Change Log:
Version | Date | Description |
2022.20.0.6 |
| Fixed the issues with disabled export button for Non Superuser Fixed ‘Tag all/Untag all' buttons Added the possibility to leave the Date field empty. In such case the Release_Date field in the export file will also be empty Added the possibility to define the ‘Location’ field in the setup. This field is mandatory, and error will appear if the field is empty. Changed the rule of the truncating First Name and Last Name fields:
User Interface
Brightwell Navigator is a payments interface that simplifies your payroll distribution and gives your employees better control over their pay.
This document contains everything you will need to create batch files to register and pay your employees.
The interface can be accessed from Tools > Export > Brightwell Navigator:
Enroll Brightwell Form appears.
There are 5 tabs: Candidates, Waiting for Card, Members, Exclusion, Payment.
Candidates list all crew fitting to participate in the Brightwell program:
Employed state;
With current sea-service activity which linked to Opened Client org.unit or its sub-units and Start Date of activity = before or on the selected (on the form) Date;
Not a member of e.g. Ocean Pay or Citibank Direct Deposit programs.
By default, today's Date is defined.The red background indicates that you missed filling some mandatory fields for this person. Just click this record and the system will point you missed fields.
You have the option to Enroll the selected crew in USD or EUR.
This is for candidates' registration (a special text. file with all details will be generated).The person will be moved to Waiting For Card page.
You can also Exclude a candidate from the Brightwell program.Will be moved to Excluded page.
You can Print the list if needed.
Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.
Waiting for Card page lists all crew that is registered but have not received their card yet:
Once the card has been received, you can tag persons and click Card Received to make them members of the Brightwell program.
Will be moved to the Members page.
If click Reset:
Will be moved to Candidates page back.
You can Print the list if needed.
Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.
Members page lists all current members of the program (which were registered and got cards):
You can tag the needed person and use Dismissed if a crewmember has been dismissed and is no longer a member of the program.
Will be moved to the Exclusion page.
You can Print the list if needed.
Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.
The exclusion page lists all crew that is not yet included in the program or was dismissed:
Tag needed crew and click Include to add them to the program.
Will be moved to the Candidates page.
You can Print the list if needed.
Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.
The payment page lists persons which are ready for exporting to Brightwell for payments:
To appear on this page person must:
be Employed;
Candidates - ->Exclusion Waiting For Card - -> Members Waiting For Card - ->be linked in Personal Details to current opened client Company or its sub-units;
be registered in Brightwell program;
got special debit card;
have balance action = Brightwell in Payroll (is linked automatically after becoming a member of Brightwell program);
payroll entries (net pay) in the current period.
To Export data, only tagged persons on the grid will be included.
If you confirm exporting, entry code 994 will be automatically locked and a payment file is generated.
You will have also the possibility to lock the period of the persons who have already been exported.
Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.
The Brightwell Navigator is a payments interface that simplifies your payroll distribution and gives your employees better control over their pay.
This document contains everything you will need to create batch files to register and pay your employees.
To be able to pay employees via the Brightwell program the employee will receive a debit card on which the payments are stored.
To receive a debit card the employee needs to be enrolled/registered in the Brightwell program.
Requirements to become members of the Brightwell program:
Employees must:
be Employed;
be registered/enrolled in Brightwell program;
have a special debit card;
The interface can be accessed from Tools > Export > Brightwell Navigator:
Enroll Brightwell Form appears.
There are 5 tabs: Candidates, Waiting for Card, Members, Exclusion, Payment.
Using the Brightwell interface, the system will maintain the following workflow:
Candidates - - Enroll - - Waiting For Card - - Card Received - - Members and Payment
Possible procedures:
Candidates - Enroll -> Waiting For Card
Candidates - Exclude ->Exclusion
Waiting For Card - Card Received -> Members
Waiting For Card - Reset -> Candidates
Members - Dismissed -> Exclusion
Exclusion- Include -> Candidates
Let's review them closely:
The page lists all crew fitting to participate in the Brightwell program:
with a current sea-service activity which linked to Opened Client or its sub-units and Start Date= before or on the selected Date (by default, today's date is defined);
not a member of e.g. Ocean Pay or Citibank Direct Deposit programs.
These persons are then listed in the candidate's grid so that the end-user can check their details before exporting to Brightwell.
The red background indicates that you missed filling some mandatory fields for this person.
Just right-click this record, and the system will point out which fields you should fill out.
Click the Setup button to perform the required setup for data exporting:
Please define:
1) Email Notification Address - should include at least one email address to receive file processing results (can be multiple addresses, separated by comma);
2) Customer ID (mandatory, provided by Brightwell);
3) Interface Entity ID (mandatory, provided by Brightwell);
4) Product Group Alias (mandatory, provided by Brightwell);
5) Card Stock Override Code (optional, provided by Brightwell).Browse the path on your PC where export files (registration/payment) will be saved.
Each employee who will be paid through Navigator must first be registered.
Tag needed person(s) who you want to be enrolled into the Brightwell program.Click Enroll command for the selected crew. Click USD or EUR (depends on person's payment currency).
You will see two dialog boxes:
Confirmation:Export completion:
As a result, special text. the file will be generated and saved to your specified location.
The file format allows you to send Brightwell the information needed to prepare each employee for Navigator enrolment.For technical documentation for an enrolment file sent to Brightwell please see Reference > Brightwell Enrollment File Specification.
File Name Format
registration{custID}{optional client-defined data}{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt
Example: registration123_brightwell_02092018165738.txt
{custID} will be assigned to you by Brightwell Payments.
{optional client-defined data} should be enclosed by "_".
Record Layout
Please note that even though the specification below displays multiple lines per record, the file must be delivered with all data for a record type on one line.
Example File:
01|pr 3.0.1|brighwell|Email
12345678901|EMPLOYEE@COMPANY.COM|LOCATION|12334121|USA|||ProductGroupAlias|Card stock Override codeFor each enrolment file that was sent, a response file will be received from Brightwell.
Each Record Type will be indicated as either ‘Accepted’ or ‘Rejected’ (followed by a list of error codes, if any). See Reference > Brightwell Error Codes Table.
The person will be moved to Waiting For Card page.You can also Exclude some persons from the Brightwell program.
They'll be moved to Excluded page.
You can Print the list if needed.
Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.
See attached PDF in References section > Participant Registration (p. 6-9) for more detailed information.
Waiting for Card
The page lists all crew that is enrolled but have not received their cards yet.
After you registered your crew, the person(s) appears in this list:
Once the person has received the card, you can tag him and click Card Received to move the person to the Members list.
If click Reset: a person will be moved to the Candidates page back.
You can Print the list if needed.
Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.
The page lists all current members of the program (the person is registered and got a special card).
When a person appears at the Members tab (became a member), his balance action automatically changes to Brightwell (Payroll > Payment tab) with read-only access;
By default, the system assigns account no that equals APM pin number in the Account No field under balance action.
If a crew member already has account no, please contact Adonis Help Desk, so, it to be checked and updated.
When a person is excluded from the Brightwell program for some reason, you can then select another balance action for him.
You can Print the list if needed.
You can tag the needed person and use Dismissed command if a crewmember has been dismissed and is no longer a member of the program.
Will be moved to the Exclusion page.
Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.
Page lists all crew that was dismissed and is no longer a member of the program:
You can Print the list if needed.
From here you can return some people.
Tag needed crew and click Include to add them to the program.
Will be moved to the Candidates page.
Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.
Page lists persons which are ready for exporting to Brightwell for payment:
To appear in this list, a person must:
be Employed;
be linked in Personal Details to the current opened client company or its sub-units;
The payroll period should be the same for company and registered in Brightwell program;
have the special debit card;
have balance action = Brightwell in Payroll > Payment tab;
payroll entries (net pay) in the current period.
Please note, the Standard Crew List view should be opened.
Payment procedure in Brightwell Interface is only available for a user who has access to Group Payment under Reports >Payroll Current Period Reports > Field 36 in ACC.
So, users without access to create a Payment list have no access to the Payment tab.
To Export data, only tagged persons on the grid will be included.
Note, when the data is to be refreshed on the grid, all persons are tagged, you can adjust it as you want with Untagged individual.
Click the Export button.Payment Brightwell file is generated.
The export file will be located in the specified Export directory.
File Name Format - payment{custID}{optional client-defined data}{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt
{custID} will be assigned to you by Brightwell Payments.
{optional client-defined data} should be enclosed by "". (e.g.: _main office)
Our example:
File Name depends on payment currency.
For technical documentation for the payment file, please see Reference > Brightwell Payment File Specification.You will have also the possibility to lock the period of the persons who have already been exported.
You will see a confirmation message that the payment export was completed.
You can perform a setup for payment by defining Payment type.
Brightwell Interface Plugin Installation
For using a new balance action Brightwell Navigator, you need to install the Brightwell Interface Plugin.
A plugin is distributed as a separate executable file.
If you have several sites, a plugin needs to be installed and enabled on each one.
How to enable Brightwell Interface – please see ACC Access Rights section below.
Step 1. Run the executable file
Go to the download area of our website:
or your FTP area to download the latest patch with the name like APM_Plugin_BWNavigator_2018.X.X.X
Please close the APM application before plugin installation.
Start the executable. Welcome screen appears:
Link to Brightwell user manual.
Click Next.
Step 2: Browse the destination folder for installation
The system will ask you to identify the target folder where you have your APM application installed.
Interface Plugin will be installed in the 'PLUGINS' sub-folder of the selected folder – so, you should select the 'APM' folder.
Please browse the correct path in your system & click Install.
Step 3. Installation progress
The progress bar/log will appear displaying the currently running processes.
Click Next.
Step 4: Finish
Click Finish.
You can upgrade your Brightwell Navigator Interface if a new official release version with some improvements/changes is published.
The process is the same as with Brightwell Interface Plugin installation.
ACC Access Rights
Enabling Brightwell Interface
After a plugin is installed, it appears available for setting up access in Adonis Control Centre > Plugins:
You can enable/disable access per user level/group.
If you have several sites, a plugin needs to be installed and enabled on each one.
Granting Rights for Payment
Payment procedure in Brightwell Interface is only available for the user(s) who has access for Group Payment under Reports > Payroll Current Period Reports > Field 36 in ACC:
Users without access to create a Payment list have no access to the Payment tab in Brightwell.
Useful Links
Follow the link to see Brightwell Navigator, Standard File Formats manual:
Brightwell Enrollment File Specification
Field Name | Length | Notes | Adonis xref |
FILE_HEADER_RECORD_TYPE | Required Must be: 01 | Hard-Coded | |
VERSION | Required Must be: pr 3.0.0 | Hard-Coded | |
EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_ ADDRESSES | 255 Required Must include at least one email address to receive the results of file processing multiple addresses must be separated by commas only (no spaces between the comma and email address). | From Setup Screen <email notification Address> | |
RESPONSE_PREFERENCE | Optional Valid values are 'Email', 'Echo', 'Both', 'None' If empty, Email will be used | Keep Empty for now the echo will come later | |
BATCH_HEADER_RECORD_TYPE | Required Must be: 02 | Hard-Coded | |
ENTITY_INTERFACE_ID | 30 | Required Assigned by Brightwell Payments | From Setup Screen <Interface Entity ID> |
PARTICIPANT_DETAIL_RECORD_TYPE | Required Must be: 03P | Hard-Coded | |
FIRST_NAME | 20* | Required | P01.FIRSTNAME *If the overall length of a Participant's first and last name is greater than 21 characters (including spaces), the embossed name on the card will be the first letter of the first name and the last name. Example: If FIRST_NAME= "JONATHAN FRANCISCO" and LAST_NAME = "SMITH", then "J SMITH" will be embossed on the card. |
MIDDLE_INITIAL | 1 | Optional | Skip Middle name is only 1 in length |
LAST_NAME | 20* | Required | P01.LASTNAME |
ADDRESS1 | 50 | Required | P01.ADDRESS1 |
ADDRESS2 | 50 | Optional | P01.ADDRESS2 |
COUNTRY | 3 | Required Refer to Country Codes for valid values. | PWCOUNTRY.ISO3166_ALPHA3(FK PW001P01.ADDRESSCOUNTRY=PWCOUNTRY.COUNTYRCODE) |
PASSPORT_NUMBER | 50 | Required if no SSN provided | PW001P08.TDNUMBER Passport with the latest expiry date |
PASSPORT_ISSUED_DATE | 10 | Required if no SSN provided MM/DD/YYYY | PW001P08.DATEFROM |
PASSPORT_EXPIRATION_DATE | 10 | Required if no SSN provided MM/DD/YYYY | PW001P08.DATETO |
EMPLOYEE_ID | 10 | Required Alphanumeric Leading zeros allowed | PW001P01.PIN |
BIRTH_DATE | 10 | Required MM/DD/YYYY | PW001P01.BIRTHDATE |
SSN | 11 | Required if no passport data provided xxx-xx-xxxx | |
39 | Optional A single email address for contacting the Participant | <email address with the highest priority>If multiple priorities 1 emails then pick the first... | |
LOCATION | 15 | Optional Ship name, staffing center, etc. | Need to decide if we should the current or first planned sea service activity, if none found then leave blank |
PHONE | 15 | Optional | Leave blank if we can't uniquely identify the phone country |
PHONE_COUNTRY | 3 | Required if Phone is not null | Leave blank |
MOBILE_PHONE | 15 | For Future Use | Leave Blank |
MOBILE_PHONE_COUNTRY | 3 | For Future Use | Leave Blank |
PRODUCT_GROUP_ALIAS | Required Client defined | From setup screen <product group allias> | |
CARD_STOCK_OVERRIDE_CODE | 6 or 7 Optional Alphanumeric; hyphens allowed, provided by Brightwell Payments | Leave Blank | |
BATCH_FOOTER_RECORD_TYPE | Required Must be: 04 | Hard-Coded | |
PARTICIPANT_DETAIL_RECORD_COUNT | Required Cannot contain commas or decimal points. | Number of participants records the number of pin numbers exported in PARTICIPANT_DETAIL_RECORD_TYPE segment | |
ACCOUNT_DETAIL_RECORD_COUNT | Required Count of 03A record types in the batch Cannot contain commas or decimal points. | Hardcode 0 we are not exporting account records. | |
FILE_FOOTER_RECORD_TYPE | Required Must be: 05 | Hard-Coded | |
NUMBER_OF_BATCHES | Required Cannot contain commas or decimal points. | Number of batches in this file |
Brightwell Error Codes Table
Code | Description |
R010 | The file format is no longer supported. |
R011 | Invalid email length |
R012 | Invalid email address |
R013 | Invalid response preference |
R014 | Duplicate file name |
R020 | Invalid batch count |
R030 | Entity Interface Number is required. |
R031 | Entity Interface Number is invalid. |
R032 | Entity Interface Number must be admin |
R040 | The number of participant records doesn't match the total in the trailer |
R041 | The number of account records doesn't match the total in the trailer |
R050 | The participant detail record is invalid. Unable to parse. |
R051 | Multiple participant records with the same Employee ID |
R052 | Product Group is a required field |
R053 | Product Group is invalid |
R054 | No products exist in the product group |
R055 | No card products exist in the product group to auto allocate to. |
R040 | The number of participant records doesn't match the total in the trailer |
R041 | The number of account records doesn't match the total in the trailer |
R050 | The participant detail record is invalid. Unable to parse. |
R051 | Multiple participant records with the same Employee ID |
R052 | Product Group is a required field |
R053 | Product Group is invalid |
R054 | No products exist in the product group |
R055 | No card products exist in the product group to auto allocate to. |
R056 | No money transfer products exist in the product group to auto allocate to. |
R057 | Product Group does not have a valid card inventory profile. |
R058 | Employee ID is required and should be between 1 and 10 ASCII characters. |
R059 | Employee ID already exists as an Account Holder |
R060 | Employee ID already exists as a Participant |
R061 | First Name is required and should be between 1 and 20 ASCII characters. |
R062 | Middle Initial should be 1 ASCII character in length only |
R063 | Last Name is required and should be between 1 and 20 ASCII characters. |
R064 | Address 1 is required and should be between 1 and 50 ASCII characters. |
R065 | Address 2 should be up to 50 ASCII characters. |
R066 | The country should be a valid 3 character country code. |
R067 | The city is required and should be between 1 and 20 ASCII characters. |
R068 | The state is required and should be 2 ASCII characters |
R069 | The state should be up to 2 ASCII characters |
R070 | Zip is required and should be between 1 and 10 ASCII characters. |
R071 | Zip is invalid. Must be formatted nnnnn-nnnn (9 digit Zip is optional) |
R072 | The city should be up to 20 ASCII characters |
R073 | Zip should be up to 10 ASCII characters |
R074 | A Social Security Number is required for Domestic Payroll or GPR |
R075 | A Passport Number is required for Maritime Payroll |
R076 | The passport Number provided is invalid |
R077 | Passport Country should be a valid 3 character country code |
R078 | Passport Issued Date is required when a passport number is provided |
R079 | Passport Expiration Date is required or must not be expired when a passport number is provided |
R080 | Passport Issued Date is invalid |
R081 | Passport Expiration Date is invalid |
R082 | Social Security Number is invalid. Must be formatted nnn-nn-nnnn. |
R083 | Valid Birth Date is required |
R084 | Email exceeds the maximum length of 39 characters or is invalid. |
R085 | Product Group is a required field |
R086 | Invalid input in field Location |
R087 | The phone should be up to {0} ASCII characters |
R088 | Phone Country should be a valid 3 character country code |
R089 | Mobile Phone should be up to {0} ASCII characters |
R090 | Mobile Phone Country should be a valid 3 character country code |
R091 | Card Stock Override cannot be used if Auto allocates 100% to Card = No. Participant created, but no card was ordered |
R092 | Invalid Card Stock Override |
R093 | Card fulfillment exception--Participant created. Card ordered. Fulfillment = Remote Print |
R094 | Card fulfillment exception--Participant created. Card ordered. Fulfillment = Regular |
R100 | The account detail record is invalid. Unable to parse. |
R101 | Currency ID should be up to {0} ASCII characters |
R102 | Currency ID is not a valid Currency ID |
R103 | Beneficiary Name should be up to 43 ASCII characters |
R104 | Beneficiary Street Address should be up to 35 ASCII characters |
R105 | Beneficiary City should be up to 35 ASCII characters |
R106 | Beneficiary Country should be a valid 3 character country code. |
R107 | Beneficiary State/Province is required and should be 2 ASCII characters |
R108 | Beneficiary State/Province should be up to 2 ASCII characters |
R109 | Beneficiary State/Province should be up to 35 ASCII characters |
R110 | Beneficiary Zip/Postal Code should be up to 20 ASCII characters |
R111 | Beneficiary Zip Code invalid for Country = USA |
R112 | Email exceeds the maximum length of 100 characters or is invalid |
R113 | Beneficiary Name contains special characters |
R114 | Bank Name should be between 1 and 35 ASCII characters |
R115 | Bank Country is required and should be between 1 and 3 ASCII characters. |
R116 | Bank Country should be a valid 3 character country code |
R117 | Bank Account Number is required and should be between 1 and 34 ASCII characters. |
R118 | Bank Account Number contains special characters. |
R119 | Bank Swift Code contains special characters. |
R120 | Bank Swift Code should be up to 11 ASCII characters |
R121 | Bank Routing Code contains special characters |
R122 | Bank Routing Code should be up to 29 ASCII characters |
R123 | Bank Swift Branch Details should be up to 45 ASCII characters |
R124 | Bank Street Address should be up to 35 ASCII characters |
R125 | Bank City should be up to 35 ASCII characters |
R126 | Bank State/Province is required and should be between 1 and {0} ASCII characters |
R127 | Bank State/Province should be up to 35 ASCII characters |
R128 | Bank Zip/Postal Code should be up to 20 ASCII characters |
R129 | Intermediary Bank Name should be up to {0} ASCII characters |
R130 | Intermediary Bank Country should be a valid 3 character country code |
R131 | Intermediary Bank Account Number should be up to 34 ASCII characters |
R132 | Intermediary Bank Swift Code should be up to 11 ASCII characters |
R133 | Intermediary Bank Routing Code should be up to 29 ASCII characters |
R134 | Intermediary Bank Swift Branch Details should be up to 45 ASCII characters |
R135 | Intermediary Bank Street Address should be up to 35 ASCII characters |
R136 | Intermediary Bank City should be up to 20 ASCII characters |
R137 | Intermediary Bank State/Province should be up to 2 ASCII characters |
R138 | Intermediary Bank State/Province should be up to 35 ASCII characters |
R139 | Intermediary Bank Zip/Postal Code should be up to 20 ASCII characters |
R140 | Nature of Relationship missing |
R141 | Nature of Relationship is invalid |
R142 | Invalid Account record as no participant record with this Employee ID exists in the batch |
Brightwell Payment File Specification
Field Name | Length | Notes |
VERSION | Required | |
ENTITY_INTERFACE_ID | 30 | Required |
RELEASE_DATE | 8 | Optional |
PAYMENT_TYPE | Required | |
EMPLOYEE_ID | 10 | Required |