In general, but in particular for PS, test users are required on all Test and Live installations/orgs. To make sure the user name and other settings are the same across the LMS installations please use the below command set to create test users.
PS Test Student
AddUser [orgPath] "MarineLMS PS" "[OrgShortName]-TestStudent" [password] false "[OrgShortName]" [OrgShortName]MarineLMSPSTestStudent EditUserProperty [OrgShortName]MarineLMSPSTestStudent ContactEmail
Note: replace [orgPath]
, [OrgShortName]
and [password
] accordingly
Example for CMG
AddUser /Root/Carnival/CMG "MarineLMS PS" "CMG-TestStudent" 3Xg&Ok3ZCrOFzlnRwZ5CHex8VHf50kPW5@kSVOH%CxLV&K$kpQvq#U false "" CMGMarineLMSPSTestStudent EditUserProperty CMGMarineLMSPSTestStudent ContactEmail
PS Test Admin
AddUser [orgPath] "MarineLMS PS" "[OrgShortName]-TestAdmin" [password] false "[OrgShortName]" [OrgShortName]MarineLMSPSTestAdmin EditUserProperty [OrgShortName]MarineLMSPSTestAdmin ContactEmail
Note: replace [orgPath]
, [OrgShortName]
and [password
] accordingly
After creating the admin user, go to Manage > Users
and enable 'Course Management Rights' and check 'Manage users in the organization' in tab 'Global Management Rights'.
Example for CMG
AddUser /Root/Carnival/CMG "MarineLMS PS" "CMG-TestAdmin" mB80u9%WgrPQFZuAyetVmGlc@Pztm2Pq9u#86Kr2GMh7u77#8pw6TJ false "" CMGMarineLMSPSTestAdmin EditUserProperty CMGMarineLMSPSTestAdmin ContactEmail
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