This article lists the available methods and fields for importing
expenses from the Adonis Travel Expense module.
Transfer Method
The Method you choose affects the fields that will be available for transfer.
This means that all the fields available in the Travel Expense Document are grouped
with the help of those Methods.
Each of the Methods
corresponds to some
expense type that we have in the APP (Transportation, Various etc.)
If you need costs for certain Transportation types, you need to select the Transportation method.
If you need costs for certain Outlay types, you need to select Various method.
If you need to see total amounts for the whole Travel Expense Document, or totals per each Expense type (Transportation total, Various expenses total), then you need to select Approved method.
Fields overview available for transfer under each Method
The most frequently used fields are highlighted.
Amount |
Code |
Currency |
City |
Costplace |
Country |
Description |
DateEnd |
DateStart |
Department |
Location |
Project |
Reason |
ReasonCode |
Taxable |
TimeEnd |
TimeStart |
TotalHours |
TravelNumber |
TravelType |
VesselName |
VesselNumorgid |
Code |
Cost |
Cost_Currency |
Cost_Exchange_rate |
City |
Costplace |
Country |
Date |
Description |
DateEnd |
DateStart |
Department |
Fellow_Employee |
IsCovered |
Location |
Project |
Reason |
ReasonCode |
Specification |
TimeEnd |
TimeStart |
TotalHours |
TravelNumber |
TravelType |
VesselName |
VesselNumorgid |
Code |
Cost |
Cost_Currency |
Cost_Exchange_rate |
City |
Costplace |
Country |
Date |
Description |
DateEnd |
DateStart |
Department |
Fellow_Employee |
IsCovered |
Location |
Project |
Reason |
ReasonCode |
Specification |
TimeEnd |
TimeStart |
TotalHours |
TravelNumber |
TravelType |
VesselName |
VesselNumorgid |
Code |
Cost |
Cost_Currency |
Cost_Exchange_rate |
City |
Costplace |
Country |
Description |
DateEnd |
DateStart |
Department |
Fellow_Employee |
From_Date |
Hotel_adress |
Hotel_Country |
Hotel_Name |
IsCovered |
Location |
Project |
Reason |
ReasonCode |
To_Date |
TimeEnd |
TimeStart |
TotalHours |
TravelNumber |
TravelType |
VesselName |
VesselNumorgid |
City |
Costplace |
Country |
Description |
DateEnd |
DateStart |
Department |
Fellow_Employee |
IsCovered |
Location |
Project |
Reason |
ReasonCode |
T0_Disbursment |
T0_From_City |
T0_From_Country_Code |
T0_From_Datetime |
T0_From_Destination |
T0_From_Timezone |
T0_To_City |
T0_To_Country_Code |
T0_To_Datetime |
T0_To_Destination |
T0_To_Timezone |
T1_Cost |
T1_Cost_Currency |
T1_Cost_Currency_rate |
T2_Distance |
T2_Distnace_Calendar |
T2_Distance_Forestroad |
T2_Forestroad |
T2_Passengers |
T2_Passengers_Names |
T2_Passengere_KM |
T2_Trailer |
T2_Tromso |
T3_Boattype |
T3_Distance |
T4_Cycletype |
T4_Distance |
T5_Distance |
T5_Othertype |
TimeEnd |
TimeStart |
TotalHours |
TravelNumber |
TravelType |
VesselName |
VesselNumorgid |
CanbeProcessed |
CanBeRecall |
CanBeUpdated |
CanViewTrack |
Chain |
ChainName |
Client |
Country |
CurrentLevelPosition |
DocumentId |
IsCurrent |
NextStates.ActionName |
NextStates.State |
OrgUnitId |
OrgUnitName |
OriginatorName |
OriginatorPin |
OriginatorRank |
State |
StateName |
TravelCause |
WorkflowComment |
Accomodation |
AdminCatering |
Advance |
Allowance |
AllowanceTaxable |
City |
Compensation |
DocumentComment |
DocumentCurrency |
Icon |
IncludeAccomodation |
IncludeAdvance |
IncludeAllowance |
IncludeMeals |
IncludeScans |
IncludeTransportation |
IncludeVarious |
IsBillable |
IsRequireScan |
Location |
Meals |
MealsTaxable |
RequireScanMessage |
Total |
Transportation |
TravelEnd |
TravelStart |
TravelType |
Various |
VesselId |
VesselName |
VesselNumorgid |
Year |