In general, but in particular for PS, test users are required on all Test and Live installations/orgs. To make sure the user name and other settings are the same across the LMS installations please use the below command set to create test users.
Test users should be added to LastPass. PS has a shard folder in LastPass called Shared-PS-QA to store all PS related test user logins.
PS Test Student
AddUser [orgPath] "MarineLMS PS" "[OrgShortName]-TestStudent" [password] false "[OrgShortName]" [OrgShortName]MarineLMSPSTestStudent EditUserProperty [OrgShortName]MarineLMSPSTestStudent ContactEmail
Note: replace [orgPath]
, [OrgShortName]
and [password
] accordingly
Example for CMG
AddUser /Root/Carnival/CMG "MarineLMS PS" "CMG-TestStudent" 3Xg&Ok3ZCrOFzlnRwZ5CHex8VHf50kPW5@kSVOH%CxLV&K$kpQvq#U false "" CMGMarineLMSPSTestStudent EditUserProperty CMGMarineLMSPSTestStudent ContactEmail
PS Test Admin
AddUser [orgPath] "MarineLMS PS" "[OrgShortName]-TestAdmin" [password] false "[OrgShortName]" [OrgShortName]MarineLMSPSTestAdmin EditUserProperty [OrgShortName]MarineLMSPSTestAdmin ContactEmail
Note: replace [orgPath]
, [OrgShortName]
and [password
] accordingly
After creating the admin user, go to Manage > Users
and enable 'Course Management Rights' and check 'Manage users in the organization' in tab 'Global Management Rights'.
Example for CMG
AddUser /Root/Carnival/CMG "MarineLMS PS" "CMG-TestAdmin" mB80u9%WgrPQFZuAyetVmGlc@Pztm2Pq9u#86Kr2GMh7u77#8pw6TJ false "" CMGMarineLMSPSTestAdmin EditUserProperty CMGMarineLMSPSTestAdmin ContactEmail
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