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Adonis Web Recruitment© 

Adonis Web Recruitment© gives a unique integration between the application section of your webpages and your core human resource system, Adonis Personnel Manager. Once screened and accepted, all the information entered by a person applying for a job in your company will be seamlessly interfaced to Adonis Personnel Manager, including any documents, photos and videos uploaded by the applicant. 

The application forms are tailor-made with customized questions and fields, exactly to your company’s needsYou can request CVs, pictures and scanned documents from the applicant, and you can prevent a position to be filled until your requirements have been met.  

As the job applications come in, you can screen and filter your candidates, trigger an automatic notification to be sent whenever you change the application status. Once evaluation is complete, you will effortlessly upload any qualified applicant, including all their attachments, to your Adonis Human Resource System where the employment process will be carried out and finalized. 


Adonis Personnel Manager© 

People Hub Base Module Data Groups: 

Personnel Details 

The Personnel Details Data Group contains personal information such as name, address, contact information, employment and contract records, payroll and seniority information and appearance. The Personal Details screens can be extended with user-defined fields organized in user-defined groups.  

Information uploaded by applicants from the Adonis Web Recruitment© portal can be seamlessly integrated into the Personal Details when an applicant is accepted for further processing. 


Seafarers’ photographs can be uploaded and linked per seafarer’s record in the Photo data group. 

Person Notes 

The Notes can be entered as an unstructured (free formatted) text for each seafarer in each Data Group.  In the Person Notes data group locates and consolidates all comments entered in any of the Data Groups. 


The Family data group stores data of next of kin, dependents and family members’ contact information. 
It also contains allotment bank details and amount of remittances per allottee/recipient.  
Adonis can process unlimited number of allottees/ remittances (for Allotment, Emergency and/or Special Remittances/Monthly Payment Orders) for each seafarer. 

Customized Topics 

The Customized Topics data group can contain an unlimited number of topics defined by the user/company, each containing an unlimited number of data fields. 

Enclosed Documents 

The Documents data group includes documents classified as: 

  • Competence (Certificates, licenses, courses, education etc.) 

  • Travel (Passport, Seaman's Book, Visa) 

  • Medical (Health Certificates, Vaccinations etc) 

Expiry dates are color-coded to indicate document  
status that may require due attention from users in the various modules. 
Provided that the Documents Module is installed, each document record may be linked to a scanned copy of the original document.  In addition, an unlimited number of other scans may be attached to the person. 

Flight Details 

The Flight Details data group stores all previous records of flights booked for a seafarer through the Travels Module. Flights can also be booked and saved individually through this data group. 

Medical Insurance 

This data group allows you to customize all necessary forms to track all aspects of accidents and injuries where persons are involved to document costs and monitor the claim process towards the P&I company. 

Crew Effects  

The Crew Effects data group allows you to define registration forms for all personal effects belonging to a crew member, to be used in connection with Custom Declaration forms. 
This Data Group will be mainly for shipboard use. 

Other Modules

Rotation Module 

The Crew Rotation Planning module is a graphical crew planning tool that allows "drag and drop planning" of crew on long-term, short-term and on ad hoc basis. The module will interact closely with the Competence Matrix Module, providing alerts for expiring documents and missing qualifications among the planned crew.  
The plans are presented in colored Gantt charts, which can be viewed per department for the whole vessel, or for selected positions or departments across the fleet. 

Documents Module 

The Documents Module allows you to organize all types of scanned documents, create groups and link them to individual data records, e.g. such as a passport or certificates. It also allows you to scan other image files and attach them to each person.  There are advanced tools to pick up scans directly from e-mail or from a folder and preview, before selecting the record it will be attached to. 

With this module it is also possible to create and add mail merge templates in MS Word, bookmark and add fields for automatic report generation in MS Word. 

Crew Change Module 

The Crew Change module functions as a stand-alone tool or interacts with the Rotation Module to help you handle all tasks with crew signing off and on the ship.  

The vessel’s itinerary (port calls) can be maintained manually or uploaded from external sources.  If the Travel Module is installed, flights can be booked electronically from the Crew Change module, along with the complete handling of travel arrangements. 

Travels Module 

With the Travels Module all flights and other travel arrangements can be handled. This can be done on an individual or group basis. If the Crew Change Module is installed, embarkation and disembarkation travels can be arranged for individuals or for groups. 

Several electronic interfaces to flight booking systems have been developed.  

Requirements Profile 

This Competence Matrix module is used to configure all required documents / certification per Rank, per Vessel or Vessel Type and /or Principal.  

The Requirements Profile will be used in Rotation Planning to warn users of missing or expiring documents. 

Competence Matrix Reports and interfaces to OCIMF/Q-88 are available. 

Course Scheduler 

External and internal training courses are planned through the Course Scheduler module.  

Selected training courses can be associated to a given competency certificate where appropriate. 

Adonis Course Scheduler also includes a historical archive of all courses taken by your employees or seafarers.  

Interface to selected course suppliers sites are available and others can be developed upon request. 

Analytical Module 

The Analytical Module is used to extract a variety of management information, KPIs etc. through all modules and tables.  

Data is presented in Pivot tables, where elements can be dragged to columns or rows and includes drill-down functionality similar to MS Excel ©.  With a key stroke, data can be presented in graphical mode and can be printed or exported. 


This Contacts module is used to store all contact information on agents, suppliers / vendors and any other type of business contacts.  The information is utilized for throughout the modules and in reports and interfaces. 


Port details are maintained in the Ports module and interact with the Crew Change and Rotation modules. 

Report Generator 

Adonis includes a number of standard reports, in addition to an unlimited number of reports that can be produced and connected to the Report Generator.   

If a company does not have an in-house developer, customizations of reports is offered by Adonis after due specifications are gathered or developed based on client business rules. 

Payroll Module 

All Payroll onboard and onshore (e.g., Basic Rate, Leave Pay, Allowances, Slop chest, Radio Charges, remittances (e.g., MPO/SR) can be processed in the Payroll module. 

The Payroll Module can be interfaced to a number of Accounting Systems including SAP, Oracle Financials, Great Plains, Concorde etc. 

Allotment data can also be submitted via output files directly acceptable to specifications of a number of major banks. Other bank interfaces may be added. 

Time Cards Module 

The Time Cards Registration module can be used with the Payroll module and is closely linked to the activity overview in Adonis.  

A registration screen can be configured according to the company’s needs, in order to ensure a quick and easy data registration process. Key information about ship, pay scale and position/rank and other cost codes is automatically retrieved where needed. Once the registration is complete, a seamless data transfer to Adonis Payroll is done for further control and processing through Payroll.

Vessel Budget Module 

The Vessel Budget module support budgeting per vessel per position on an annual basis. As a supplementary module to Adonis Payroll, the budget module can provide reports which compare actual costs with budget costs per position per vessel or across selected positions of all ships. 

The module supports the use of multiple pay scales and currencies. 

Requisition and Invoicing  

The Requisition and Invoicing module is used by hiring companies to file requisitions for crew with specific qualifications, search the database for applicable candidates and hire them out. When a month is completed, the payroll expenses can be invoiced to the principal, with a mark-up amount or percentage. 

Crew Station Bill 

The Crew Station Bill is a comprehensive module for shipboard use to handle the alarm roll procedures throughout the various muster stations. These are configured in the system together with Fire Stations and Life Boats as well as other elements required for the module.  Instructions and procedures are defined and used throughout the maintenance phase of the Crew Station Bill, making it easy to have a full emergency system fully updated and ready at all times. 

Cabin Allocation Module 

The Cabin Allocation is used to track how the crew cabins are populated and will be used to allocate sign-on crew to vacant cabins. Off-signing crew is automatically removed from the cabin. 

Adonis Personnel Portal© 

Adonis Personnel Portal is a self-service web portal for employees. When running on board a ship, the portal is called Adonis Crew Portal, as there will be certain limitations and functions only available for the shipboard crew. When distributed over the public Cloud (Internet) for all employees, the service is called Adonis Employee Portal. For details and specification of the various modules, please see below. 

Adonis Time Clock 

The Adonis Time Clock is installed on Windows based tablet PCs, wall-mounted on convenient location throughout the ship. The crew will identify themselves through a swipe- or RFID card whenever going to work, rest or e.g. meal. The Panel PCs are communicating with the Crew Portal and pushing the recorded time slots for each crew member through the Chain of Approval which is set up in the Crew Portal. 

Adonis Crew Portal 

The Crew Portal is running on an IIS server on board the vessel and connected on the standard local APM database which is installed on a shipboard server. Some of the APM modules listed above may also be running on board, but this is not a requirement for running the Crew Portal. 

The crew portal can only be accessed by crew while they are signed on to the vessel. 

Approve Time Records 

All Crew on board will have access to their Adonis Crew Portal account with their e-mail address and a password. Team Leader will have more comprehensive access and tools available compared to standard crew, depending on their access role and location in the Chain of Approval. 

MLC W&R Hours Compliance 

The Crew Portal will give a Team Leader overview of recorded work and rest hours and Overtime for Payroll for their team members. MLC compliance status will be clearly displayed and can also be subject to automated reporting throughout the chain. The Team leader may approve or reject any registration for a member of their team. 

Master Cash Account 

A module that will keep track of all transactions related to the Master'balance of cash, with full integration to Crew Payroll. The purpose is to record the receipt and expendityre of cashe and the use of ship’s checks from the Master’s account. 

Roster Planning 

The Roster Planning Module handles day and night shifts and is especially designed for passenger vessels with high proportion of crew and high variation in the need for workforce on their various points of sales. The Roster Planning module allow for full oversight of positions that needs to be populated throughout the day and will notify already at the planning stage if any planned crew dispositions will violate the MLC Rest Hours regulations. 

Crew Self Service 

Any Crew Members may be given access to their own Personal data, to view e.g. Pay Slips and may be permitted to view and update e.g. competence records and scanned documents for approval, as well as to view and update basic personal information such as communication details, family information etc. 

My Flights 

An employee will have access to view all flight details for upcoming or historical flights booked through Adonis. 


A Team Leader can send a message to his team, which will be displayed on the Time Clock tablet PC next time a crew identifies himself. The crew will not be able to proceed to his next activity before accepting that the message is read and understood. 

Travel Expense Reporting 

An Employee can file their Travel Expense Report through the portal, along with scanned copies/pictures of all receipts documenting the various expenses. Each Travel Expense Report will go through the Chain of Approval and finally end up in payroll, for automatic reimbursement through the Payroll Module. 

Workday Account & Expenses 

The Workday Account is an extension of the Travel Expense Reporting, also allowing an employee to create travel and work activities, before creating the Travel Expense report.   

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