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The following document describes how to access the secured LMS API Endpoints (example is for a CSMART API) using the Power BI Desktop application. In this process, authentication will be completed in the background and is not needed to provide an access token every time while calling APIs.


  1. That will open a new window similar to the following. Now you need to setup the API configuration. For that, select the Home tab and open Manage Parameters → Edit Parameters

  2. Change the parameter values according to your environment where you also need to provide the login credentials (user name and password). You only might need to change the parameters marked in the red box.

  3. That will open a new window similar to the following. Now you need to setup the API configuration. For that, select the Home tab and click Manage Parameters


  1. Change the parameter values (Current Value) according to your environment where you also need to provide the login credentials (user name and password). You only might need to change the parameters marked in the red box.


  1. After making the changes, click on OKbutton to confirm. Then click select the function GetConsolidatedReportingData in the left Queries menu. Provide the ConReportFromDate (i.e. 2023-11-01T00:00Z ) and ConReportToDate (i.e. 2023-12-01T00:00Z ) and click the Invokebutton. The function will authenticate and call the API in the background to fetch the data.


  1. If you You may get any popup like this then click on this and select as Anonymous connect. If you don’t, then just ignore this step.


  1. a popup like below for the first time you connect to a new domain (parameter AppDomain). Click on Edit Credentials and select Anonymous and confirm with Connect.


  1. Click on Close & Apply (top-left of the window).


  1. Clear all the permissions. Data Source Settings->Global Permissions->Clear source settings → Global Permissions → Clear Permissions


  1. Follow Step 4 from previous section . (only Step 4)

  2. Open this window and change permission to Anonymous connect for each URL listed here.


  1. Again follow from Step 4 from previous section to fetch the data to processfrom the API.