B1B2 Visa Application

B1B2 Visa Application


This is a sample of a B1B2 Visa Application


Visa Application, B1B2

Read more about how to work with the Merge documents https://adonishr.atlassian.net/l/c/refaMVwF


This application can in most cases be used by all customers who need to apply for a B1B2 visa on behalf of their employees/crew.

Word Documents


Setup of Document

Merge Properties

As the Select statement is added as a Crew List View, we are fetching the fields from this view.

select * from pw001srv402

Bookmark Setup Form

Certain fields are set as Editable so they can either be overwritten or if they don’t exist in the system they can be manually filled in via the dialogue window before merging.

SQL Statement

Adonis recommends adding the SQL Statement as a Crew List View so that all information can be checked before having to merge the document.

CREATE VIEW dbo.PW001SRV402 AS SELECT p01.pin, p01.Titlename TitleName, p01.FIRSTNAME FirstName, p01.middlename MiddleName, p01.lastname LastName, p01.Birthdate Birthdate, p01.sex as Gender, case when p01.sex='M' then 'him' when p01.sex='F' then 'her' End as Sex, natcountry.countryname Nationality, pass.tdnumber PassportNumber, orgves.NAME AS VesselName, ves.IMONUMBER as VesselIMONumber, orgpos.NAME as Position, p03.datefrom JoiningDate, (p03.datefrom + 30) as valid, countryOn.countryname Joining_Country, '' as CourseDateFrom, '' as CourseName, '' as TrainingProvider, --A bookmark can never be used more than one time, so we need to create the same fields with a different name --for as many times as needed in the document p01.Titlename TitleName2, p01.FIRSTNAME FirstName2, p01.middlename MiddleName2, p01.lastname LastName2, p01.Titlename TitleName3, p01.FIRSTNAME FirstName3, p01.middlename MiddleName3, p01.lastname LastName3, p01.Titlename TitleName4, p01.FIRSTNAME FirstName4, p01.middlename MiddleName4, p01.lastname LastName4, orgves.NAME AS VesselName1, p01.Client as Numorgid, p01.Employmentstartdate, p01.Employmentenddate FROM PW001P01 p01 JOIN PW001P03 p03 ON p03.PIN = p01.PIN AND p03.DATEFROM > GETDATE() AND p03.CODE IN (SELECT CODE FROM PW001C12 WHERE OPTIONS LIKE '%S%') AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM PW001P03 t WHERE t.PIN = p01.Pin AND t.DATEFROM > GETDATE() AND t.CODE IN (SELECT CODE FROM PW001C12 WHERE OPTIONS LIKE '%S%') AND t.DATEFROM < p03.DateFrom ) left join pw001p08 pass on pass.pin = p01.pin and pass.code = 'PP' left join pwcountry natcountry on natcountry.countrycode = p01.nationality LEFT JOIN PWORG orgves ON orgves.NUMORGID = dbo.ad_scanorgtree(p03.NUMORGID, 3) LEFT JOIN PWORGVES VES ON orgves.NUMORGID = ves.NUMORGID LEFT JOIN PWORG orgpos ON orgpos.NUMORGID = dbo.ad_scanorgtree(p03.NUMORGID, 5) LEFT JOIN PWCCMCHANGECREWLIST ccl ON ccl.NEXTACT = p03.SEQUENCENO LEFT JOIN PWORGVESACT vaOn ON vaOn.SEQNO = ccl.SEQNO LEFT JOIN PWPORT portOn ON portOn.PORTCODE = vaOn.PLACEFROM LEFT JOIN PWCOUNTRY countryOn ON countryOn.COUNTRYCODE = portOn.COUNTRYCODE


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