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This article gives an overview


of how to lock/unlock payment entries and payroll



Functionality Description 

Lock payroll entries functionality is used for setting a lock on the amounts that


were already


sent to the bank account. This is also used to see a date


of payment on the payroll entry and payslip.

In case


activity details change, for example, a person signed on later


than expected, crewing managers update the activities, and so a new payroll calculation takes place to present the new number of payroll days, then the amount paid to the bank is already locked and remains unchanged, and during a calculation, a new entry of Net Wages will be generated to calculate the difference.

In the same case, if the money


has been transferred to the bank, but the lock on the payroll entries has not been used, then the existing Net Wages entry will be recalculated and will include both the previous result and the difference deducted or added on it, meaning you cannot see anymore in the payroll entries what has been transferred and what is remaining to transfer.


Table of Contents

In the case of advance bank transfers, it is also needed to lock the amount to have the possibility to add as many bank advances as needed and to avoid any



Lock period functionality is used to block new calculations for persons when you've finalized the wages this month for the person, and when the salary has already been paid to the bank this month. If a lock period is not used, then the person will be included in any mass calculation performed, meaning if there were any changes to the


person’s activities (on purpose or by mistake),


the salary will be recalculated accordingly.

Set Up

NB: this question only appears if


This step is required only if the Organization structure option for "Multiple Payment in Period" is enabled under the Company > Payroll > Payment tab. So locking payroll entries functionality is optional.

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Payment entries

How to Lock Payment



After you've run Payment/Advance list reports, exported the bank file, and closed the Telepay report, or when you exported the file from a plug-in interface (eg. Brightwell, Western Union, PeopleSoft), you will get the question if you want to:

Lock payment entries - if you agree, it will set a lock on advance pay or net pay entry, and in Text field on the entry you see PAID and date or payment.
The date of payment will normally be the date you selected in the dialogue window, or it can be that for your specific bank interface, it is always today's date used when creating the bank file.

If you select Yes to lock, you will not be able to process the same payment for this person again and you can at any time calculate a new person and make a new payment file, without persons already paid being included in the file.

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How to Un-Lock Payment



In case of a mistake you can always use functionality Unlock Payroll transactions under Payroll > Set button and unlock the payment entry to make corrections and re-generate the bank file.

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Payroll Period

How to lock Payroll Period

After you've run the Payment/Advance list reports, exported the bank file, and closed the Telepay report, you will get


questions if you want to:

Lock payroll period - if you agree, it will set the payroll period lock on a person. Meaning the person will not be included in calculations for this period. 

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This can also be done for multiple


crews from Payroll → Set menu:

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How to Un-Lock Payroll Period

If you made a mistake and realize you need to un-lock the payroll period again, you can do that either

on the individual

in person or by the Payroll →

Set → 

Set → Unlock Payroll Period pn all.

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