An important step in Payroll Module configuration is the definition of payment entries. In AdonisEntry Code Maintenance
Entry Codes are set up and configured under the Payroll tab → Entry Codes and can also be accessed from the Setup tab → Tables → Entry Codes.
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Entry Code Maintenance is unavailable if you have a top-level organization opened as a current client. Corresponding access rights should also be previously set for routine 690 “Payroll Entry Codes” in Adonis Control Center. |
The Entry Code Maintenance screen has 5 configuration tabs:
Entry Codes
Calculated Amounts and Account Dimensions
Entry Codes tab
TheEntry Codes tabis used for Entry Codes definition and configuration. Here you can add new entry codes or adjust the existing ones.
Section 1
In the top part of the screen, there is a Manage Menu.
When you open this tab, in the top part of the screen there will be a Manage Menu.
It contains the controls used for:
- creating new entry codes;
- deleting/ duplicating the existing ones;
- filtering (see more under theOptions sub-tab section);
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Each organization unit has its Entry Table that can consist maximum of 999 Entry Codes. Because of this, under the Manage menu, there is a field called Entry Table. It is filled in automatically according to the Entry Table number set in the properties of the organization opened as a current client. This field is not editable and is used only for viewing. |
Section 2
At the left side of the screen, there is a list of all the available entry codes.
Allowance entries are black.
Deduction entries are red.
Net Payments and Total Tax entries (over 900) are blue.
Section 3
To the right of select the Entry Code, there are nine configuration tabs.
Let’s talk about the purpose of each tab separately.
General sub-tab
This tab contains the main information about the payment transaction.
Entry Code – unique numeric identifier of the payroll entry. Each Entry Table can contain max 999 entry codes.
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It is important to know that the actual value that corresponds to Entry Code in the database may be different. It depends on the Entry Table value set under Org. structure -> Company -> Payroll -> General. A value is created based on the following rule: If Entry Table is set to 0, then Entry Code 15 for this company will be just 15. |
Passive – when this option is ON, the entry code will be set to inactive (in case it is no longer used).
Text – the entry code name.
Category – a field that allows linking an Entry Code to some Category serving as a grouping criterion for different entries. For more information see the section Categories.
Alternative Text – the alternative name of the entry code (e.g. in another language).
Never Tax Exemption (Norwegian only):
The option is only relevant for the ECs that are normally a part of the basis for a tax deduction (defined with the EC payroll script setup).
When the option is ON, it excludes any amounts calculated in payroll entries with this EC from the basis for a Norwegian tax deduction.
When the option is OFF, the amounts calculated will be included in the tax basis according to the person’s tax exemption code (full, half, none).
Allows to add Payroll (Payment) Additional Info or Text (Comment) to the manual payroll entry.
When you select one of the options and add text or additional Info to the record, a yellow folder icon will appear in the Ref cell, indicating that there is some extra information for this record.
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Text – when this option is selected, you can add a text/comment to the manually added entry code. The comment will be displayed in Payroll -> Payslip tab and in the printed Pay Slip report. You should previously select the option "Show Comments" in the report dialogue window.
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Payroll Additional Info – when this option is selected, you can add additional payment information to the manual entry.
It is possible to link any Entry Code to a Common Payment Receiver. Usually, it is used for deduction entries.
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e.g. It can be used for Union Fee deductions to transfer funds to the same union bank accounts for all the crew members. |
The functionality is designed to be used with any type of electronic bank interface but can also be used for manual processing of payments.
Common Payment Receiver – used to define common payment receiver from the list of all the receivers that were added in the Contacts module.
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It is possible to overwrite the common payment details on an individual record in the Ref field. |
Amount ID - indicates which calculated amount will be fetched on the additional payment list for the common payment receiver and the payment list by entry code.
Note |
The option works only when the entry code is setup as a common payment receiver. If no common receiver defined - payment list and telepay will fetch amount from calculatedamount1 as default. |
Pay Out by Entry Code - option is enabled only when the entry code is a deduction, "Additional payment" is off and the Common payment receiver has been set up in Contacts → Receiver bank → Payroll information tab. It makes a sub-report "Payment by entry code" (on the payment list) to group payments in one line independent of how many persons actually have payment with this entry code. All transactions are included in the telepay file for the following balance actions: Interplay, Bank of Philippine Island, and Banco de Oro.
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In order to set the Common Payment Receiver for an entry follow the steps:
For a single Entry Code, an entry currency may be defined. This will be an alternative to companies not using Payscales in certain currencies and is recommended for use only for very special needs.
Code - sets default currency to be used for the entry field1 (L21) on the Entry Code. L21 is also known as the Amount field.
Additional Code – outdated, not used.
For Accounting – affects the currency in the standard Accounting Voucher report. When the entry code is reported in the Accounting Voucher with some account, its amount will be in this currency.
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The currency setup here overrides the company currency. |
Allows to set any of the existing Entry Codes to be generated together with the selected entry. So-called child-parent relation.
When the Entry Codeis defined under the Always Generate Entry Code Section, during calculation, the system will automatically create an auto-generated entry code, in addition to the parent entry.
When a ‘parent’ entry code record is deleted – this auto-generated entry will be deleted as well.
Note |
The child Entry Coderecord will only be added once, no matter how many times the ‘parent’ entry code is added. |
Allowance / Deduction - specifies a type of the transaction, whether a value has to be addedor subtractedfrom the Net Entry.
Allows to set a code to be used when generating Telepay files for NETS balance action. Used to create different OS2, OS5, OS8 records in the file for amount of Union & Pension Fund that have different Oversalesart.
Options sub-tab
Under this tab, we set additional calculation requirements that should be applied to the selected transaction.
Remove from Pay Slip when CaculatedAmount1=0 - If the option is selected and a the result of calculations for this entry code is 0 (in other words Calculated Amount 1=0 or L61=0), it will be not showed shown on the Pay Slip.
To check more about the Calculated Amount check section on the Calculation sub-tab.Advance Entry Code - identifies that this is an advance entry. When the option is ON, this Entry Code will be included in the standard Advance payment list report.
Unique Auto Entry - If selected, the entry will be created only once during creating Auto Entry. Days (Entryfield2, L22) and amounts (Entryfield1, L21) will be summed if there are several activities generating the same entry.
Note |
Be careful using this option. You may get a wrong result when a person has some activities linked to different Pay Scales. For example, a person has an onboard and travel activities assigned to different Pay Scales (so the rates are different) and different vessels during one payroll period. For both activities a Basic Wages entry is to be created. When the option is cleared, two entries are created: |
Unique Auto Entry by PayScale - enabled only if Unique Auto Entry is set. When it is ON, the auto-entries with the same PayScale will be merged into one.
Export Quantity to Accounting - If selected, the entryfiled2 (normally days or quantity) of the entry will be exported to an account which is defined with an option Export Quantity selected (Database > Maintenance > Tables > Payroll > Accounts). (Used for exporting data to "Rubicon" system).
Quantity in Hours - Indicated that the entryfiled2 stores hours, not days. (Used in the report PENSJONSTRYGDEN FOR SJØMENN to calculate a column Dager. The formula is Days = Hours / Hours_Per_Day where Hours_Per_Day is defined in the Global Settings)
Transfer to History Even If Calculations Are Zero - If selected, the entries will be always transferred to history (from a table PW001PAY to a table PW001PYH) during month closing, even if a calculated amount 1 is 0. Also, such entries will be always calculated during payroll calculation, when the company option Exclude Fixed Entries and Do Not Exclude Fixed Deductions And Fringe Benefits is checked.
Create Vessel Section on Pay Slip - If selected, the entry will start a vessel section on the payslip reports.
Allotment Entry - Indicated that the entry is an allotment entry.
Rounding with Currency - when ON, “Calculated amounts 1-11” will be rounded to the entry code currency if the entry code currency is defined.
Calculate fixed entries also for de-active persons. If this is a fixed entry and the option is checked, the entry will be still included in payroll recalculation for the de-active persons. It is needed in case the person is to be paid after his/her employment for the company came comes to an end, but he should still be payed paid some additional expenses afterwardsafterward.
Calculation After Tax Entry - The entry will be calculated after tax entries have been calculated.
Generate Leave Days Paid Activity -the option allows selecting the activity(es) that should be generated once this entry code is added. It is required for the entries that payout salary for the accumulated leave days. The generated activity will have the same number of days as the entry, but with the opposite sign, since the person receives payment for those days and they should be deducted from the leave account. You can read more about it in our article on the Leave Account.
Leave Pay Entry - If selected, a leave paid activity, an activity for which an option Leave Paid is selected in the activity properties in the General Codes table, will be created in the current period during payroll calculation.
Auto Entry Always by Activity - The entry will be always created as an Auto Entry for a corresponding activity even if according to payscale settings or organization settings it should not be created.
Show Secondary Currency - For such an entry a second currency amount will be displayed in payslips. The second currency is defined in the company properties.
Auto Entry by Real Calendar - When the entry is being generated as an Auto Entry, days (Entryfield2) are calculated according to the real calendar, but not 30 days regular.
Disabled Account Dim2 - The Accountdim2, which normally stores a vessel information, will not be filled in during month closing.
Apportionment - An apportionment entry is handled specially especially in the accounting voucher.
Onboard Code - Indicates that the entry is an onboard entry. Used only to have a possibility to see all the onboard entries in a separate view under the Entry Codes Maintenance screen.
Store Daily Worktime - the option is outdated and not used.
Keep Dim2 When Month Closing - If selected, the entry will keep the account dim2 during month closing if it is a fixed entry.
If cleared, the account dim2 is reset after being transferred to history (PW001PYH).Reduction at Month Closing - Entry field 1 is reduced by a value of a Calculated amount 1 during month closing and saved in a new period: Entryfield1= Entryfield1-Calculatedamount1.
Set Amounts to Zero at Month Closing - For fixed entries Calculated amounts will be reset to zero (in PW001PAY).
Show Amount Column with Two Decimals - when set ON then corresponding Entry Code shows field Amount with 2 decimals
Input sub-tab
The flexibility of the approach used in the Payroll module is that a customer can specify themselves which information is to be input and stored for each payroll transaction. On the Input tab you can see all the fields that are available for the entry.
Normally Entry Field 1 is used to input amounts, Entry Field 2 is for days or quantities, Dimension2 is often used to indicate a vessel.
To the left you can see special codes (e.g. L21-L36). The codes are to be used in payroll scripts during payroll calculations.
In the Column Heading column you can specify which columns titles are to be shown in the Payroll module when adding or editing this specific entry.
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The name defined here will override a generic name give to each Calculated Amount fields (L61-L71) and Account Dimension fields (L31-L42) that is applied to all Entry Codes. |
Validity Check - column you can set up if a field should be filled in automatically with some information. When Validity Check is defined, a drop-down (with default option list) will be available for this field under the manual Entries screen. (e.g. Pyascale Table/Code override, Cost Place, Comments, Activity selection etc.).
Comment/ Text (L38):
It is possible to open the Text field (L38) for direct input.
Open Input tab of the entry code.
If you have a field Text or Comment, and this is not used for this entry code, tag the check-box for Enabled column for it. The field will become editable.
If you leave the Column Heading field blank, Text will be shown as a column heading in the entries screen. Change it if you wish another column name to appear, e.g. Description or Comment.
In the same way you can make any available filed to be the Comment field. Just type "Comment" in the Column Heading and set the field enabled.You can see the Text field is enabled in Payroll -> Entries screen, you can input any comment there.
There are two options of what will be shown as a comment in the report. When entry code is defined a currency code, it will show the currency code of the entry code + the amount of Entryfield1. So, in our example the payslip will show USD 80.If we remove the currency, then the comment from the Text field will be shown in Pay Slip:
Please note that the text will not be shown if Additional info was added to Ref cell as described in item 1 above. If it exists, the additional info will be shown. If not, only then the Text will be printed in the Pay Slip.
Calculation sub-tab
Under the calculation tab For each Entry Code it is possible to setup different calculation rules.
The rules on this page can overrideshows field Amount with 2 decimals.
Input sub-tab
On the Input tab, you can see all the fields that are available for the selected payroll transaction.
Some of them are default and can not be adjusted. Others can be customized and used for various purposes.
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Each of the fields has a special code in the system: e.g. L21-L36. |
Default fields
L52 Currency Code
L55 Currency Rate
L32 Account Dim 2 (always used for Vessel)
L37 LTO REF field (outdated)
L38 Text/Comment
L19 From Date of the entry
L20 To Date of the entry
Customizable fields
Entry fields (9 in total) L21 - L23 and L24 - L29
Those are free input fields that can be used for various purposes.
Normally Entry Field 1 (L21) is used to input amounts, Entry Field 2 (L22) is for days or quantities, and Entry Field 3 (L23) is for rates.
Account Dimensions (12 in total) L31 - L36, L47 - L49 and L40 - L41
Those fields are used for accounting purposes.
May contain the following values: vessel, department, cost group, cost place, and project.
See the chapter on Payroll: Accounting principles for more details.
Column Heading
In the column heading, you can set customized titles to the selected columns.
The name defined here will overwrite the generic name given to each field.
Those titles will be displayed in the Payroll module when adding or editing this specific entry.
The Enabled flag indicates whether this field should be available for input under the Payroll > Entries or not.
Works only with manual entries.
If this is an auto-entry all the fields should be disabled for input, since they will be filled in automatically based on the activity and payroll script.
Note: Enabled fields will be white on the Entries screen.
The Mandatory flag defines whether a field is mandatory for input or not.
Works only with manual entries.
Note: Mandatory fields will be dark grey on the Entries screen. The user won't be able to save or calculate the entry unless all the mandatory fields are filled in.
Default Value
In this section, you can specify some default value(s) to be used for the selected field.
The setup applies only to the manual entries.
To add a default value use @sign + default number/text/field or @@ + script name to refer to a payroll script.
Use this link to open the list of all the available fields Fields Overview available for Payroll Scripts
Validity Check
In the “Validity Check” column, you can set the field to be automatically filled in with some information.
The setup applies only to the manual entries.
When the “Validity Check” is defined, a drop-down (with default options list) will be available for this field under the Entries screen. (e.g. Pay-scale Table/Code, Cost Place, Comments, Activity selection etc.)
Calculation sub-tab
Under the Calculation tab, it is possible to set up different calculation rules for this entry.
The rules on this page can overwrite what is set for the same fields on the Input page, one has .
You have to be careful and make sure that there is a consistency between the setting on this page and what is set on the Input pageboth pages.
:Priority number
ThisPriority number is a parameter between 0-99 which
denotesidentifies the calculation order of the
calculation of theentry codes. Entry codes with the lowest numbers are calculated first
. An example is Union fee deduction which has to be calculated as a percentage of gross payroll. The entry for Union fee deduction then needs a higher number for priority then entry codes which are part of the gross pay, in order for the basis to be in place before the percentage calculation are performed. If there are 2 entries that mistakenly have the same priority, even if one depends on the other, you may have a random result of the calculation. In one calculation you may have the correct result, and in the next calculation you may lack the basis from the other entry and the system appears unstable.
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e.g. “Union fee” deduction which has to be calculated as a percentage of gross payroll. The entry for “Union fee” should have a higher priority number than entry codes which calculate the basis. |
Impact on Other Code
When the option is
selectedON, the program
will runruns an automatic calculation
as soon as theof payments the moment this entry has been registered, without having to push the
calculate"Calculate" button.
Impact on Screen Accumulators
When the option is
checkedON, the program
updateupdates the accumulators for earned/ deducted amounts at the bottom of the entries screen as soon as the registrations
isare completed, without having to push the
calculate"Calculate" button.
:AccountDIM2Account DIM2 -
AccountDIM12Additional dimensions to the accounting, where values can be fetched from various fields in the database based on the unique fieldnumber system in Adonis. For more information see Chapter 2.03. If there is a reference to a single field, then it is only @ in front of the field or value. If a fieldnumber which does not exist is entered, the value is returned in a way that it is not written. For instance, @AAA will appear as AAA in the dimension where it is entered, since AAA is not a valid field in Adonis. You may also refer to a formula in a script file, by using for instance @@ADO:123.
Quantity 1 - 2: Can be used to calculate a quantity extending what is usually registered in entryfield2 (Inputpage).
ScriptIn Script file, the entry code is connected to a script file for calculation of calculated amount 1-11, and the temporary accumulators. One script file can contain numerous scripts. Normally the system is set up to have one script for one entry code, where the script number correspond to the entry code. That is, entry code 001 is connected to script 001. Entry code 002 is connected to script 002 and so on.
A script file is an ordinary text. By right-clicking on the Script field and selecting Edit, you have a possibility of editing the script for this entry code. In Adonis the parameters for calculation of payroll, fees and so on is done in the script. See more about the structure of the script file and their functions in chapter 2.02.06 Anatomy of a calculation script. Exceptions to this is the automatic tax calculation of Norwegian tax, where the parameters and limits are located in a separate text file and is distributed as part of the yearly update.
For a more detailed description see our articles on Payroll Script, Fields available for Payroll Scripts
Calculated Amounts (L61-L67)
Adonis allows you to run and save the result of multiple calculations within one entry code record. In total there are 11 amounts that can be calculated in the system:
- Calculated amount 1 (L61) is commonly used for collecting total amount from each EC into the total Net Pay entry code. That is why for this calculated amount we usually set account numbers on the Entry Code level.
- Calculated amounts 2-11 (L62-L71) are mostly used for different special charges (leave days account, employee/employer fee, etc.)
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A generic name for each calculated amount can be set under Entry Codes setup -> Calculated Amounts... > L61 – L71, that will be applied to all Entry Codes. The generic can be overwritten on the Entry Code level under Entry Codes -> Calculation tab. Meaning that you can give different names to calculated amounts on individual Entry Codes. |
For the amount, you enter the account number for this entry. Usually debit for a payment entry and credit for a deduction. The system supports alphanumeric account numbers and conditional accounting. That is, you enter an accounting rule in a formula and the entry can be accounted to different accounts depending on the result of the formula. The formula can decide on different accounts depending on other parameters in the system. All account numbers must have @ in front of the account number. References to a formula must be done with @@ in front of the script reference.
For more information about the accounting check
Pay Slip sub-tab
On this tab you specify what information will be shown on the Paysliptab in the Payrollmodule.Accumulators sub-tab
On this tab you specify what amounts should be included into the Permanent Accumulators.
For more details see article on the Accumulators (the article is under development).
Annual sub-tab (Danish only)
This tab is used only for Danish customers to setup the rules for reporting of the amounts to Danish authoritiesAccount DIM12
Those fields are used for accounting purposes. Mainly for grouping of the accounts in the Accounting Voucher report.
You can learn more about those fields in the following chapter on Payroll: Accounting principles .
In the "Script" line, we connected the selected entry code to a script.
The purpose of the script is to perform complex payroll calculations based on various conditions.
We will talk more about the "Payroll Script" in the following chapters.
Calculated Amounts (L61-L71)
Adonis allows you to run and save the result of multiple calculations within one entry code record.
There are eleven amount fields available in the system. They are called "Calculated Amounts".
"Calculated amount 1"
(L61) is used for collecting the total amount from each entry into the Net Pay entries.
"Calculated amounts 2-11"
(L62-L71) are mostly used for different special charges: leave days account, employee/employer fee, etc. They do not affect the Net Wages.
Accounts Debit/Credit
Each “Calculated Amount” on the entry can be reported under a certain account number.
The accounts can be set either as “Debit” for the allowances or “Credit” for the deductions.
We will learn more about it in the chapter on “Accounting”.
Pay Slip sub-tab
On the Payslip tab, you specify what information will be shown on the Payslip report.
The number of columns and their names can not be changed, but the displayed value is specified by the user.
Field | Description | Value |
Code | Entry code number. | Default, can not be changed. |
Text | Entry code name. | Default, can not be changed. |
Basis | Amount used as a basis for calculation. | Usually, the basis is stored in some calculated amount from 2-11 (L62-L71). |
Quantity | Number of days/hours. | Usually equals to L22 – Entry Field 2 |
Rate | Used to display the rate used for calculation of this transaction. | Usually equals to L23 – Entry Field 3. |
Calculation Currency | Currency used for calculation. | Set under Organization Properties > General |
Message | Text/comment field. | Default, picks up the value stored in L38 Text on the entry. |
Payment Currency/Rate | Dynamic field. | The Payment Currency is set under Payroll > Payment tab. |
The displayed information can be previewed under the Payroll Module > Payslip tab.
Accumulators sub-tab
On the Accumulators tab, you specify which permanent accumulators should collect the amounts from this transaction.
For more details see the article on the Payroll: Accumulators
Annual sub-tab (Danish only)
This tab is used for the configuration of Danish Annual Summary Codes that are to be reported to the government under the selected entry.
The AS Codes are defined yearly on each entry.
- The current codes are displayed under the This Year tab.
- The codes that were used for previous years can be reviewed under the Previous Years tab.All the AS Codes are split by the National Code.
Only the codes defined under the selected National Code will be available for the selection.Each AS Code should be set on the proper entry code field. The field may contain amount or quantity.
The information under the field will be send to authorities under this containing AS Code.
ASR Code section (at the bottom) displays headers that were defined for AS Codes in Maintenance.
The EADG sub-tab is available only for companies where Payroll code is set to NO under Organization Structure -> Company -> Payroll.
On this tab you setup what certain Entry Fields and Calculated Amounts should be reported to Altinn and configure that reporting settings for each amount.
For more information see Calculation sub-tab and Input sub-tab sections.Note |
Before proceeding with the setup on the Entry Code it is first necessary to define and configure AS Codes table under Maintenance -> Tables -> Payroll -> AS Codes. |
The Annual sub-tab is divided into:
This Year - allows you to make Annual summary setup for the current year.
For both tabs you can set certain Entry Fields and Calculated Amounts to be reported to Danish authorities under certain AS Codes (for more information see Calculation and Input sections).
AS Codeprovides you a drop-down selection according to list defined in AS Codes Maintenance.
Each of data source fields "ASC DS (1-6)" can be set as mandatory (grey background)/available for editing(white)/empty (blue) according to setup in Maintenance.
Some extra functionality is available when national payroll code is "DK -Danish": for tab "This Year" several values can be defined for any Field No. Expand a Field, then use "+" to add as much AS Codes as you need. You can add same codes but with different values as well. For other national payroll codes only one AS Code can be defined per field.
-> Payroll -> AS Codes. |
How to set the AS Code on the entry
To add a new code:
Selected the needed field from the available list.
Open its details with ▶️
Click ➕ to add an AS code.
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Before setting up the Annual tab on the entry code you need to:
EDAG sub-tab (Norwegian only)
This tab is used for the configuration of the Entry Codes to be reported to the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) through the A-Melding under a certain Inntekttype.
The Inntekttype should be set on the proper field containing the amount or quantity.
Based on the selected Inntekttype additional information might be required: Fordel, Beskrivelse etc.
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The Inntekttype details are reviewed yearly and should be manually adjusted if any changes take place. |
ADP sub-tab (US only)
The ADP sub-tab is available only for companies where the Payroll code is set to the US under Organization Structure -> Company -> Payroll.
This setup will be used for ADP export that is used by American companies.
For each Entry Field and Calculated Amount, we can define : the Code Header, Code Value, and Field Header.
The headers are the text strings being displayed in the header record; the code value will be in the Code Header column. The field valuevalues, like calculatedamount1, etc. are added in the Field Header column.
Calculated Amounts and Account Dimensions
On this page you can define generic names to be used for the Calculated Amount fields (L61-L71) and Account Dimension fields (L31-L42).
On this page, you can define generic names to be used for all the permanent accumulators.
The names you set here will be displayed under:
Entry Code Maintenance
→ General tab
→ Accumulators sub-
Payroll Module
→ Accumulators tab.
We will learn more about the permanent accumulators in the following chapters.
In order to To provide a more logical organization of Payroll grouping to the Entry Codes, it is possible to group all the Entry Codes into the divide them into Categories.
And under Under the Categories tab, we define the types of EC Categories that we want to have in the system.
Examples of Categories:
Fixed allowances
Vessel allowances
Variable Allowances/Deductions
Net Payments, etc.
Each “ECCategory Category” consists of a Category Code and Text (like in general codesGeneral Codes) and can be set passive if not used anymore:
Code – a unique identifier of this option. Can be a maximum 10 of ten characters long.
Name – the actual text for Comment.a category name field.
Passive - when this option is ON, the category will be set as inactive.
How to link set the Category on the entry
After the “EC Categories" are defined, you can go to the Entry Code Maintenance - > General tab tab and link each Entry Code to the right category. On the Entry Code setup there is a lookup field to choose which Category this EC belongs to.
TheEC “Category”.
The EC Category (Code and Text) columns are also will be then displayed in the Entries Entries screen and in the EC Details Details window.
Validity Check
In the chapter on the Input sub- tab, we learned about the Validity Check. Which is part of a functionality that allows to add a default adding a pre-defined drop-down list in some fields for manual Entry Codes.of values to the fields on the manual entry.
One of the options for the “Validity CheckCheck” is Comments. It allows you to add a drop-down list of pre-defined comments to predefined comments on some input fields.
How to add options for Comments
Under the Comments tab, you defined the list of predefined comments.
Those comments will be available for selection
Under the Comments tab, you defined the options list for this drop-down.
In order to add/remove an optionunder the entry code field set with the Validity Check > Comments.
To add or remove a comment, you need to use the control buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Once the list is ready and the field is set with the Validity Check > Comments, the drop-down for comments will be available in the Entries tab.
Note |
The functionality works only with the manual entries. |