Crew Onboard vs Company Required Manning v.1 (current year)

Crew Onboard vs Company Required Manning v.1 (current year)


The view compares the actual number of crew onboard with the number of each Position defined in Organization > Position > Company Required Manning.


Manning, Onboard Crew


Analytical View


The view compares the actual number of crew onboard with the number of each Position defined in Organization > Position > Company Required Manning.

Main Data Selection

The view checks all the crew that have Onboard (sea service) Activity on the date within the current year.

Setup and Configuration

SQL statement

-- Time: 9/14/2023 7:11:26 PM -- IMPLADC-222 SELECT P.PIN, P.NAME AS NAME, p03.DATEFROM AS 'ACTIVITY DATE FROM', p03.DATETO AS 'ACTIVITY DATE TO', p03.code AS ACTIVITY, orgpos.name AS POSITION, ISNULL(pos.mbr2, 0) AS 'COMPANY REQUIRED MANNING', CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('.', dep.name) > 0 THEN SUBSTRING(dep.name, 5, LEN(dep.name) - 4) ELSE dep.name END AS DEPARTMENT, ves.name AS VESSEL, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR, CheckDate.Onboard, 112)) AS 'ONBOARD ON', 1 AS 'CREW COUNT', P.CLIENT NUMORGID, P.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE, P.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE FROM PW001P01 AS P JOIN PW001P03 AS P03 ON P.PIN = P03.PIN JOIN PW001C12 AS C12 ON P03.CODE = C12.CODE AND C12.OPTIONS LIKE '%S%' JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT DATEADD(DAY, Number, DATEFROM) AS Onboard FROM PWROT_ACTIVE_SHIFT CROSS APPLY ( SELECT TOP(DATEDIFF(DAY, DATEFROM, DATETO) + 1) ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY( SELECT NULL ) ) - 1 AS Number FROM sys.columns AS c1 CROSS JOIN sys.columns AS c2 ) AS a WHERE DATEFROM <= DATETO ) AS CheckDate ON p03.datefrom <= CheckDate.Onboard AND ISNULL(p03.dateto, CheckDate.Onboard) >= CheckDate.Onboard AND CheckDate.Onboard <= DATEADD(DAY, 60, CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 112)) LEFT JOIN PWORG AS orgpos ON dbo.ad_scanorgtree(p03.numorgid, 5) = orgpos.NUMORGID LEFT JOIN PWORGPOS AS pos ON pos.NUMORGID = orgpos.NUMORGID LEFT JOIN PW001C02 AS C02 ON dbo.ad_orgPosC02Code(orgpos.orgcode) = c02.code LEFT JOIN PWORG AS DEP ON dbo.ad_scanorgtree(p03.numorgid, 4) = DEP.NUMORGID LEFT JOIN PWORG AS VES ON dbo.ad_scanorgtree(p03.numorgid, 3) = VES.NUMORGID where Year(CheckDate.Onboard) = Year(Getdate())

Fields Definition

View Configuration (Column/Raw/Data Fields)

Rows/ Columns Specification


Description/ Location in APM


Description/ Location in APM


PIN (should be hidden)


The full name of the person.


Vessel Organization ID (should be hidden)


Employment Start Date (can be hidden)


Employment End Date (can be hidden)


Onboard Activity Vessel name


Onboard Activity Department name


Onboard Activity Position

Onboard On

The date when the crew are onboard.

Required Manning

The number of Position according to Company requirements: Organization > Position > Company Required Manning

Crew Count

Total number of the crew that have Onboard Activities on the specific date.


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