error when emailing customized Payslip report & APP service returns error

APM-2770Needed to increase the number of characters for Alternative Receiver > "Name" fieldPayroll

Extended field Alternative Receiver to 35 characters.

APM-2457Annual Compilation "Årlig Sammenstilling" report by EmployerPayroll, Payroll\Fixed Reports

For A-Melding we provided new report options By Employer and Individual Persons In Crew List. They allow to cover situations if a person has payroll with several Companies from Organization Structure, to report his transactions which are linked to corresponding Virksomhet. Report selection will be no more based on person’s link to a Company under Personal Details.

APM-2639Payslip performance issuePayroll

Internal improvements for using APP methods that allow to increase performance for customized Payslip report that display APP Timesheets data.

APM-2681Cannot create 'E-Banking(Mammut)' payment filePayroll

Issue foun & fixed during int.testing

APM-2684Hellenic bank telepay payment file cannot be createdPayroll
2677Nothing happens when you doing Electronic Payment -> Chase Manhattan

Removed Chase Manhattan from the list of available elements under Electronic Payments as not maintaned

APM-2534Need to create a common entry function for E-mail Payslip check-box under Payroll > Payment > e-mail Payslip tab

We provided possibility to set Payslip Output to Email through Common Entry > Payslip Output menu. User should have access to routine 439 Payment set in Adonis Control Centre

Image Added

APM-3116Improvement with Payroll -> EDAG for multiple "Virksomhet"

Improved EDAG tab to display data in more user-friendly way when A-melding Reports Virksomhet Based On Entry Employer is set under Global Options > Payroll > General > EDAG

Image Added

APM-3145ISO 20022 BNP Paribas file is wrong for International payments

To keep in compliance with BNP ISO requirements (for International payment format) we removed <Category Purpose> tag and replaced <SvcLvl>-<Cd> with <InstrPrty> (available values HIGH & NORM)

APM-2231The system should check for the correspondence of employment start date to the activity start date

Improved validation for Change Employment State wizard if a person’s status is set to Employed, but there exists an activity with Date From earlier than set Employment Start & payroll transactions related. Wizard will provide informative message with possibility to cancel changes to avoid mis-paid activity days.


APM-3043Special characters are not displayed correctly for imported ApplicantsTools\Import

Characters of UTF-8 charset were not imported properly

APM-3153AV on attemt to test settings for import of web applicantsTools\Import

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-3104IR7 Taxisnet - changes-3 for year 2019Tools\Export

Interface is improved to follow latest IR7 requirements as per below:

  • T.I.C. values in Declaration section are hardcoded to display 00752884H
  • updated fields epr7m3t0r17c1 and epr7m6t0r1c19f to show CalcAmount2 for EC692
  • improved dialog & logic with possibility to operate with multiple periods instead of one

Image Added

APM-2715Changes will be saved without asking a user after Regions Editor had been closedRegions Editor

Added “Do you want to save” dialog instead of default saving of input changes

APM-2698Allow overlapping history activityOrganization

Option Allow Overlapping History Activities has been moved from Company > Payroll to Company > Modules & Datagroups > Activities, as it should be available even if Payroll is not in use by a customer

Image Added

APM-3142Creation of the field is missed from upgrade scriptInstallation Set

SQL error due to database field not created upon installation

APM-2793Need to add a new option to the setup of Web Applicants importImport of approved applicants

We added possibility to import applicants without defining their status as Active/Deactive. Employment State of imported persons will not be set to any value

Image Added

APM-3180Custom Export not exporting decimalsExport\Import

It was not possible to export decimal records although Show Fractional Part was set

APM-2652Crewing user not able to confirm Crew ChangeActivities affecting Payroll, Modules\Crew Change

Payroll validation based on routines 237/238 was applied wrong when confirming Sign Off

APM-2846Drug & Alcohol view available for user with no accessACC, Datagroups\Appraisals

Drug & Alcohol view was available for a user even if access rights were prohibited for routine 241 in Adonis Control Centre

APM-3117Previous login session for ACC isn't closedACC

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

Database Modifications

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Field name 

Field Type 



Varchar (35) 



Varchar (35) 




Varchar (50) 

Varchar (100) 






Varchar (10) 














Varchar (500) 

Other Versions 

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Page Properties Report
cqllabel = "apm-rn"

Release 2019.40 of the Adonis Personnel Manager is ready and can be downloaded and installed.

Page Properties

SoftwareVersionRelease DateDownload Link

Latest Patch

Adonis Personnel Manager



Child pages (Children Display)

Please note that starting from version 2019.10, APM requires one of the following drivers to be installed on your workstation:

-ODBC Driver for SQL Server (v.13 or higher)
-SQL Native Client (v.11 or higher)

Release Highlights 

Image Added

ATPI Crewlink interface 

We continue to strengthen the interface with ATPI Crewlink and added the following dynamic refrerences; 
CrewType: identifying if the crew member is joining (joiner) or leaving (leaver) the vessel. 

CurrentUser: User generating the booking 

Activity Position: Returning the cross reference value of the position, If it not exist is uses department or vessels cross reference.

Image Added

General Improvements

Release 2019.40 we have used to fix  minor change and bug requests. In the addition to the traditional gender type, we have added the third gender type unknown. As well we have improved the import of applicant from the Adonis Web Recruitment.  

Resolved Jira Issues 

Image Added

Crew List 

APM-1908Adonis Query tool saves not only the last request.

Last set parameters were not remembered per user


APM-2776Possible to restart the time sheets import when the first process was still running.

It was possible to click Process Timesheet when a timesheet has already been under processing, which could result in double entries for payroll.

APM-2071Employee information to A-melding changes based on vessel they are on

Implemented new EDAG action A-melding (Payroll Only), allowing to only report payroll data excluding Arbeidsforhold.

Implemented option A-melding Reports Virksomhet Based On Entry Employer (Global Options > Payroll > General > EDAG), allowing to report A-Melding for multiple Employers in entries.

Image Added

APM-2252The system doesn't remove a person from the "historical" shift that starts after person's employment end date

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

New gender type

We added new Gender option Unknown. Corresponding control in user-interface is changed to dropdown menu instead of radiogroup

Image Added

APM-3173Error when opening Flight Details data-group

SQL error when opening datagroup for Manual travel interface.

APM-2929Not possible to add a new item to drop-down list field in Customized topics

It was not possible to add a new element to list of values offered in drop-down menu.

APM-2547Confirm Sign On with creating of travel activity gives AV error

AV when using Confirm ribbon button & setting Travel activity to be created.

The error during creating of flight record from Activity data-group when Flight Details data-group is opened

Abstract Error when trying to Book Flight & Flight datagroup is open

APM-955Leave days for planned activities are wrong on the current payslip

As certain companies include planned activities & calculate their leave days specifically, we extended Payslip Laser Layout1 with new dialog option, allowing use Estimated End Date of planned activity even if it is out of reported payroll period.

Image Added

APM-2269Audit Trail of activities should display values related to multiple Leave Accumulators while 'Use Multiple Accumulators' is ON

Improved Audit Trail for proper data-display when Use Multiple Leave Accumulators is set under Global Options > Payroll

The system doesn't remove a person from the "planned" shift when the shift crosses the employees employment end date.

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

2707Metrobank payment file cannot be createdPayroll

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-3194Payroll Details form - Entryfield3 bloсks input to another fieldsPayroll

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-2677Nothing happens when you doing Electronic Payment -> Chase ManhattanPayroll

Removed Chase Manhattan from the list of available elements under Electronic Payments as not maintaned

APM-2534Need to create a common entry function for E-mail Payslip check-box under Payroll > Payment > e-mail Payslip tabPayroll

We provided possibility to set Payslip Output to Email through Common Entry > Payslip Output menu. User should have access to routine 439 Payment set in Adonis Control Centre

Image Removed

APM-2698Allow overlapping history activityOrganization

Option Allow Overlapping History Activities has been moved from Company > Payroll to Company > Modules & Datagroups > Activities, as it should be available even if Payroll is not in use by a customer

Image Removed

APM-3046Database changes for Sender setup in NSNotification Service

Subtask dedicated to database changes for additional setup fields

APM-3047UI changes to provide Sender setup for a Notification TaskNotification Service

Subtask for UI changes for new Notification Task fields setup

APM-3116Improvement with Payroll -> EDAG for multiple "Virksomhet"Norwegian Payroll

Improved EDAG tab to display data in more user-friendly way when A-melding Reports Virksomhet Based On Entry Employer is set under Global Options > Payroll > General > EDAG

Image Removed

APM-2767Add possibility to create sea-service activity as a Gap from rotaionModules\Rotation Planning

Added possibility to select activity codes defined as sea-service when creating a gap activity after shift modification

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APM-2744Show gender on Rotation ShiftsModules\Rotation Planning

We added field to display Gender of a person assigned to a shift.

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APM-2671Indication on Notes icon, that notes existModules\Rotation Planning

We provided a specific icon that clearly indicates if a record exists at Notes tab

Image Removed

APM-1908Adonis Query tool saves not only the last request.Modules\Crew List

Last set parameters were not remembered per user

APM-3199Disembarkation reason in Activity not updated from Crew Change via Common EntryModules\Crew Change

Disembarkation Reason was not updated into activity if using grid Column Common Entry.

APM-3060Crew change, remove a person from Off Signing leads to SEQNO error.Modules\Crew Change

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-3203Crew Change - snap a person to the earlier port doesn't remove it from previous portModules\Crew Change

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-1185Not allow to create overlapping ports for one and the same vessel on the same dateModules\Crew Change

Provided validation, preventing from possibility to create Crew Change records with overlapping Date/Time for the same vessel. Validation is applied both to interface & Import Calling Ports tool

APM-2689Display User name as "Seagull" and Issued Place - "eLearning" for competences imported from Seagullinterfaces\Seagull

If a competence is issued through Seagull interface, record shows Issued Place as ‘eLearning’, User Name as ‘Seagull’

APM-3139Dynamic Selection Position need to be recursiveinterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

Added new Dynamic Reference type Activity – Position (Recursive) fetching corresponding Department or Vessel if XREF for below Org.unit is empty.

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APM-2962Need to additional global booking references Booked By and Passenger Typeinterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

Added new Dynamic Reference types for Crew Type & Current User Name

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APM-2974Crew Link - two new dynamic selections; Airport- Departure, and Airport Arrivalinterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

Added new Dynamic References for Activity – Departure Airport & Activity – Arrival Airport.

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APM-3022Embarking/ Disembarking reason in Activity are empty as they are not updated by the values entered in Crew Change moduleinterfaces\ATPI Crewlink

Embarkation / Disembarkation Reason fields were not mutually updated with values set in Rotation Planning or Crew Change module

APM-3110Pending Confirmation tab isn't refreshed for the onsignersinterfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Crew ChangeImproved performance
2708Not possible to create overlap

It was not possible to create overlapping historical activities although Allow Overlapping Historical Activities was set for Organization under problem vessel.

APM-2704Overlapping activities

It was possible to create overlapping activities

APM-2219The error raises when tried to create a flight record via Activity datagroup for a person without activities

List Index error when trying to Book Flight when no activity exists

APM-3126OK button doesn't work in Activity Details if the opened activity wasn't changed

Not possible to close Activity details using OK button

Ship Owner not displayed correctly in Activity details

Owner/Operator field was incorrectly displayed in activity details

APM-2997Embarkation/Disembarkation Reasons should be stored in one place

Provided database & source code modifications to instant update of Embarkation/Disembarkation Reason values between Rotation shifts & corresponding sea-service activities.

APM-2754Changing crew list view with change to current selection does not change current crew member in already opened data-groups

Switching between different Crew List views with open playgroups didn’t reload data to newly tagged person

The error during opening 2nd data-group if 1st opened data-group is docked

Component error when opening a data-group when there is already a docked open data-group.

Notification Service 

APM-3046Database changes for Sender setup in NS

Subtask dedicated to database changes for additional setup fields

APM-3047UI changes to provide Sender setup for a Notification Task

Subtask for UI changes for new Notification Task fields setup


APM-2689Display User name as "Seagull" and Issued Place - "eLearning" for competences imported from SeagullSeagull

If a competence is issued through Seagull interface, record shows Issued Place as ‘eLearning’, User Name as ‘Seagull’

New dynamic reference Activity - Position (recursive)

Added new Dynamic Reference type Activity – Position (Recursive) fetching corresponding Department or Vessel if XREF for below Org.unit is empty.

Image Added

APM-2962Need to additional global booking references Booked By and Passenger TypeCrewlink

Added new Dynamic Reference types for Crew Type & Current User Name

Image Added

APM-2974Crew Link - two new dynamic selections; Airport- Departure, and Airport ArrivalCrewlink

Added new Dynamic References for Activity – Departure Airport & Activity – Arrival Airport.

Image Added

APM-3022Embarking/ Disembarking reason in Activity are empty as they are not updated by the values entered in Crew Change moduleCrewlink

Embarkation / Disembarkation Reason fields were not mutually updated with values set in Rotation Planning or Crew Change module

APM-3009Booking should not contain email and phone number (GDPR)Crewlink

We removed email & phone number from booking request for GDPR compliance.

Rotation Planning 

APM-2767Add possibility to create sea-service activity as a Gap from rotation

Added possibility to select activity codes defined as sea-service when creating a gap activity after shift modification

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APM-2744Show gender on Rotation Shifts

We added field to display Gender of a person assigned to a shift.

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APM-2671Indication on Notes icon, that notes exist

We provided a specific icon that clearly indicates if a record exists at Notes tab

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Crew Change 

APM-3199Disembarkation reason in Activity not updated from Crew Change via Common Entry

Disembarkation Reason was not updated into activity if using grid Column Common Entry.

APM-1185Not allow to create overlapping ports for one and the same vessel on the same date

Provided validation, preventing from possibility to create Crew Change records with overlapping Date/Time for the same vessel. Validation is applied both to interface & Import Calling Ports tool

APM-3110Pending Confirmation tab isn't refreshed for the onsignersImproved performance for loading of booking form
APM-2972Crew Change - Flight Bookings extra column Department
interfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Crew Change
We added Department column to be displayed in Crew Change booking screen.


Booking should not contain email and phone number (GDPR)interfaces\ATPI Crewlink

We removed email & phone number from booking request for GDPR compliance.

APM-3142Creation of the field is missed from upgrade scriptInstallation Set

SQL error due to database field not created upon installation

APM-2793Need to add a new option to the setup of Web Applicants importImport of approved applicants

We added possibility to import applicants without defining their status as Active/Deactive. Employment State of imported persons will not be set to any value

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APM-3180Custom Export not exporting decimalsExport\Import

It was not possible to export decimal records although Show Fractional Part was set

APM-2776Timesheets are being transferred to Payroll twice.Datagroups\Timesheets, Payroll\Process Time Sheets

It was possible to click Process Timesheet when a timesheet has already been under processing, which could result in double entries for payroll.

APM-2071Employee information to A-melding changes based on vessel they are onDatagroups\Personal Details

Implemented new EDAG action A-melding (Payroll Only), allowing to only report payroll data excluding Arbeidsforhold.

Implemented option A-melding Reports Virksomhet Based On Entry Employer (Global Options > Payroll > General > EDAG), allowing to report A-Melding for multiple Employers in entries.

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APM-2252The system doesn't remove a person from the "historical" shift that starts after person's employment end dateDatagroups\Personal Details, Modules\Rotation Planning

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-2747Need to add more Gender typesDatagroups\Personal Details

We added new Gender option Unknown. Corresponding control in user-interface is changed to dropdown menu instead of radiogroup

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APM-3173Error when opening Flight Details datagroupDatagroups\Flight_Details

SQL error when opening datagroup for Manual travel interface.

APM-2929Not possible to add a new item to drop-down list field in Customized topicsDatagroups\Customized Topics, Setup\General Codes

It was not possible to add a new element to list of values offered in drop-down menu.

APM-2547Confirm Sign On with creating of travel activity gives AV errorDatagroups\Activities

AV when using Confirm ribbon button & setting Travel activity to be created.

APM-2214The error during creating of flight record from Activity datagroup when Flight Details datagroup is openedDatagroups\Activities, Datagroups\Flight_Details

Abstract Error when trying to Book Flight & Flight datagroup is open

APM-955Leave days for planned activities are wrong on the current payslipDatagroups\Activities, Payroll\Payslip

As certain companies include planned activities & calculate their leave days specifically, we extended Payslip Laser Layout1 with new dialog option, allowing use Estimated End Date of planned activity even if it is out of reported payroll period.

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APM-2269Audit Trail of activities should display values related to multiple Leave Accumulators while 'Use Multiple Accumulators' is ONDatagroups\Activities

Improved Audit Trail for proper data-display when Use Multiple Leave Accumulators is set under Global Options > Payroll

APM-2272The system doesn't remove a person from the "planned" shift when the shift crosses Empl EndDateDatagroups\Activities, Modules\Rotation Planning

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-2708Not possible to create overlapDatagroups\Activities, Modules\Rotation Planning

It was not possible to create overlapping historical activities although Allow Overlapping Historical Activities was set for Organization under problem vessel.

APM-2704Overlapping activitiesDatagroups\Activities

It was possible to create overlapping activities

APM-2219The error raises when tried to create a flight record via Activity datagroup for a person without activitiesDatagroups\Activities, Datagroups\Flight_Details

List Index error when trying to Book Flight when no activity exists

APM-3126OK button doesn't work in Activity Details if the opened activity wasn't changedDatagroups\Activities

Not possible to close Activity details using OK button

APM-2799Ship Owner not displayed correclty in Activity detailsDatagroups\Activities

Owner/Operator field was incorrectly displayed in activity details

APM-2997Embarkation/Disembarkation Reasons should be stored in one placeDatagroups\Activities, Modules\Crew Change , Modules\Rotation Planning

Provided database & source code modifications to instant update of Embarkation/Disembarkation Reason values between Rotation shifts & corresponding sea-service activities.

APM-2754Changing crew list view with change to current selection does not change current crew member in already opened datagroupsDatagroups\Activities, Datagroups\Competence, Datagroups\Enclosed Documents, Datagroups\Family, Datagroups\Personal Details, Modules\Crew List

Switching between different Crew List views with open datagroups didn’t reload data to newly tagged person

APM-2442The error during opening 2nd datagroup if 1st opened datagroup is dockedDatagroup\General

Component error when opening a datagroup when there is already a docked open datagroup.

APM-3145ISO 20022 BNP Paribas file is wrong for International paymentsBank Interface/20022

To keep in compliance with BNP ISO requirements (for International payment format) we removed <Category Purpose> tag and replaced <SvcLvl>-<Cd> with <InstrPrty> (available values HIGH & NORM)

APM-2231The system should check for the correspondence of employment start date to the activity start dateActivities affecting Payroll

Improved validation for Change Employment State wizard if a person’s status is set to Employed, but there exists an activity with Date From earlier than set Employment Start & payroll transactions related. Wizard will provide informative message with possibility to cancel changes to avoid mis-paid activity days.

APM-2652Crewing user not able to confirm Crew ChangeActivities affecting Payroll, Modules\Crew Change

Payroll validation based on routines 237/238 was applied wrong when confirming Sign Off

APM-2846Drug & Alcohol view available for user with no accessACC, Datagroups\Appraisals

Drug & Alcohol view was available for a user even if access rights were prohibited for routine 241 in Adonis Control Centre

APM-3117Previous login session for ACC isn't closedACCIssue found & fixed during int.testing
Customization is not saved

Columns’ hidden state was not remembered per user.


APM-2782Script Editor replaces the latest updated script with the previous revision update

Unmodified (but previously opened) scripts were replacing another script being modified and saved by another user

APM-3075Automatically re-authenticate if token TTL is expired

Internal improvements for token re-authentication when working with APP services

APM-1698Sent payslip log contains wrong information

Payslip log was not showing crew with the same names that made a Send list look incomplete

APM-3175Fields Setting issue for payroll processing Timesheets

Fields L40, L41, L42 were not available for the selection in Fields Setting for Overtime setup on specific Entry Code

APM-2844ECs 994, 995, 996 pick up vessel from the last activity even if this activity doesn't generate any ECs.

Changed value to be fetched into Vessel for ECs 994, 995, 996. Earlier it was fetched from the last existing activity in the period, now it is from the last activity that has linked payroll transactions being created. Criteria is only valid if By Employer option is set (Organization Structure > Company > Payroll > Payment > Generate Payment Entry).

APM-3086ECs 995/996 are generated with the Calculatedamount1=0

Brought Forward / Carry Forward values were generated with 0 amounts due to erroneous decimal part

APM-3125Possibility to overwrite the Currency rates in General Codes

Enabled possibility to use L84 in payroll scripts. This can be used for overwriting Currency Rate for Payment which is set from General Code rate value by default.

APM-3154Error when preview or send customized payslip for some crew

Error when emailing customized Payslip report & APP service returns error

APM-2770Needed to increase the number of characters for Alternative Receiver > "Name" field

Extended field Alternative Receiver to 35 characters.

APM-2457Annual Compilation "Årlig Sammenstilling" report by Employer

For A-Melding we provided new report options By Employer and Individual Persons In Crew List. They allow to cover situations if a person has payroll with several Companies from Organization Structure, to report his transactions which are linked to corresponding Virksomhet. Report selection will be no more based on person’s link to a Company under Personal Details.

APM-2639Payslip performance issue

Internal improvements for using APP methods that allow to increase performance for customized Payslip report that display APP Timesheets data.

APM-2677Nothing happens when you doing Electronic Payment -> Chase Manhattan

Removed Chase Manhattan from the list of available elements under Electronic Payments as not maintaned

APM-2534Need to create a common entry function for E-mail Payslip check-box under Payroll > Payment > e-mail Payslip tab

We provided possibility to set Payslip Output to Email through Common Entry > Payslip Output menu. User should have access to routine 439 Payment set in Adonis Control Centre

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APM-3116Improvement with Payroll -> EDAG for multiple "Virksomhet"

Improved EDAG tab to display data in more user-friendly way when A-melding Reports Virksomhet Based On Entry Employer is set under Global Options > Payroll > General > EDAG

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APM-3145ISO 20022 BNP Paribas file is wrong for International payments

To keep in compliance with BNP ISO requirements (for International payment format) we removed <Category Purpose> tag and replaced <SvcLvl>-<Cd> with <InstrPrty> (available values HIGH & NORM)

APM-2231The system should check for the correspondence of employment start date to the activity start date

Improved validation for Change Employment State wizard if a person’s status is set to Employed, but there exists an activity with Date From earlier than set Employment Start & payroll transactions related. Wizard will provide informative message with possibility to cancel changes to avoid mis-paid activity days.


APM-3043Special characters are not displayed correctly for imported ApplicantsTools\Import

Characters of UTF-8 charset were not imported properly

APM-3153AV on attemt to test settings for import of web applicantsTools\Import

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

APM-3104IR7 Taxisnet - changes-3 for year 2019Tools\Export

Interface is improved to follow latest IR7 requirements as per below:

  • T.I.C. values in Declaration section are hardcoded to display 00752884H
  • updated fields epr7m3t0r17c1 and epr7m6t0r1c19f to show CalcAmount2 for EC692
  • improved dialog & logic with possibility to operate with multiple periods instead of one

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APM-2715Changes will be saved without asking a user after Regions Editor had been closedRegions Editor

Added “Do you want to save” dialog instead of default saving of input changes

APM-2698Allow overlapping history activityOrganization

Option Allow Overlapping History Activities has been moved from Company > Payroll to Company > Modules & Datagroups > Activities, as it should be available even if Payroll is not in use by a customer

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APM-3142Creation of the field is missed from upgrade scriptInstallation Set

SQL error due to database field not created upon installation

APM-2793Need to add a new option to the setup of Web Applicants importImport of approved applicants

We added possibility to import applicants without defining their status as Active/Deactive. Employment State of imported persons will not be set to any value

Image Added

APM-3180Custom Export not exporting decimalsExport\Import

It was not possible to export decimal records although Show Fractional Part was set

APM-2652Crewing user not able to confirm Crew ChangeActivities affecting Payroll, Modules\Crew Change

Payroll validation based on routines 237/238 was applied wrong when confirming Sign Off

APM-2846Drug & Alcohol view available for user with no accessACC, Datagroups\Appraisals

Drug & Alcohol view was available for a user even if access rights were prohibited for routine 241 in Adonis Control Centre

APM-3117Previous login session for ACC isn't closedACC

Issue found & fixed during int.testing

Database Modifications

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Field name 

Field Type 



Varchar (35) 



Varchar (35) 




Varchar (50) 

Varchar (100) 






Varchar (10) 














Varchar (500) 

Other Versions 

Page Properties Report
cqllabel = "apm-rn"