Requirements Check
Shift Assignee Documents Check
Interval of days forward, for which all assigned shifts will show yellow exclamatory sign if a document is expiring within a given number of days.
Required Combined Experience & Competencies Check.
Interval of days forward, for which Combined Experience validation & Competencies Check will be applied.
To work with “Required Combined Experience Check” you need to tick the user option Data Display > “Display Combined Experience Requirements” > the corresponding line will appear in Rotation Plan Grid.
To work with “Required Competencies Check” you need to tick the user option Data Display > “Display Certification Requirements” > the corresponding line will appear in Rotation Plan Grid.
Required Competencies Check
It is possible to visually follow vessel-combined competence requirements during the planning process. Flexible setup can be provided in the Position Requirements Profile & then be evaluated inside any open rotation plan. Missing requirements are flagged in a user-friendly way, presenting days that are not covered with a shift-like cell. Combined details on missing competencies are presented on a separate Details Tab when working with a plan.
The functionality only works only with the View Type > Vessel setup in Requirements Profile Module by:
Vessel Type
For more details in regards to “Competences Check” please see This Chapter.
requirement certificates are checked based on setup in Requirements Profile module by Vessel (Vessel Type, Operator/Principal, Vessel) ;
the system checks Expiry date (not Date To) of required certificates;
the system doesn't check if the certificate is planned or historical;
there isn't replacement functionality;
the system doesn't check if all number of required certificates holds one or several assigned person(s) in a defined period.
Required Combined Experience Check
The functionality only works only with the View Type > Experience setup in Requirements Profile Module.
Example of displaying missing Combined Experience
Company Experience is calculated starting from the person’s employment start date for the PIN who is on the shift;
Onboard Experience is the sum of days from all (planned, current, historical) person’s sea-service activities for PIN who is on the shift during the “check” period. The system doesn’t considerate sea-service activities that start after the “check” period;
If there is no person assigned to the shift then the system doesn’t evaluate the experience.