You will need the latest version of the Professional Services repository found here:http https://gitlab.docker.marinels.local/marinels/psdev (ssh://git@gitlab.docker.marinels.local:2222/marinels/psdev.git)com/m8284/psdev
Navigate to your local repository and under '/CUK' you will see 2 tools:
The PDR widget is a customized view to specific users that guides them along a learning path. A course needs some attributes to be considered by the PDR widget. All other courses are ignored by the PDR widget.
Course Link Attributes
To populate the PDR Widget, you must declare some base attributes. See /wiki/spaces/CMD/pages/5432397461 and /wiki/spaces/CMD/pages/5432378246 for more information on Link Attributes. The following key/value pairs are required/manditory:
- Customer.Course.IsPDR - the attribute value for this key can be ignored/left empty
- Customer.Course.Level - The value is the integer value of the level
- Customer.Course.Rank - The value is the required Rank for having this PDR included in the widget. It ispassed as a string and is case insensitive.
There is also an optional Course Link Attribute: