The new user importer tool is completely configured via Org NavPage /wiki/spaces/CMD/pages/5432397461. (Page attributes, NOT Link attributes). It is available as of 3.4.0.
There are new attributes used to configure the User Importer for an organization:
"System.Customer.UserImportFilePath" -- Mandatory attribute for thread. Used to specify the path that will be used by the User Importer Background Thread when searching for a file. NOTE: This must be an empty folder with no sub folders as the thread tries to process ALL files in this folder.
"System.Customer.UserImportBackupFilePath" – Mandatory attribute for thread. This is the folder that files are backed up in. Files in the ImportFilePath folder are deleted after they are process. The Back up folder is cleaned out files of a certain age (configured in the app.settings) by the UserImporter thread. NOTE: This must be an empty folder with no sub folders as this folder is cleaned out (deletion) by the thread at regular intervals.
"System.Customer.UserImportEmailNotificationContacts" - Mandatory attribute for thread. This is the email address(es) that the User Import reports successes and failures to. Comma (',') delimited.
"System.Customer.UserImportBatchSize" – Mandatory attribute. This is represented as an integer, and represents the number of users/rows to process in a batch run. This is included for performance reasons.
"System.Customer.UserImportUsePasswordOnCreate" - Optional attribute (applicable for New Users only). A boolean to configure if the password column in the CSV should be used (New Users only). True (default) will use the password field as initial password. False, will ignore the password in the CSV file. See System.Customer.UserImportUseRandomPasswordIfNotProvided for detailed behaviour in combination with other configuration options.
"System.Customer.UserImportUseRandomPasswordIfNotProvided" - Optional attribute (applicable for New Users only). A boolean flag to configure whether a random password (Guid) should be generated (New User only) if no password (empty/white spaces only) is provided in the password column of the CSV file. If a random Guid is set as password, no password complexity rules are enforced/checked for the new user. Default value (i.e. missing attribute): false.
Note: The attribute is ignored if System.Customer.UserImportClassName = CUKUserImporter. That is, don't create any user with a random password - always create password from Date of Birth.
System.Customer.UserImportUsePasswordOnCreate | System.Customer.UserImportUseRandomPasswordIfNotProvided | Password mapping for CSV | Action |
false | false | false | create user via password format, if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, don't create user and log error (but continue CSV file processing) |
false | false | true | create user via password format, if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, don't create user and log error (but continue CSV file processing). Note: It doesn't matter whether a password is provided or is empty/white spaces - the behaviour is the same. |
false | true | false | create user via password format, if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, create user with random password (Guid) Note: It doesn't matter whether a password is provided or is empty/white spaces - the behaviour is the same. |
false | true | true | create user via password format, if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, create user with random password (Guid) Note: It doesn't matter whether a password is provided or is empty/white spaces - the behaviour is the same. |
true | false | false | create user via password field in CSV (provided it meets the complexity requirements), build if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, don't create user and log error (but continue with CSV file processing) |
true | false | true | pwd provided: create user with provided password pwd empty/white spaces: create user via password format, if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, don't create user and log error (but continue with CSV file processing) |
true | true | false | create user via password format, if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, create user with random password (Guid) |
true | true | true | pwd provided: create user with provided password pwd empty/white spaces: create user via password format, if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, create user with random password (Guid) |
"System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat" - Optional attribute. A string that can be used to configure an Org's initial password. Accepts all AlphaNumeric characters, special symbols and Profile index keys (e.g. LastName). Can NOT use char '+' as that is used to parse the field. Additionally, you can specify casing by making the key to be used all caps or lowercase. If the Key not in all caps or lowercase, it will capitalize the first letter. Example Values: "LastName+123!" or "123+firstname+!!!+LASTNAME+321". NOTE: As of 3.6.2 The CarnivalUserImporter now supports "DateOfBirth" in this field (value).
See System.Customer.UserImportUseRandomPasswordIfNotProvided for detailed behaviour in combination with other configuration options.
"System.Customer.UserImportExpireInitialPassword" - Optional attribute. A boolean to configure if the initial password needs to be immediately force changed. True will force change the password on first login.
"System.Customer.UserImportClassName" - Optional attribute. This is the name of the class that inherits from the default UserImporter class. (e..g "CUKUserImporter" (uses DateOfBirth) or "CarnivalUserImporter" => CUKUserImporter.cs : CarnivalUserImporter.cs : UserImporter.cs) NOTE: As of 3.6.2 The CUKUserImporter no longer exists. The CarnivalUserImporter has consolidated all the code and now supports DateOfBirth in passwords.
"System.Customer.UserImportCsvDelimiter" – Optional attribute. Used to override the default CSV delimiter (',') with another char. (e.g. '|' for CCL. String used as Regex). Because attributes are stored as a string, only put the character itself in the Value, not the single quotes.
"System.Customer.PreserveOrgLoginIdOnDelete" - Optional attribute. IMPORTANT: Because the check on deleted users requires verifying the OrgLoginId or Email (which are nulled out by default on delete) you need to set this attribute to 'true' in order to bring back deleted users. Otherwise a new user will be created.
"System.Customer.UserImportProfileTranslations" – Optional attribute. Stores the mapping for user Profile Indexes to be used by the user importer. If this is not set, assume default names for DB keys (see below for defaults key names). The key/value pairs need to adhere to strict naming (Attribute keys are string constants, if they don't match, importer will fail). For example: First and Last Name cannot be in the same column. All keys must follow db table column names. The order does not matter, as the indexing is built dynamically.
// Generic User Import File Field Names (keys for dictionary)
private const string DeactivateUserKey = "Deactivate (X)";
private const string OrgPathKey = "OrgPath";
private const string OrgLoginKey = "OrgLoginID";
private const string LoginKey = "LoginID"; //This can be UserName or EmailAddress
private const string PasswordKey = "Password";
private const string FirstNameKey = "FirstName";
private const string LastNameKey = "LastName";
private const string EmailAddressKey = "EmailAddress";
private const string ContactEmailKey = "ContactEmail";
private const string CanViewReportsKey = "CanViewReports";
private const string ForcePasswordChangeKey = "ForcePasswordChange";
Note: OrgProfileFields are grabbed from that organization's repository, so the CSV header name must match the OrgProfileField DB Key (e.g. Vessel, Role, etc...), otherwise that column will be ignored (as the importer won't know what to do with it)
Example of a configured org:
Example CSV:
Default CSV Format:
Note: Order does not matter.
Deactivate (X), OrgPath, OrgLoginId, LoginId, Password, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, ContactEmail, CanViewReports, ForcePasswordChange,[OrgProfileFieldName, OrgProfileFieldValue]*
The first column indicates whether a user should be deleted (D) or deactivated (X). Leave empty to create/update and activate the user
OrgPath: is optional if no OrgLoginId has been set. Add user to this organization
OrgLoginId: is optional if LoginId has been set. Don't update if empty. Used as a secondary look up key to find an existing user (if LoginId is empty)
LoginId: can be user name or email address. Optional if OrgLoginId has been set. Used as a primary look up key to find an existing user
Password: if the user already exists and left empty - the password is not updated
FirstName: will not be updated if empty
LastName: will not be updated if empty
EmailAddress: will not be updated if empty
ContactEmail: will not be updated if empty
CanViewReports: 'True' or 'False'. Anything not 'True' (e.g. empty) for new users will be interpreted as 'False'. For updates, will not be updated if not 'True' or 'False'.
ForcePasswordChange: 'True' or 'False'. Anything not 'True' (e.g. empty) for new users will be interpreted as 'False'. For updates, will not be updated if not 'True' or 'False'.
OrgProfileFieldName - Header: case-insensitive OrgProfileFieldName (must exist for the organization at OrgPath)
OrgProfileFieldValue - Column: value of the OrgProfileValue (will not be updated if empty, *remove* to delete the value)
**[OrgProfileFieldName, OrgProfileFieldValue]* means that those columns can occur 0, 1, n times**
1) The importer NEEDS that the headers are in the file. The user importer uses the first line of the CSV to create it's mapping to the DB. If the keys in the CSV do not match the keys in the previous section, then a mapping must be added to the translation attribute (also above).
2) Default Passwords - currrently uses the user guid. force change is true for newly created user unless a password is specified in the file or the attribute. Passwords will never update for existing users.
Creating a New User VS Updating an Existing User
The order of priority for finding an existing user is as follows. If a different implementation is required, it must use a custom integration (see next section):
1) UserName - Unique, generated by code. Never able to update or change.
2) OrgLoginID - If an OrgLoginID is found, but the email is different; the email could be updated.
3) Email - If an email is found, but doesn't match the OrgLoginID, an error is generated.
Default Existing User check:
Custom Integrations and Custom CSV Formats:
Custom Integration require a new release as a new class must be added to the MarineLMS.CustomerService.Impl project that inherits from 'CustomerUserIntegration'. There are 2 methods that are able to be implemented so they are called during the import to be used to run custom code:
- DoInitialOrgWork() - Any code that needs to be run before the batcher get's called. This can be used to setup special organization specific logic.
- DoInitialUserWork() - Any code that needs to be run with the uow before it starts creating a user.
Additionally, you are wanting to add some logic to the end of the user creation process, the custom class can override:
protected virtual void FinishUser(ICoreUnitofWork uow, IUser user, string[] csvRow)
However be sure to call the base function first:
protected override void FinishUser(ICoreUnitofWork uow, IUser user, string[] csvRow)
base.FinishUser(uow, user, csvRow);..... //custom code
Example of a configured org using custom integration: NOTE: As of 3.6.2 The CUKUserImporter class no longer exists. The CarnivalUserImporter has consolidated all the code and now supports DateOfBirth in passwords.
Example of a configured org csv (CUK)
Background Thread (Automatic User Importing)
Once an org has been configured, all that is left if for the customer/client to drop their password encrypted zip file into the directory set in the attribute (see above).
Client Steps:
1) Place that zip file or csv in the directory that was configured by the attribute: System.Customer.UserImportFilePath.
2) Done!
The background thread will check if there is a file in that directory. Then the following will occur:
1) If it is a zip file, it is extracted.
2) The csv is processed (users are imported)
3) The zip/csv file is moved to the configured directory (set by the attribute: System.Customer.UserImportBackupFilePath) to save it in case of errors during processing.
4) An email is fired off reporting success/errors to a MarineLS admin(s) configured by the attribute: System.Customer.UserImportEmailNotification.
5) The backed up zip/csv file from (3) is deleted after 7 days, unless configured otherwise in the App.Config.
Manually Using the new User Importer
The new user importer can be manually used via the "Client tool" command line. Similar to the "User Upload", except that it is able to handle csv files with varying column order as configured in the org attributes. If no order is specified (as per above) default order is assumed.
Usage: importUsers [org path] [file path] [update: true/false] [reactivate: true/false]
Example usage:
ImportUsers /Root/Moran "c:\test\newusers.csv" true true
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