The tile shows the number of crew with unconfirmed travel. The view is based on the crew list Unconfirmed Travel and works only if you have it in your system.
Tile Preview
The data-source should be added under the General Codes before setting up the tile. It defines the selection for the tile.
select count (Pin) from VIEWID --where NUMORGID= :P_CLIENTID
should be substituted with the crew list view ID: e.g PW001SRV51
. The crew list view ID can be checked in the General Codes.
Tile and Frame Setup
The tile should be setup in the following way, with the link to the Unconfirmed Travel crew list view. The rest of the settings are up to your preferences.
The frame should be setup with the link to the proper data-source. The rest of the settings are up to your preferences.
In our example we use:
Tile Color: Salmon
Font Size: 11
Font Name: Arial
Align: MiddleCenter