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This article explains how to use the E-Indkomst export.
Export configuration
A company should have the option Is Maritime set under Organization Structure > Company > Reports > Dansk Innraportering > E-Indkomst to be processed by the utility.
The correct codes corresponding to E-Indkomst should be set in Setup > Tables > Payroll > AS Codes. The codes created once will be copied here from year to year.
Then a setup should be performed for Payroll > Entry Codes > Annual.
Each entry code, which has an amount that should be reported, must be linked to the E-Indkomst code. In the given example the entry code 100 for Onboard Wages has the amount paid out to the seafarer linked to code 14, and the days to code 83. Indkomst Type must be always set to 9.
The settings on Entry Codes added once will be copied automatically by the system from year to year.
Annual Summary tab for data preview
The Payroll Module provides the possibility to check the amounts that will be reported on each individual under the Annual Summary tab.
You can select any number of periods and press the “Go” button to check the amounts.
There are 3 tabs with different data detail levels.
Tab ‘Code’ shows you the summary per E-Inkomst reporting codes. You can use the option “Round ASC Code amount” to see the amounts rounded to an integer value, however, in the export they will be rounded to 2 decimal values.
The Detail tab shows you the details of reporting per each entry in the period.
The Account tab shows the reported data summed by the GL Accounting Codes.
To include the data for the current payroll period, you need to enable the respective Payroll Module option, these options are applied to your user account only.
You can check the data for previous reporting years under the respective tab.
How to run the export
To run the export go to Export > Danish SKAT > E-Indkomst.
Choose the company from your Organization Structure and period, and click the “Fresh” button to load the data for the selected period and company. All crew are tagged by default, if you need to run the export for selected crew members only, you can press “Untag All” button, and tag several crew to export the data.
The export selects crew members employed by the selected organization company (having this org. unit ID in payroll current and historical records, database field PW001PAY/PYH.orgnumid).
Note that pins may be displayed in red color if they:
have an invalid Danish CPR number (Personal ID);
miss address;
miss employment start date.
The amounts in the export file are always in DKK currency.
If the selected company currency is not DKK, then before the export, the system will suggest inserting the currency rate to convert the amounts into DKK.
Export file structure
For a person with the correct DK Personal ID (CPR), there must be only a 2101 record in the file.
When a person has DK Personal ID (CPR) and their address is outside DK there must be a 2101 record followed by an 8001 record with an address.
For a person without a DK Personal ID (CPR), the 2101 record Personal ID (CPR) has to be 000000000 and followed by an 8001 record with the address and birthday.
The exported values are rounded to 2 decimals, although 6 symbols are used. The rest is filled in using 0.
Verification of Personal ID (CPR)
Personal ID must be 10 characters long, with only numeric input (0 to 9) for all 10 chars.
The 10 chars are validated individually as char1, char2, char3, char4, char5, char6, char7, char8, char9, and char10.
Char1+char2 - Day of Birthdate
Valid input (01 to 31) depending on the birthday month.
Must correspond to Birthdate entry in Personal Details.
Char3+char4 - Month of birthdate
Valid input (01 to 12).
Must correspond to Birthdate entry in Personal Details.
Char5+char6 - Year of birthdate
Valid input (00 to 99).
Must correspond to Birthdate entry in Personal Details.
Char7+Char8+Char9 - Personal ID
Valid input (0 to 9).
Char10 - Gender Identfication
Valid input (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8) for females.
Valid input (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9) for males.