AWR Uninstalling

AWR Uninstalling

To uninstall Adonis Web Recruitment, first make sure the application is closed.

  1. Click the Start button on your computer.

  2. Click Control Panel in the Start Menu.

  3. Click Programs and Features and find Adonis Web Recruitment in the list of programs installed on the computer.

  4. Right-click Adonis Web Recruitment and then select Uninstall.

  5. You are redirected to the Welcome page of the Adonis Web Recruitment installation:

  6. Click Next to proceed.

  7. Within the Uninstaller dialog, select the application instance to be uninstalled and click Next to proceed:

  8. Adonis Web Recruitment will be uninstalled from a certain folder on your computer. Click Uninstall to continue:

  9. The uninstalling process then launches. You are informed that all the files and folders will be deleted from the directory where Adonis Web Recruitment is installed:

  10. Click Yes to proceed. You can see the uninstalling process in progress.

  11. When the uninstallation is completed, click Next:

  12. To complete the uninstalling process, click Finish:


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