The view shows crew members with expired current and planned activities.
The view checks for the current activities that remain open through the EED is in the past, and for the planned activities that remain planned though the Date From is in the past.
SQL Statement
SELECT p01.PIN, p01.Name, p01.Firstname 'First Name', p01.Lastname 'Last Name', ORG.NAME 'ORG. NAME', c12plan.TEXT 'Activity', case when p03plan.PLANNED='Y' then 'Planned' else 'Current' end as 'Act.State', p03plan.DATEFROM 'Start Date', p03plan.TODATEESTIMATED 'Estimated End Date', plan_pos.NAME Position, plan_ves.NAME Vessel, P01.client NUMORGID, p01.employmentstartdate, p01.employmentenddate FROM PW001P01 p01 JOIN PW001P03 p03plan ON p03plan.PIN = p01.PIN LEFT JOIN PW001C12 c12plan ON c12plan.CODE = p03plan.CODE LEFT JOIN PWORG plan_ves ON plan_ves.NUMORGID = dbo.ad_scanorgtree(p03plan.NUMORGID, 3) LEFT JOIN PWORG plan_pos ON plan_pos.NUMORGID = p03plan.NUMORGID AND plan_pos.ORGTYPE = 5 LEFT JOIN PWORG ORG ON ORG.NUMORGID=P01.CLIENT where (p03plan.PLANNED='Y' and p03plan.datefrom<= GETDATE ()) or (p03plan.datefrom <= getdate () and p03plan.dateto is NULL and p03plan.todateestimated <= getdate ())