You can create crew change entries:
manually one by one;
OR by importing records in one batch via Import routine (see Importing of Calling Ports section).
Open Crew Change module > Calling Ports tab. Here you can see a list of existing crew changes.
To create a new crew change entry, click New button under Manage menu:
Input the correct data:
Vessel - choose vessel name from drop-down.
Port - click drop-down and start typing port name, the system will suggest you a variant.
ETA (Estimated Date of Arrival) and ETD (Estimated Date of Departure) - click drop-down near the field, select the date from the calendar and time in the right part of drop-down window.
By default, it's 00:00 for ETA and 23:59 for ETD.
Click OK and a new record is created.
After this, newly created crew change record appears on Calling Ports tab.
Then you should fill all needed details for this crew change on Port, Notes and Contacts pages.
Later you can perform signing on-/off, promotions, etc. operations at On-/Off-Signing, Promotions, Travel Info tabs
Port Page
On the top you can see: Vessel, Port, ETA, ETD and crew change Status.
Section 1
In port section, you can find information about the port, its nearest airport and travel time from the port to the airport.
You can change the Port in case the itinerary changed as well as you can change the current ETA and ETD. You can manually enter the name of the berth.
The Nearest Airport and Travel Time are read-only fields. This information is filled in automatically from Ports module.
The port agent in charge for this port can be selected under Contact.
Contact drop-down will list only contacts linked to the port of this Crew Change record.
To input a contact for this itinerary record”
Open Contacts module and create a contact record of Agent Contact type. See Contacts Module manual;
Then open Ports module, find the required port, open its details and add the contact to the port. See Ports Module manual;
Then the contact will be shown in the Contact drop-down for all crew changes linked to this very port.
Some overview information about the current crew change is available in the bottom of this section: how many people are going to sign on/off, who is the master of the vessel.
Master Onboard is a person:
who has a Current sea-service (Onboard) activity for this vessel, e.g.:
Means for which Sea-Service option is selected (in the activity properties in General Codes):
His rank must be Master.
It means: Master option is selected in the rank properties in General Codes:
Section 2
Vessel Communication table shows telecommunications that are available on the vessel.
This information is filled in automatically from the Organization structure > Vessel properties > Operation:
Just provide the necessary information in Org. Structure.
Section 3
Documents required for travel are listed in this section.
The documents that are required for crewmembers in a specific port are defined in Ports module.
For all details see Ports Module manual.
Section 4, 5: Manage Menu
Changing ETA and ETD. Confirm ETA
Sometimes an Arrival Date may change. You can change the dates here.
See Crew Change Maintenance section.
Set Historical
When all work with certain crew change record is finished, it is possible to set this crew change as historical.
After clicking this button, a current crew change is moved to Historical view. See here.
Notes Page
You can store here any additional information about a crew change at Notes tab.
Every user can add comments/notes on this tab. So, the information is constantly updated.
Click New Topic button under Manage menu to start typing your comment.
Edit it as you want, using Manage menu options (font, underline, bullets, etc.).
Date/time and user name are filled automatically.
Click Apply button to save the notes.
If you want to save your comment as a separate file on your disk, click Save To File button.
To delete notes, click Clear.
Off Signing Page
On this tab, you see all information for the scheduled off signing crew for the selected port:
There is the A column which indicates activity linked to the crew change:
-Planned activity.
- Current activity.
- Current activity was deleted or changed.
/ - Crew member is terminated.
For all details how to add off-signers, see Signing Off Crew section.
By clicking icon, you will be switched to The Crew Change Module help manual.
Please note:
From ver. 2016.2, We added field Organization to be displayed at On/Off Signing tabs, showing company from personal details.
From ver. 2016.5, We added Department name to be shown for a crew member for On/Off Signing, Promotion & Travel Info tabs.
Earlier the person's crew change status was only depending on actions performed in the module.
From ver. 2017.5, we improved the application so that if a related activity is modified – corresponding crew change updates its status accordingly.
This improvement guarantees that an activity & crew change states are always in sync.
e.g.: if sea-service activity is set to current or closed (from Activities datagroup) linked crew change records should be updated correspondingly (confirmed).
And vice versa if activity is changed back from historical to current or from current to planned then corresponding Crew Change record should be updated accordingly - set to Current or Planned.
To review all record information in one screen/box at On-\Off- Signing tabs, just double -click the record:
On Signing Page
This page shows people who are going to sign on a vessel:
There is the A column which indicates activity linked to the crew change:
-Planned activity.
- Current activity.
- Current activity was deleted or changed.
/ - Crew member is terminated.
For all details how to add on-signers, see Signing On Crew section.
By clicking icon, you will be switched to The Crew Change Module help manual.
Please, note:
From ver. 2016.2, we added field Organization to be displayed at On/Off Signing tabs, showing company from personal details.
From ver. 2016.5, we added Department name to be shown for a crew member for On/Off Signing, Promotion & Travel Info tabs.
Earlier the person's crew change status was only depending on actions performed in the module.
From ver. 2017.5, we improved the application so that if a related activity is modified – corresponding crew change updates its status accordingly.
This improvement guarantees that an activity & crew change states are always in sync.
e.g.: if sea-service activity is set to current or closed (from Activities datagroup) linked crew change records should be updated correspondingly (confirmed).
And vice versa if activity is changed back from historical to current or from current to planned then corresponding Crew Change record should be updated accordingly - set to Current or Planned.
To review all record information in one screen at On-\Off- Signing tabs, just double -click the record:
Promotion Page
The promotion tab shows you all position changes scheduled for this date:
It allows to change a position, rank, payscale and other information, if a person is going to change a position during this crew change.
When information is confirmed, in Activities datagroup:
Current activity is closed;
A new one (containing new payscale, rank and position) is created depending what was updated.
For all details, see Promotions section.
From ver. 2016.5, we added Department name to be shown for a crew member for On/Off Signing, Promotion & Travel Info tabs.
Travel Info Page
Here travel activities and travel details can be set up.
You can enter the travel days for which the crew is entitled for and you can get the flight Itinerary (once the travel booking will be done through Adonis).
For all details, see > Travel Info section.
From ver. 2016.5, We added Department name to be shown for a crew member for On/Off Signing, Promotion & Travel Info tabs.
Flight Booking Page
It can help you with booking flights: there is a possibility to book, cancel, retry, and retrieve flight bookings for one crewmember or group of crewmembers.
RightRez, Instone, CrewLink and Griffin Marine travel interfaces (selected in Global Options) allow to book flights, other interfaces (Manual, E-mail, None) help only to add and store flight information.
See Flights Booking section.
Reliever Page
The Reliever page shows sign off crew and their relievers.
To assign/delete a reliever a user should have corresponding rights set for routine 921 Select Crew/924 Remove Selected respectively in ACC.
The form is split into 2 parts:
the upper screen displays the crew members who are planned to sign off a vessel;
the bottom part shows crew who are planned to sign on and who are not yet assigned as a reliever.
To be able to see the crew and to work with this tab you should have on/off signers prepared/assigned on On/Off Signing tabs.
You cannot add on/off signers on Relievers Page.
To assign a person who is going to relieve, click the Reliever's Name field or icon under Manage menu.
The system suggests the variants from the On-signers list.
Select needed person, click Assign button.
The reliever's data will be added to Reliever's Information section for the off-signer:
On the On-Signing page, the off-signer whom he relieves appears in Relieving column:
If you made a mistake, at Reliever tab - you need just remove a reliever:
click in Reliever's Name field;
Or click icon under Manage menu.
Relievers can also be assigned from Off Signing tab.
See Signing Off Crew > Adding a Reliever section.
By clicking icon under Manage menu, you will be switched to The Crew Change Module help manual.
Contacts Page
This screen shows you the contact details of the port agent allocated for this crew change.
This will only be displayed if the contact on the Port tab is defined:
Contact drop-down will list only contacts linked to the port of this Crew Change record.
To input a contact for this itinerary record:
Open Contacts module and create a contact record of Agent Contact type.
See Contacts Module manual;Then open Ports module, find the required port, open its details, add the contact to the port.
See Ports Module Manual.
By clicking icon under Manage menu, you will be switched to The Crew Change Module help manual.
Import Calling Ports
It is possible to import a batch of ports to Crew Change module using .csv file (see How to Prepare 'Import Ports' File section).
It is convenient when you need to input big amounts of records (for example, to define Itineraries for several vessels for a year/several years).
For users who work with this functionality, an administrator should set up corresponding access rights for the routine 610 Import Itineraries in ACC:
To import calling ports, you should open Crew Change > Calling Ports view and click Import button under Manage menu:
In the window that appears, please select the File Name you are importing, define a column separator.
The field separator in the file can be a comma (,) or semicolon (;).
You can select the option Skip first row, if you don't want the first row to be imported.
For example, if the first row in the import file shows columns names.
Click Import button to start importing or Close to cancel.
When the Import button is clicked, the program checks if all port and vessel codes are valid.
When import is completed successfully, you'll see corresponding message.
If one or several codes are invalid, the system lists them and skips the import.
You can click Summary button to check Import Log.
Click Close button.
Prepare 'Import Ports' File
It is possible to import crew changes for the same vessel & the same date but with different time.
Step 1: You should input all necessary data into excel file, for example:
Column A: Vessel short name.
You can find it in Organization Structure > Vessel Properties > Identification:Column B: Port code
You will find the port codes in Modules > Ports:Column C: ETA date [yyyy-mm-dd] – mandatory date format
Column D: ETA time [hh:mm:ss] – mandatory time format
Column E: ETD date [yyyy-mm-dd] – mandatory date format
Column F: ETD time [hh:mm:ss] – mandatory time format
Column G: Preferred port [Y] or [N]
How to set correct date/time format in batch:
Select all values in column > right-click > Format Cells.
Date category > [yyyy-mm-dd] type > OK
Select all values in column > right-click > Format Cells.
Custom category > define correct type = [hh:mm:ss] > OK
Step 2: Save this file in csv. format on your computer:
Click File:
Click Save As > This PC > select CSV (Comma delimited) format > click Save.