This article explains the setup needed in Adonis Personnel Manager - APM, as well as the steps to take to generate a bank file of ISO 20022 format.
ISO has provided a new standard scheme for bank files. Many EU banks have already started using such a scheme, however, ISO 20022 standard is quite flexible and the requirements for the accepted files can vary from bank to bank. Adonis currently introduced ISO 20022 format bank interface to SPAREBANKEN I KARLSHAMNfor specific banks like Sparebanken i Karlshamn, BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse, Hellenic Bank, CFONB, Rabobank, and Danske Bank, and Norwegian Banks..
We also offer ISO 20022 Standard to Norwegian Banks, but the setup for this is a little different which is why it is documented separately
Step-by-step guide
General Codes
Your company Company bank needs to be added to the list of banks in General Codes > Payroll > Banks. Mandatory
It is mandatory to add the bank SWIFT code and define the bank format for ISO 20022. Select Credit Suisse from the drop-down menu in the Bank Transfer section.
Organization Set up
Go to Organization structure under company Payroll > Payment settings in Bank Account for NetPay use the "Insert" button on your keyboard and add your company bank account, ID (just for numeric order when multiple bank accounts), company bank, and currency.
The other fields are not used in ISO 20022 bank interface.
If .
Electronic Payment
Bank account for Netpay
Select the option “Select bank account for Netpay based on employee’s payment currency” if your company has several bank accounts each with different currencies, and employees with respective currencies need to be paid from these bank accounts
When this option is selected, and you are producing the bank file for EUR currency, only
employees with EUR payment currency will be selected into the payment file
and the same for USD or any other currency.
If the option is not selected you can link a person with any payment currency to any company bank account for payment.
Insert Bank Account
Click Insert to add your bank and fill in the following information:
Account No - Your company’s bank account number
ID - Select from the drop-down. If your company has more than one bank account, then chose a different Id for the next account.
Bank - Select the bank added in the first step in General Codes
Currency - Set the currency of your bank account
Agreement No - This is the agreement number from your bank. If you don’t know this, then please contact your bank.
Registration No - This is the division number from your bank. If you don’t know this, then please contact your bank.
Balance Actions
Make sure that in the Organization structure under company Payroll > Payment > Balance Action, the ISO 20022/SWIFT Interpay balance action is enabled.
Tip |
We also suggest setting the Balance Action by Default to Interpay, so that this will happen on all new persons automatically. |
Global Options
Go to Setup | Global Options > Payroll > and continue to Payroll under Modules.
Select the tab Telepay and tick for “XML ISO 20022” under Interpay.
Continue to the tab Countries type definition to and make sure that the selection of SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) and EEA (European Economic Area) countries is correct. The selection is predefined, however, some new countries might join SEPA or EEA, then this needs to be maintained by the customer accordingly.
Person/Employee set up
Select a person in crew list the Crew List and open Payroll > Payment tab (can be reached both from Personal Details data group and from Payroll module). . The New Balance tab contains the information about the person's payment details.
Select balance action ISO 20022/SwiftInterpay, add IBAN, receiver bank and payment bank (no need to select if .
Payment Bank will default to the one set on company or by currency if the option"Select bank account for Netpay based on employee's payment currency" in the Organization structure is in use)set.
When you've added the Payment details as shown in step 1, during a new calculation EC 994 Net Wages will automatically receive this info for payment into the Ref (Reference) field, you . The amount from EC 994 will be included into the Payment list report (see next chapter) and bank file.
Info |
You will see a folder sign there, which you can double-click or right-click to open Payroll Additional Info window and check. |
If you are doing advance bank transfers, then when you create an advance payment entry, you should also create payment reference information in the Payroll Additional Info window, so that this transaction is included
in the Advance list report (see next chapter) and bank file. In the same way, on the selected advance payment entry in the Ref field double-click or right-click to create the Payroll Additional Info window.
There you will be offered a selection of options as to where to take the payment receiver details (name and address).
Personal Details > Payroll - copies name and address from employee Personal Details
Alternative Receiver - copies name and address from Payroll > Payment > Alternative Receiver details.
Use Alternative Receiver if you need to send money to someone else but the employee himself, e.g. relative.
Previous Transaction - copies name and address from the previous transaction of the same Entry Code, even if it is in payroll history.
Receiver details are fetched according to the option selected on step 4, but you can overwrite
them anytime
on this screen before you've made the payment.
The other payment details are picked up from the Payroll > Payment tab, but you can overwrite them as well in the Payroll Additional Info window, for this transaction only and before you've made the payment, in case you need to send money to a second bank account of the employee or from a different company bank account. When you've checked the payment details, click ok to save. When you produce an Advance list report (see next chapter) and bank file for advance payment, this payment will be included.
Produce ISO 20022 bank file
When all the calculations have been done and you need to produce the bank file for payment, go to Payroll > Reports > Current period reports and run either Advance list (to give advance bank transfer, works only with Entry Codes defined with the option "Advance entry code") or Payment list (NetPay bank transfer) report depending on your needs. On the report dialog form select the payment bank account (your company bank account) and preview.
You will get an advanceAdvance/payment Payment list report listing each person netpay person’s net pay balance, name, rank, IBAN, receiver bank swift, etc. The balances from the report will be included into in the bank file.
When you close the advanceAdvance/payment list Payment List report the ISO 20022 export window appears.
Payment Date - will be added into to the bank file.
Receiver Ref, Initiating Party Name, Bulk Reference, Regulatory Reporting code and info are - free input fields, are not mandatory, and are also further included to in the bank file.
Include Beneficiary Address Data - appears only for Credit Suisse type bank file to be excluded or included, with other bank formats beneficiary data is included into the file according to the bank specification.
Express - set "urgent" code for payment processing in the bank fileInitiating Party Name - free input and included in the bank file.
Regulatory Report:
Code - To be coordinated with each individuals bank
Info - To be coordinated with each individuals bank
Should only be applied, if there are foreign employees with payments over NOK 100.000 in the paid month.
Bank Format - Select Other Banks or DNB depending on which bank you have.
File(s) to be Generated - Select “Separate Files with SEPA and Non-SEPA if that is needed. If not let is remain with the option for “In One File”.
Express - set to express if the payment is to be urgently processed in the bank.
Pay Out In Company Currency - converts all amounts in the bank file from person's payment currency into company currency (if different)
Transaction Costs - defines in the bank file who is paying bank charges for transaction costs. Creditor - Company, Debitor - Employee, Share - both.
Filename to save - allows you to select the path to the folder where the file will be saved, the path is remembered by the system and will remain the same each time you run advance/payment list the Advance/Payment List and ISO 20022 export. The file name by default receives the date and time stamp.
When the file is exported successfully, you get an information message about it.
We implemented ISO 20022 bank format validity check, so after the export, you get a Validity check report saying what PINs if there are any PINs missing mandatory information and what mandatory information is they are missing.
If you get this report, most likely the bank file will be rejected without these data, you . You need to go back and add the missing details, recalculated recalculate the persons in question, and generate the advance/payment list report and ISO 20022 export again to get the updated file.
No matter is if the validity check report appears or not, then you will receive a Telepay report, which gives you information on how many SEPA and International payment type persons are included in the bank file and what amount goes by each payment type.