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Adonis Administrator Portal

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In this guide, you will get to know how to configure the Adonis Personnel Portal modules and to make them operate based on your needs.

General Settings

The general settings allow you to control some of the most basic configuration settings for the APP application.
To access the settings, use one of the tips below:

  • On the work space, navigate to Configurations > General Settings.

  • On the main menu, select Configuration > General.

Before getting started, make sure you have selected the organization unit for which you want to define the settings. To do this, select an organization unit on the left-hand side pane of the General settings window by:

  • Using a scroll bar to search through the list.

  • Entering a text in the search field to filter records.

Email Server

You can configure an SMTP server that will take care of the email's delivery. To do this, first switch to the Email Server tab in the General Settings window:

Fill in the fields as described below:

  • SMTP Server. Enter the server address used to send emails. If maintained by Adonis, enter the Adonis server address.

  • Port. Enter a port number that specifies a way of transmitting an email between two mail servers. The default port number of an outgoing SMTP server is 25.

  • Sender address. Enter an email address you would like to be used for sending emails to users.

  • Enable SSL. Select the option to enable the SSL certificate.

  • Use credentials. Turn on the SMTP authentication and enter your account's SMTP Username and set SMTP Password.

Yellow-highlighted fields are mandatory.

On completing, click Save to confirm the changes.

SQL Server

You can specify the SQL server as well as the database you are working on. To do this, switch to the SQL Server tab in the General Settings window:

Fill in the fields as described below:

  • Server. Enter a server name you want to get connected to.

  • Database. Enter a database name located on the specified server.

  • Database user. Enter a database username.

  • Connection timeout. Specify the interval of seconds after which a connection request times out and a connection is thrown.

Yellow-highlighted fields are mandatory

On completing, click Test connection to verify whether the connection is successful. If the connection is successfully established, click Save to confirm the changes. Once you click the button, you will see a confirmation dialog informing you that the settings have been updated but will take effect only after restarting the portal:

Click Yes if you want to immediately restart the portal or No if you want to restart it later.

Web Services

The Adonis architecture assumes the installation of two applications: web service and APP. Web service stores data and send it to APP by request.

Let us now cover the principles for name formations. On installing the application, the APP name consists of the following parts:


InstanceName may be optionally defined while installing the application.

The web service name then acquires the following parts:

The Web Service tab is designed to set up connection between the APP application and the web service:

To get started, in the Client-side requests section, define the web service URL for sending data requests:

  • Relative URL. Select the chekbox if you want to send requests to the web service located on the same host as the APP application. The unselected option assumes using the absolute URL where both protocol and host name must be indicated.

In the Server-side requests section, define the web service address where the security token is to be generated:

  • Use the same URL for server side. Select the option to use the URL specified in the Client-side requests section.

  • Relative URL. Select the chekbox if you want to generate the security token on the web service located on the same host as the APP application. The unselected option assumes using the absolute URL where both protocol and host name must be indicated (preferred option).

Besides, you can define URLs to other web services:

Adonis Integration Web Service (AIWS). Set the absolute URL to the web service.

Gateway.API Routing Service. Set the absolute URL to the web service.

Dates Format

You can specify the format in which you want to display time and date in the APP modules. To do this, switch to the Dates Format tab in the General settings window:

Proceed with the following fields:

  • Use client local format. Enable the option to make the system fetch the system date and time settings defined on the client's machine.

  • Select date format (available only if the Use client format option is disabled). From the drop-down menu, select the date format you want to apply.

  • Select hours format (available only if the Use client format option is disabled). From the drop-down menu, select either a 24-hour or 12-hour time format.

On completing, click Save to apply the changes.


You can view the log events that provide useful information and error messages intended primarily to help troubleshoot your solution. To do this, switch to the Log tab in the General settings window:

You can filter data by the events listed in the grid. To do this, from the LogEvent drop-down menu, select one of the following :

  • FATAL is an error that causes an application to terminate without any warning.

  • ERROR is a signinficant problem, such as loss of data.

  • WARNING is an event that is not necessarily signinficant but might indicate a possible future problem.

  • INFO describes the successful operation of a service.

  • DEBUG events are used by developers troubleshooting issues with their programs.

License Server

The License Server tab allows you to configure access to License Service via Adonis Administrator Portal:

To do this, simply provide the following information:

  • Company ID. Enter the company identification number defined in Adonis License Service.

  • Password. Enter the password for accessing License Service via Adonis Administrator Portal. The password has been defined in Adonis License Service.

When done, click Save to proceed.

Time Zone Settings

When sailing around the world, a vessel crosses a number of time zones which an administrator must take care of beforehand. This setup is necessary to correctly process time registrations. To access the setup, use one of the following tips:

  • On the work space, navigate to Configurations > Time Zones.

  • On the main menu, select Configuration > Time Zones.

Within the displayed Time Zone Settings page, click New to view the fields to be filled out:

  • Vessel. Select a vessel for which you want to add a time zone.

  • New time zone. Specify the UTC time offset you want to apply.

  • Date of change. Select the date from which to apply the time zone change. The date of time zone change applies at midnight (12 AM) considered as the start of a new day.

Yellow-highlighted fields are mandatory.

On completing, click Save and view the newly added time zones in the grid:

Timeline Crossing

Double Day

It may happen that a vessel crosses the UTC+12 and UTC-12 time zones which cover the same area, but the time zones are 24 hours apart. This causes a double day to appear in the time registration report.
The example below illustrates how to correctly set up the duplication.
Let us suppose that a vessel crosses the UTC+12 and UTC-12 time zone on 05/15/2021. Then you need to make the following setup:

  1. Set the UTC+12 time zone to 05/14/2021 (the date which comes before the double day):

  2. Click Save to update the time zone grid.

  3. Set the UTC-12 time zone to 05/16/2021 (the date which comes after the double day):

  4. Click Save to update the time zone grid.

As a result, the time zone grid shows the double day which corresponds to 5/15/2021:

Skip Day

Crossing the UTC-12 and UTC+12 time zones, which cover the same area, causes a skip day to appear in the time registration report. The example below shows you how to correctly set up the day to be skipped under the time zone with such offsets.
Suppose that a vessel crosses the UTC-12 and UTC+12 time zone on 05/22/2021. Then you need to make the following setup:

  1. Set the UTC-12 time zone to 05/21/2021 (the date which comes before the date to skip):

  2. Click Save to update the time zone grid.

  3. Set the UTC+12 time zone to 05/22/2021 (the date to be skipped):

  4. Click Save to update the time zone grid. 

As a result, the time zone grid shows the skip day which corresponds to 5/22/2021:

WDA & Travel Expense Settings

The WDA and Travel Expense module is specifically designed for registering expenses incurred when travelling away from home on business.
Before starting to work with the module, it is recommended to configure the settings. To do this, log into the Administrator Portal and use one of the following tips:

  • On the work space, navigate to Configurations > WDA & Travel Expense.

  • On the main menu, select Configuration > Travel Expense & WDA.

Within the module, you can:

Define Rates

To access travel allowance rates use one of the tips below:

  • On the toolbar, select Rates.

  • On the main menu, select Travel Expense & WDA > Rates.

Before getting started, define the organization and period for which you want to define the rates.
To define a period, click the New period button. This opens the New rates period dialog:

Within the dialog, define the following fields:

  • Create by template. From the drop-down list, select one of the following options:

    • New. Select to create a period from scratch.

    • Copy from company. Select to duplicate the rates defined for a certain company. Selecting the option offers you to select the company from which you want to duplicate the rates. To do this, in the Organization field, select the company.

    • Copy from previous period. Select to duplicate the rates defined in the previous period.

  • Period start date. Select the start date of the period. By default the current date is defined.

As a result, a newly created period will be available in the Rates period start menu.
To define an organization, select it on the left-hand side Organization pane.


In the application, you can view the transportation types defined by default. To do this, switch to the Transportation tab:

The default settings are subject to modifications and deletions. For this, click Edit or Delete, accordingly.

Besides, you can add the transportation means to be used when travelling. For this, in the Transportation types grid, click New. On clicking, the following fields become available:

Fill in the fields as described below:

  • Code is a unique alpha-numeric APP code.

  • Type contains a list of predefined transportation types based on which you can specify the rates for calculating the amount of compensation. For more information, see Transportation Types.

  • Description is a name of a transportation mean.

  • SortNo is an order number of a record in the grid (where 0 means the first record in the list).

  • Alternative is an alternative name of a transport mean. An alternative name is typically used if a description name is specified in the language other than English.

  • Allow for user groups. From the drop-down list, select the user groups for whom the

  • Allow for reasons. From the drop-down list, select the reason(s). The functionality is created filtering expense types based on Travel Reason.

  • Is Passive, if selected, makes the record unavailable. It is recommended to select the option if you consider the transportation type will no longer be in use.

  • Is Scan Mandatory, if selected, makes the document scan mandatory to be attached.

  • Payroll Category is a unique alpha-numeric code which serves as a binding component between the APP entries and Entry Codes in APM.

Yellow-highlighted fields are mandatory.

On completing, click Save to proceed.

Transportation Types

A transportation type may be specified for a transportation mean. Selecting a transportation type enables you to define type-specific rates. Below, you will find the description of all transportation types as well as the associated rates.
Ticket Specification is a type defined in case an employee can present a ticket confirming the expense incurred:

Yellow-highlighted fields are mandatory.

Own car is a transportation type which enables you to define various rates at which the charge will be calculated:

  • Up to 10.000 km. Enter a rate for the distance of up to 10.000 km.

  • Over 10.000 km. Enter a rate for the distance of over 10.000 km.

  • Forestroad. Enter a rate for the travels through a forest road.

  • Driving Abroad. Enter a rate for an overseas travel.

  • Passenger. Enter a rate per passenger.

  • Tromso. Enter a rate for travelling in Tromsø.

  • Trailer. Enter a rate for riding in a trailer.

Yellow-highlighted fields are mandatory.

The Motorboat rates are defined based on the motorboat capacities:

  • Up to 50 hp. Enter a rate for a boat having up to 50 hp.

  • From 50 hp. Enter a rate for a boat having from 50 hp.

Yellow-highlighted fields are mandatory.

The Motorcycle rates are defined based on the motorcycle engine capacities:

  • Until 125 ccm. Enter a rate for a motorcycle with the engine capacity up to 125 ccm.

  • Over 125 ccm. Enter a rate for a motorcycle with the engine capacity over 125 ccm.

Other allows defining rates for various transportation means:

  • Scooter. Enter a scooter rate.

  • Electric Car. Enter a rate for an electric car.

  • Other. Enter a rate for any other transportation mean.


The allowance rates are established per country and must meet the specific documentation requirements stipulated in the Tax Payment Regulation. Depending on the travel type, whether domestic or overseas, you can define different allowance rates. A domestic travel is a travel performed within the travelers' own country; an abroad travel – outside the travelers' country.
To get access to the allowances and define the rates, click the Allowances tab:

Domestic Rates

To define the allowance rates for a domestic travel, go to Allowances > Domestic and choose whether you want to create new allowance rates or to copy the rates defined for another organization.

To copy the rates, click Copy from. When the Copy dialog appears, do the following:

  1. Select the organization from which you want to copy the rates:

  2. Click Copy to proceed.

The copied rates are subject to modifications or deletions. Besides, you can update the list with new rates.
To create new allowance rates based on the travel duration, click New and specify the following:

  • Minimum hours. Enter the lower limit of the travel duration in hours.

  • Maximum hours. Enter the upper limit of the travel duration in hours.

  • Allowance rate. Enter the allowance rate for a domestic travel which falls within the time frame.

  • Taxable. Enter the tax rate which may be imposed.

  • Is Overnight. Select the option if a trip involves an overnight stay.

You can skip defining the domestic allowance rates. In this case, the default settings are considered:

The default settings are subject to modifications and deletions. For this, click Edit or Delete, accordingly. In addition, you can update the grid with new rates by clicking New.

Abroad Rates

To define the allowance rates for international trips, go to Allowances > Abroad and choose whether you want to create new rates or to copy the rates already defined for another organization.

To copy the rates, click Copy from. When the Copy dialog appears, do the following:

  1. Select the organization from which you want to copy the rates:

  2. Click Copy to proceed.

The copied rates are subject to modifications or deletions. Besides, you can update the list with new rates.
Under some Regulations, you can set different allowance percentage rates depending on the duration of a trip. You can define this percentage in the Allowance Percentage grid. To do this, click New and specify the following:

  • Minimum hours. Enter the lower limit of the travel duration in hours.

  • Maximum hours. Enter the upper limit of the travel duration in hours.

  • % of allowance rate. Enter the percentage of the allowance rate for a foreign travel which falls within the time frame.

  • Compensation. Enter an extra reimbursement rate for a foreign travel.

The allowances for foreign travels may vary based on a destination country and a city. To set the allowance rates by countries and cities, switch to the Countries Allowance Rates grid, click New and specify the following:

  • Country is a destination country.

  • Maximum allowance is the maximum allowable reimbursement rate for travel in a foreign country.

  • City is a city of a destination country.

  • Allowance rate is an allowance rate for a travel.

Instead of manually defining the countries allowance rates, you can import them. To do this, click Download country rates from FTP and specify the path to the .csv file. For any assistance, please contact the Support Team.
You can skip defining the abroad allowance rates. In this case, the default settings are considered:

The default settings are subject to modifications and deletions. For this, click Edit or Delete, accordingly. In addition, you can update the grid with new rates by clicking New.


You can define daily meal allowance rates for foreign and domestic travels, separately. To do this, switch to the Meal tab:

Now, choose whether you want to define meal rates for a domestic or foreign travel by selecting Domestic or Abroad, accordingly.
For domestic and/or foreign travels, indicate a percentage for each of the regular meals:

  • Breakfast(%)

  • Lunch(%)

  • Dinner(%)

The percentage rate shows how much will be deducted from the meal daily allowance in case, for example, the accommodation price already includes breakfast.
You can also specify the Administrative catering as a bonus in case a traveler does not incur any expenses for meals.

You can skip defining the meal rates. In this case, the default settings are considered:

The default settings are also subject to modifications and deletions. For this, update the fields and click Save to confirm the changes or click Clean to remove the meal rates.

Other rates

Switch to the Other rates tab to access the options which enable you to:

  • define the allowance rates for a guest house

  • set the limit per night for an accommodation

  • define the accommodation allowance rate in case any lodging is not specified.

Unauthorized accommodation allows defining the accommodation rate in case any lodging is not specified.
Guest House Allowances allow defining the allowances for a guest house based on the following options:

  • Kitchen included. Define an accommodation rate for a guest house with a kitchen.

  • Kitchen not included. Define an accommodation rate for a guest house without a kitchen.

  • Taxable. Define a tax rate for a guest house with/without a kitchen.

Accommodation per night limit allows setting the maximum allowable amount for accommodation per night. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Select Enable limit.

  2. Enter the amount you want to define as a Limit per night.

You can skip defining the rates. In this case, the default settings are considered:

The default settings are also subject to modifications and deletions. For this, update the fields and click Save to confirm the changes or click Clean to remove the rates.

Set Travel Reason

You can define the travel reasons that will be available for a traveler when preparing a travel expense report. To do this, click Travel reason in the upper right-hand side of the Travel Expense Settings window:

Within the Travel reasons grid, you can see a list of predefined reasons which may be edited or removed. You can also update the list with new reasons for travel.
To create a reason, click New and specify the following:

  • Code is a unique APP code.

  • Name is a name of the reason.

  • Sorting number is an order number of a record in the grid (where 0 means the first record in the list).

In the Include section, select the options to be included to a traveler's report:

  • Allowance calculation, if selected, displays the allowance rate to be paid.

  • Meals deduction, if selected, displays the amount that is to be deducted from the meal daily allowance.

  • Advance, if selected, displays the amount provided to a traveler in advance before the travel.

In the Mandatory fields section, select the fields you want to appear in a traveler's report as required to be filled in:

  • Department

  • Cost place

  • Project

  • Vessel

In the Options section, select an option to indicate whether a travel reason:

  • Is default which sets the record to default.

  • Is passive which makes the record unavailable. It is recommended to select the option if you consider the travel reason will no longer be in use.

Required fields are highlighted in yellow.
On defining the travel reason settings, click Save. As a result, a new travel reason will then become available in the Travel reasons grid.
To modify the settings of the existing travel reason, in the Travel reasons grid, click Edit next to the selected reason:

Now, modify the settings based on your needs and click Save to confirm the changes.
To delete a travel reason, in the Travel reasons grid, click Delete next to the selected reason. The system will then display the confirmation alert before deleting the selected record:

Click Delete to confirm.
As a result, the row will become unavailable in the Travel reasons grid.
Travel reasons being in use cannot be deleted from the grid.

Define Accommodation

You can define the accommodation types that will be available for a traveler when preparing a travel expense report. To do this, click Accommodation in the upper right-hand side of the Travel Expense Settings window:

Within the appearing Accommodation types grid, you can see a list of predefined reasons that may be edited or removed. You can also update the grid with new accommodation types.
To add a new accommodation type, click New and fill in the fields:

  • Code is a unique alpha-numeric APP code.

  • Description is a name of an accommodation type.

  • Type is an accommodation type. Select it from the drop-down menu.

  • Payroll Category 1/Payroll Category 2 is a unique alpha-numeric code which serves as a binding component between the APP entries and Entry Codes in APM.

  • Is Passive, if selected, makes the record unavailable. It is recommended to select the option if you consider the accommodation type will no longer be in use.

On completing, click Save. As a result, a new accommodation type will appear in the grid.
To introduce any modifications to the existing accommodation types, in the Accommodation types grid, click Edit next to the selected type:

Now, update the fields based on your needs and click Save to confirm the changes.
To delete an accommodation type, in the Outlay types grid, click Delete next to the outlay type you want to delete. The system will then display the confirmation alert before deleting the selected record:

Click Delete to confirm and make the record unavailable in the Outlay types grid.
Outlay types being in use cannot be deleted from the grid.

Set Outlay Types

You can define any additional expenses a traveler may incur when travelling. To do this, click Outlay Types in the upper right-hand side of the Travel Expense Settings window:

Within the appearing Outlay types grid, you can see a list of predefined reasons that may be edited or removed. You can also update the grid with new accommodation types.
To add a new accommodation type, click New and fill in the fields:

  • Code is a unique alpha-numeric APP code.

  • Description is a name of an outlay type.

  • Type allows specifying whether the created outlay type is an addition or a deduction. Select Advance to deduct an outlay amount from allowance. Select Various to add an outlay amount to allowance.

  • Deduction allows defining a deductible outlay type. The option automatically applies if Type is set to Advance.

  • Is Passive, if selected, makes the record unavailable. It is recommended to select the option if you consider the outlay type will no longer be in use.

  • Payroll Category 1/Payroll Category 2 is a unique alpha-numeric code which serves as a binding component between the APP entries and Entry Codes in APM.

On completing, click Save. As a result, a new outlay type will appear in the grid.
To introduce any modifications to the existing outlay types, in the Outlay types grid, click Edit next to the selected type:

Now, update the fields based on your needs and click Save to confirm the changes.
To delete an accommodation type, in the Accommodation types grid, click Delete next to the accommodation type you want to delete. The system will then display the confirmation alert before deleting the selected record:

Click Delete to confirm and make the record unavailable in the Accommodation types grid.

Define Settlement Types

When preparing a travel expense report, a traveler has the possibility to view a summary of all the incurred expenses and the provided allowance rate. Below is an example of a summary:

As an administrator, you can rename the preset summary titles as well as define the order number for each of them. To do this, click Settlement Types in the upper right-hand side of the Travel Expense Settings window:

To introduce any changes, select a settlement type in the grid and click Edit next to it:

Now, update the fields based on your needs:

  • Description is a name of a settlement type.

  • Sort Nr is an order number of a record in the grid (where 0 means the first record in the list).

  • Payroll Category1/Payroll Category2 is a unique alpha-numeric code which serves as a binding component between the APP entries and Entry Codes in APM.

On completing, click Save to confirm the changes.

Define Travel Activities

Adonis Employee Portal allows keeping records of expenses associated with travel from his/her home to a workplace (further referred to as inbound and outbound activities).
The feature is available only for WDA & Expenses.
As an administrator, you should first make sure the travel activities such as onboard and other activities (sick, leave, travel, etc.) are properly set up. To do this, in the APM application, go to Setup > General Codes > Activity Codes, click the New button on the ribbon to make the General Code Editor dialog appear:

Within the General Code Editor dialog, proceed as described below:

  1. Enter a unique alpha-numeric Code for a new activity.

  2. In the Text field, enter a name for a new activity.

  3. In the APP Modules drop-down list, select the module(s) for which you want to enable the activity type. The following APP Modules are available:

  4. In the Activity Type group, select an option to specify whether an activity belongs to an onboard or other activities type. To attribute an onboard activity type, select Sea Service; for other activities, select any other activity-specific types such as Leave, Sick, Training, Holiday, Travel, Discharge.

  5. Click OK to add a newly created activity to the list of Activity Codes.

On completing, get back to the APP application and click Travel Activities in the upper right-hand side of the Travel Expense Settings window:

Within the Document Activities group, you can now view a list of activity types assigned to the Working Days Accounting APP module:

  • Onboard activity is a sea-service activity type which assumes both inbound (Departure from home) and outbound (Arriving at home) travels are available for a traveler:

  • Leave, Travel, Training are considered as other non-sea service activities which do not assume that outbound and inbound travels are obligatory available for a traveler:

To enable outbound and inbound travels, select the Create outbound and inbound travels for WDA documents for non-onboard activities option:

Within the Departure Activity and Arrival Activity groups, you can view the lists of activities assigned to the Travel activity type in APM. Such activities are required to define activity types at the final stage of processing a travel report. When a report is approved by a manager, the system then creates two new activities (inbound and outbound) which would correspond to the activities set in the Departure Activity and Arrival Activity groups.

Define Currencies

You can define the currencies that will be available for a traveler when preparing a travel expense report. To do this, click Currency in the upper right-hand side of the Travel Expense Settings window:

Within the appearing Currencies grid, you can see a list of predefined currencies that may be edited or updated
To update the list, click New and fill in the fields:

  • Code is a country-specific three-letter alphabetic code.

  • Name is a currency name.

  • Is Passive, if selected, makes the record unavailable. It is recommended to use the option if a currency is no longer in use.

On completing, click Save to confirm the changes.
To introduce any changes, select a currency in the grid and click Edit next to it:

Now, update the fields based on your needs and click Save to confirm the changes.
You can also set up the default currency that is used in calculations. To do this, switch to Module Options and select a currency unit from the Default Currency drop-down list. For more information, see Set Module Options.

Set Module Options

You can select the fields which you want to make available for a traveler when preparing a travel report. To do this, click Module Options in the upper right-hand side of the Travel Expense Settings window:

Now, select the fields in the Show input fields and Show transportation fields groups based on needs.
Besides, you can define a unit for measuring distance and the default currency being used if no currency is set. To do this, set your preferences in the Distance measurement and Default Currency groups, accordingly. 

Time and Attendance Settings

The Time and Attendance module provides you with the most efficient way to track time and attendance of crew members and stay in compliance with the MLC regulations pertaining to work and rest hours.
Before starting to work with the Time and Attendance module, it is recommended to configure the settings first. To do this, log into the Administrator Portal and use one of the tips below:

  • On the main page, select Configurations > Time And Attendance:


  • On the main page, click the Configurations button > Time and Attendance Settings.

As a result, the Time and Attendance Settings dialog appears on the screen. You can now set up the tool based on your needs:

With the upper right-hand side commands, you can:

  • Generate periods for timesheet reports. See Define Timesheet Periods.

  • Create different activities and associate them with the predefined work types. See Define Worktypes.

  • Define custom settings which include but not limited to drill duration, MLC non-conforming violations, workload approval documents, etc. See Define Custom Settings.

Define Timesheet Periods

Timesheet periods are date ranges that specify how frequently timesheets are submitted by a crew member. No timesheets can be created until a timesheet period is defined. You can either define a recurring timesheet period to have your timesheet regenerate at the selected time interval, or a manual timesheet period to create a customized timesheet period with specific start and end dates.
To create a recurring timesheet period:

  1. Click the Periods button on right-hand side of the dialog.

  2. Within appeared settings, click Automatic period creation to view the following dialog:

  3. In the Generate periods dialog, fill in the fields as described below:

    Organization is a name of the organization for which you are creating a timesheet period
    Date From is a start date in the period range.
    Date To is an end date in the period range.

  4. Select the timesheet period type which determines how often a new timesheet period is to be generated. Typically, you should choose a timesheet period that matches your payroll and/or billing cycle, be it Weekly, Monthly or using the custom number of days.

  5. Click Generate.

To create a manual timesheet period, click the New link and enter the fields as described below:

  • Organization is a name of the organization for which you are creating a timesheet period.

  • Period is a timesheet period defined in the format: yyyymm or yyyymmxx.

  • Name is a timesheet name

  • Date From is a start date in the period range.

  • Date To is an end date in the period range.

Once completed, click Save to confirm.
All the fields are mandatory.
The system will not let you create a timesheet period if the periods are overlapping with the already created periods.
As a result, the generated periods are stored in the grid:

To modify a created timesheet period, click Edit and make the appropriate changes in the displayed fields. Once completed, click Save to confirm the changes.
To permanently remove a timesheet period, click the Delete link located in the same row.
Periods being in use, i.e. linked to a time registration, cannot be deleted.
Besides, you can purge the grid if there are any outdated timesheet periods. To do this, click Purge Time Sheets in the upper part of the dialog. Clicking the button moves all outdated timesheets and time registrations to a separate database table.

Define Worktypes

Before starting to work with Time Clock and Crew Portal designed for registering crew members' working time, first set up the work types that will be in use. To do this, switch to the WorkTypes command and click New to proceed:

  • Code is a short name of a work type. The maximum allowed number of characters should not exceed 10.

  • Name is a worktype name that is displayed for crew members in the Time Clock pane or in online Crew Portal.

  • Organization includes a list of organizations/vessels set up in your APM organization structure. From the drop-down menu, select the organization/vessel for which you want to define a worktype.

On defining a worktype, you can now specify an activity type for each worktype:

  • Is Work, if selected, defines a certain worktype as a work activity.

  • Is Rest, if selected, defines a certain worktype as a rest activity.

  • Is Side Duty, if selected, defines a certain worktype as a side duty activity.

  • Is Work And Rest is intended to stay in compliance with the MLC regulations. If the checkbox is selected, it is considered as a work activity, if not – as a rest activity.

  • Is Drill, if selected, defines a certain worktype as a drill activity.

  • Is Meal, if selected, defines a certain worktype as a meal activity.

  • Is Sick, if selected, defines a certain worktype as a sick activity.

Besides, you can define specific preferences for a worktype:

  • Hide In Time Clock, if selected, makes a certain worktype unavailable in Time Clock.

  • Hide In Manual, if selected, makes a certain worktype unavailable in Crew Portal.

  • Not Counted As Overtime (available only if Is Work is selected), if selected, considers working hours as non-overtime.

Once the setup is completed, click Save to confirm and view the applied changes in the grid:

To create a new work type, click the New link and enter the fields as described above.
To permanently remove a work type, click the Delete link and confirm the action.
You cannot delete a work type that is either registered by any of your crew members or is used in a template of registrations of a team member.
To modify a created work type, click Edit and make the appropriate changes in the displayed fields. Once completed, click Save to confirm the applied changes.

Define Custom Settings

You can also define custom settings that affect different timesheet and timecard preferences. To do this, switch to the Custom Settings.
The APP administrator can set up parameters that may prevent you from making mistakes when creating a drill registration:

  • Maximum Drill Duration (minutes) indicates a maximum time limit that a crew member can set for a drill.

  • Warning Duration (minutes) is a time limit after which a crew member gets a warning message. A crew member can either confirm the drill duration or cancel adding the drill.

The Maximum Drill Duration value must exceed the Warning Duration value.

  • Use Daily Approval workflow, if selected, indicates that only approved documents may be sent to a manager.

  • Display registered Rest, if selected, displays the registered rest time in a timesheet. By default, the rest time appears as an empty space.

You can use an alternative pin for authorization. An alternative pin represents a string which may contain up to 20 symbols:

  • Use Alternative pin for authorization into timeclocks, if selected, enables the possibility to use an alternative pin.

Nonconforming work and rest
To stay in compliance with the MLC regulations, you can turn on a notification of any upcoming violations:

  • Calculate nonconforming violations in advance, if selected, defines how many minutes in advance the system must check violations and notify you.


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