If you have an issue on the latest develop checking it could be you are missing the DB update. TODO update backup DB's in PSDEV repo and remove this page.
Career Navigator Schema Changes for release v1.05 (BCFCN1-149)
--Create a new column performanceFeedback of type BIT and false by default
ALTER TABLE [SEALearningContent].[dbo].[CPMS_Competency]
ADD isPerformanceFeedbackRequired BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT(0)
--update performances column where value is null to 1 (1 is the minimum acceptable performance)
UPDATE [SEALearningContent].[dbo].[CPMS_Competency]
SET performances = 1 WHERE performances IS NULL;
--update performanceFeedback column where performances value is less or equal to 1
UPDATE [SEALearningContent].[dbo].[CPMS_Competency]
SET isPerformanceFeedbackRequired = 0 WHERE performances <= 1;
--update performanceFeedback column where performances value is less or equal to 1
UPDATE [SEALearningContent].[dbo].[CPMS_Competency]
SET isPerformanceFeedbackRequired = 1 WHERE performances >= 2;
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