Accounting Summary (current period)

Accounting Summary (current period)


The view is used for accounting purposes. It gives an overview of the current period payments split by accounts debit and credit.


Payroll, Accounting


Analytical View


The view is used for accounting purposes. It gives an overview of the current period payments split by accounts debit and credit.

Main Data Selection

All the crew members have some payments this month. Only calculatedamount1 is considered by this view.

Setup and Configuration

SQL statement

SELECT pay.PIN, p01.Name, persorg.name AS Organization, pay.accountdim2 AS VesOrgID, ISNULL(ves.name, 'N/A') AS 'Vessel Name', CASE WHEN pay.ACCOUNTDIM3 IS NULL OR pay.ACCOUNTDIM3 = '' THEN 'N/A' ELSE pay.ACCOUNTDIM3 END 'Department', ISNULL(CAT.NAME, 'Other') AS 'Category', pay.CALCULATEDAMOUNT1 AS 'Amount', pay.periodeused AS Period, CONVERT(VARCHAR, PAY.ENTRYCODE) + ' ' + EC.TEXT AS 'Entry Code', CASE WHEN pay.ACCOUNTNOOFCALCAMOUNT1 <> '' THEN pay.ACCOUNTNOOFCALCAMOUNT1 + ' - ' + acc.ACCOUNTTEXT WHEN pay.ACCOUNTNOOFCALCAMOUNTCREDIT1 <> '' THEN pay.ACCOUNTNOOFCALCAMOUNTCREDIT1 + ' - ' + acc.ACCOUNTTEXT END 'Account No', CASE WHEN pay.ACCOUNTNOOFCALCAMOUNT1 <> '' THEN 'DEBIT' WHEN pay.ACCOUNTNOOFCALCAMOUNTCREDIT1 <> '' THEN 'CREDIT' ELSE 'N/A' END 'Account type', pay.rank AS RANK, pay.currencyforpayment AS 'Payment Currency ', p01.client numorgid, p01.employmentstartdate, p01.employmentenddate FROM pw001pay pay LEFT JOIN pw001p01 p01 ON p01.pin = pay.pin AND CALCULATEDAMOUNT1 <> 0 LEFT JOIN pworg ves ON ves.numorgid = pay.accountdim2 LEFT JOIN pyety001 ec ON ec.entrycode = pay.entrycode LEFT JOIN pworg persorg ON persorg.numorgid = p01.client LEFT JOIN PW001C117 CAT ON ec.CATEGORY = CAT.SEQUENCENO AND pay.ENTRYCODE = ec.ENTRYCODE LEFT JOIN PY001ACC ACC ON (ACC.ACCOUNTNO = pay.ACCOUNTNOOFCALCAMOUNT1) OR (acc.ACCOUNTNO = pay.ACCOUNTNOOFCALCAMOUNTCREDIT1) WHERE CALCULATEDAMOUNT1 <> 0

Fields Definition


View Configuration (Column/Raw/Data Fields)

Rows/ Columns Specification


Description/ Location in APM


Description/ Location in APM


The PIN from the Personal Details.


The Full Name from the Personal Details.


The Employment Organization from the Personal Details.


The ID of the vessel linked to the payment entry in Account Dim 2.

Vessel Name

The Name of the vessel linked to the payment entry Account Dim 2.


The Code of the department linked to the payment entry Account Dim 3.


The category of the payment entry.


The Amount (Entry Field 1) value of the payment entry.

Entry Code

The Code of payment entry.

Account No

The account number of calculatedamount1 on the payment entry.

Account Type

The account type of calculatedamount1 on the - either debit or credit.


The Name of the rank linked to the payment entry.

Payment Currency

The payment currency of the payment entry.


The emplyment organization ID from the Personal Details.


The emplyment start date from the Personal Details.


The emplyment end date from the Personal Details.





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