The Adonis Gangway Access Control System
How to Enable Gangway Functionality
Note: if you are going to use Gangway functionality on a vessel for the first time, you need to insert/add Gangway Control buttons.
Please run the following script on each vessel where you are going to use Gangway:
- Instead of xxx please use I nt. Org. ID from vessel properties (unique for every vessel).
In can be found in the APM > Setup > Organisation Structure > Vessel Properties > Identification.
declare @VesselId int |
You can enable Gangway functionality via a Panel PC (TimeClock) or APP (in the Administrative Portal):
Panel PC
To access the Configuration screen, log in panel PC as admin with pin number 0000 and default password: 1266472012
Go to General Settings tab, set Enable Gangway check-box:
APP- Administrative Portal
- Start the Administrator Portal and go to Time Clock Maintain tool:
- Then go to TimeClock Overview, select needed panel PC (timeclock) from the list > Settings >General Settings:
Set Enable Gangway check-box.
The Adonis Gangway control system is a part of the Adonis TimeClock application.
The objective of the Adonis Gangway system is to count the actual number of crew members on board at any time a vessel is in port and to automate the sign on and sign off process.
To be able to produce an actual crew list when in port the system can't rely on the onboard activities as a person can be ashore for the whole or partial period of time the vessel is in port.
The onboard activity only registers the actual sign on and sign off, (start and end of tour of duty) which is used in the payroll calculation.
This means the system needs to track if a person is actually onboard or off board without closing the activity each time the person is leaving the vessel.
The Adonis Gangway Control System presents Gangway Access Control Panel - the actual unit located at the gangway where the crew member signs in and signs out.
It's access by pin, barcode, swipe or RFID card reader.
Functionality: Based on the state of a person (onboard / ashore) the system presents various functionality.
The system is ready to read magnetic strip, barcode or scan RFID card, alternatively the employee can enter his pin or passcode.
After the crew member authentication, the system recognizes the following states:
State 1: Person is not registered onboard
No planned onboard (sea-service) activity for today exists.
Information screen:
The person needs to contact his team leader. And the team leader should create planned on-board activity for him from today.
State 2: Person is not registered onboard
Planned onboard (sea-service) activity for today exists.
Information screen:- After clicking Sign On, the system activates the planned on-board activity in APM.
It becomes current.
On the next screen the crew member can select needed work type:
State 3: Person is registered onboard
The person has a current onboard activity, and the state is onboard.
When swiping his card/entering details the system presents the crew member two possibilities: - After clicking Sign On, the system activates the planned on-board activity in APM.
- Shore visit;
- Sign Off.
If person selects Sign off:
Click Yes:
- The current onboard activity in APM is closed (becomes historical) with the Date To = signing off date.
- If next planned leave activity exists, it becomes current with Date from = Sign off date + 1 day
|If person selects Shore Visit:
- The current onboard activity stays current, the state of the person is changed to off board.
We offer the possibility for visual and audial warning if a vessel is planned to leave in x number of minutes, for example:
State 3: Current on-board activity exists and crew member's state is offboard (person backs from Shore visit)
The system prompts the user to board the vessel:Click Board button: