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Requirements Profile

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You might also be interested in this article: Requirements Check-in Rotation Planning Module

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Before using the Requirements Profile module, it is necessary to perform the setup which includes the following:

  • define positions for a vessel

  • define vessel types for a vessel

  • assign a principal to a vessel

  • define a seniority category for a position

Add Position

To define a position for a vessel, first, go to Setup > Organization Structure. The organization structure tree-view displays all the companies, vessels, departments as well as positions onboard the vessels:

To view the organization unit and its properties simultaneously, use the command

Before adding a new position to a vessel, make sure that the corresponding rank code exists in General Codes > Personal Details > Ranks:

To add a new position to a Company, Vessel, or Department (commonly), select the unit, right-click > New > Position:

It is not possible to add a new Office, Vessel, Department, or Position under a passive org. unit (passive organization units are painted grey).

  • Define (position) Name.

  • Superior Code - shows the place of the new unit within the organization structure, e.g. CONCERN_Planning_RM_310 means the following: Concern – the top level

    Planning – company

    RM – vessel code

    310 – department code.

  • Select (Rank) Code from a drop-down list containing all rank codes created in General Codes.
    Click Apply button to save a new position.

Add Vessel Type

If you want to add requirements according to a vessel type, you need to ensure that the needed vessels have certain vessel types defined.
This can be done under Setup > Organization Structure > Vessel Properties > Identification:

It can be that you do not have any vessel types in your system yet or miss some.
Then you should create vessel types in General Codes > Vessel > Vessel Type and then define vessel types in vessel properties as described above:

Define and Assign Principal

To add position requirements to the vessels that have a certain principle, it is needed to define a principal in the Contacts module with Principal contact type:

It does not exist such a contact type yet, create it in General Codes > Contact Types:

Then this principle should be defined for a vessel in Organization Structure > Vessel Properties > Management.
Click button:

  • Select the name of the principal from the drop-down list with all created principal contacts.

  • Set Date from/to.

  • Click Apply to save.

Define Position Seniority Category

For combined experience, it is necessary to define the seniority for each position. To do this, navigate to the Setup ribbon tab > General Codes > Requirements Profile > Position Seniority Category and click New on the ribbon. This opens the General Code Editor (Position Seniority Category) dialog:

Within the dialog, fill in the fields as described below:

  • Code is a unique alphanumeric APM code.

  • Text is the name of the position seniority category.

  • Is Passive defines whether the record is to be active or passive. If selected, the passive record will be disabled.

  • A sort is an order number of the record (where 0 means the first record in the list).

When completed, click OK to update the position seniority category grid with a new record.


The Requirements Profile gives the possibility to add certification requirements based on the vessel (type/principal).
Also, you can define positions and assign one or several required documents to them.
These requirements can be used in various reports, crew list views, while planning crew onboard, etc.
Once requirements for positions, vessel type, vessels, and principals are defined, it is needed to click Activate the profile button to save.
You can open the module from the main menu: Modules > icon or use Ctrl+Alt+E hotkey.

A user should have access to the routine 802 Position Requirements Profile in the Adonis Control Centre to be able to work with this functionality:

Position View

This Position view is commonly used to set up requirements based on a crew member's position.
When you first open the Position Requirements Profile, it is empty.
In our example, we will use an already activated profile but will add new positions and requirements to them.

Step 1: Add Position

  1. On the left, you see a position tree with all added positions.
    Stand on the top row, please.

  2. The right-side displays a list of existing ranks that are defined as active in the General Codes table, see Housekeeping section. 
    Please tag the position(s) you want to set up required documents for and move them to the Positions Selected section using add buttons:

    - move tagged to the Positions Selected section;

    - move all positions to the Positions Selected section.

  3. Click Apply and all selected positions will be moved to the Positions tree to begin setup.

Step 2: Define required documents for the position

  1. Then you should select a position on the left to which you want to define requirements.

  2. The list of all competence documents that are defined in General Codes is displayed in the right part of the screen.
    The Dropdown menu above the list can help you to narrow the list. It displays all the competence views & will result in the display of only those competence that belongs to the selected view.
    Please tag required certificates & add them to a position using add buttons:

    - move tagged competencies to the Documents Required section;

    - move all docs in the list to the Documents Required section. 
    To return the records use the remove buttons: 

    - move tagged competence(s) from the Documents Required section back; 

    - move all docs from the Documents Required section back.

  3. Click Apply button to save. 

Now you see these required certificates under position in the tree on the left:

Expand any position to see required documents.

Step 3: Define criteria for document
Now, when you have defined what documents are needed for a certain position(s), you are ready to choose criteria for every requirement.

  1. On this screen, it is needed to click on each required document in the left part and select criteria in the right part of the screen.

  2. The criteria can be:
    Vessel – proposes the list of vessels defined in your Organization Structure;
    Vessel Type – displays the vessel types (codes defined in General Codes, see Housekeeping section);
    Principal – shows the list of contacts of Principal types (see Housekeeping section);
    Flag list of countries.
    You can define any criteria you want on one or several tabs.
    Select one or several items and click the add button

    You can create complex logic for requirements:
    e.g. if you add Vessel Type = Ocean & Flag = France - the current competence will be required only for this position for Ocean vessels under the French flag. Ocean vessels with another flag will not require this competence. 
    Vessel criteria ignore any other criteria. 
    E.g. if vessel Rima Mari is selected - the competence is required for this position only on this vessel despite the flag/vessel type/principal that you set on other tabs.

  3. Click Apply to save your setup.

Once the criteria are set, you need to click Activate Profile button and the certificate will appear as Requirements for all the positions, that you've set up.
After activation, all required documents will appear in Org. Structure > Position Properties > Requirements for corresponding Position/Vessel per defined criteria:

All changes are done in the Profile module after activation will be reflected in Org. Structure.
If earlier, for example, you defined some certificates, and they are not required for a certain position any longer, you do not have to delete it manually position by position here.
You just do not define this certificate for that position in the profile, only correct certificates.
After profile activation, all the 'previous' certificates will be removed from the org requirements list, and only the listed in the profile will appear.
In other words, you need to define the correct list of certificates in the profile module before activating it.

Note: you should not add required competencies directly in Organization settings only in the Requirements Profile module.

Position Requirements Report

We offer you to use the Adonis customized report – Position Requirements Profile.
It's designed to view persons' documents (competence/travel/medical) against the Company-specific setup (in Org. Structure > Position > Requirements).

Contact the support team for a report file and import it into APM (the Report Genera tor module).

Once it's run, you'll see the Position requirements dialog:

  1. Select a required vessel.

  2. Specify the period for defining persons with the sea-service activities.

  3. Select the department(s) you are interested in or click

    to select all the departments.

  4. Select the positions by department or click

    to select all the positions.

  5. Display Full Name shows first + middle + last name (when ON) or last + first name (when OFF).
    Display Medical and Travel requirements allow including Medical & Travel documents to validation (in addition to Competences).
    Will be shown after all certificate columns.

  6. Using custom competences allows switching the report logic based on the Company requirements and any custom set of Competence codes. Company requirements are completely ignored.

    OFF uses the activated Position Requirements Profile setup.
    ON verifies the #PositionRequirements_Persons distinct numorgids against the selected Competences. The Position Requirements setup is ignored for competencies, but still true for medical & travel. 

    For this mode, the logic is as follows:
    IF selected competence is required for a position - the cell has a gray background.
    ELSE cell has no background and text "Not required".
    ELSE uses standard selection for position requirements.

Example (Use custom competence the option is OFF):

Below you will find the details of the grid records:

  • The PIN is a unique number of crew members.

  • Name is a name of a crew member.

  • Rank is a position to which a crew member is assigned.

  • Certificate Type displays the required documents for which the document type is set to Certificate of Competence as well as the Expiry date of the document. To verify the defined document type, go to General Codes > Competency Codes > the Document Type section:

All other columns contain the names of the competence documents required for holding specific positions.

The Report contains only the records of crew members with the current onboard activity.

The system then verifies whether the required documents are valid and informs you by:

  • Highlight records in red if the documents are missing, expired, or about to expire (where the expiry date is less than or equal to 30 days before the end date).

  • Highlight records in yellow if the document's expiry dates are in the range from 60 to 30 days before the end date.

  • Highlight records in red if the expiry dates are missing for the documents with the following document types: Certificate, Endorsement, License, Medical, Travel, Certificate of Competence. To verify the defined document type, go to General Codes > Competency Codes > the Document Type section:

  • Specifying OK for the valid competence documents which have no expiry dates. Such documents correspond to the following document types: <none>, Education, Training, Language Proficiency. To verify the defined document type, go to General Codes > Competency Codes > the Document Type section:

  • Setting an asterisk (star) for the documents which have been replaced by the Competence Replacements settings. For more information, see Adding Competency Codes. In this case, the expiry dates are inherited from the replacing documents.

  • Displaying records without any color-labeling if the competence documents are valid.

Vessel View

The Vessel view is used to identify the minimum of vessels certificates needed on-board for checking combined experience.
Functionality is presented in the Rotation Planning module, see here
Also, the setup on the Vessel view is needed for the Minimum Save Manning report, see below MSM Report section.
Switch to the Vessels views to set up a tree. Define vessels, vessel types, operators (principals) you are going to work with/set up:

  1. Click needed level in the tree on the left-hand side.

  2. Here you can define the list of vessels/vessel types/operators you'd like to setup required competencies for:
    Vessel – proposes the list of vessels defined in your Organization Structure;
    Vessel Type – displays the vessel types (defined in General Codes, see Housekeeping section);
    Principal – shows the list of contacts of Principal types (see Housekeeping section). 
    Use arrow buttons to select the correct ones, then click Apply to display selected vessels/vessel types/operators in the Requirements tree.

  3. Click Apply button to save.

Further setup is performed vessel by vessel, type by type, selecting the necessary tree element/level.
Don't forget to click Apply for any changes to be taken into count.
Let's review the Vessel Type level.
For each vessel type you will be offered to set the competencies required for the crew:

  1. Click needed vessel type in the tree on the left-hand side.

  2. The list of all competencies that are defined in General Codes is displayed in the right part of the screen. 

    The Dropdown menu above the list can help you to narrow the list.
    It displays all the competence views & will result in the display of only those competence that belongs to the selected view.
    Please tag required certificates & add them to the corresponding vessel type using add buttons: 

    - move tagged competencies to the Documents Required section;

    - move all docs in the list to the Documents Required section. 
    To return the records use the remove buttons: 

    - move tagged competence(s) from the Documents Required section back; 

    - move all docs from the Documents Required section back.

  3. Once ready click Apply button to save. 

Now you see these required docs/competencies under position in the tree on the left:

Note that you can set up the requirements on the Competence level as well.
For each document you can set certificates required:
1) regardless of position;
2) required onboard;
3) required for positions.

Let's review an example:

  1. Total Number of Certificates - to define a total number of certificates that must be owned by persons assigned to shifts in a rotation plan.

  2. Several Free Certificates Needed Regardless of Position - to define how many Certificates from Total can be held by any position.

  3. Certificates Required for any of the following Positions - to define if the certain certificate can be held by certain position(s) only.

  4. All crew Onboard requires this certificate - when ON then all the settings for this competence are reset to 0. 

For future calculations/reports, the system will check the entire crew onboard a vessel as those who require this certificate. Once ready click Apply button to save.

In our example:
Any vessel of Ocean type requires 3 persons holding valid STM certificates.
One of these certificates can be held by a person with ANY position.
Two certificates (3 Total minus 1 Free) must be held by either Bosun(s) or Deck Boy(s).
If there are 2 persons holding certificates with other positions, but only one Bosun - the requirement is considered as NOT covered.


If a flag/principal/vessel type is changed for some vessel, then the users must re-setup the profile and re-activate it according to changes for the vessel.

Minimum Save Manning Report

Also, the setup on Vessels the view is needed for the Minimum Save Manning report for customers using the Crew Station Bill module.
See setup and functionality details here
Also, Safety Levels should be defined for a vessel that is going to be set up.
This can be done in the Crew Station Bill module > Setup page:

  1. Select a vessel to add safety levels:

  2. Go to the Safety Levels tab, click

    to add a level:

    Here you can describe existing safety levels for each vessel.

    Please note that the column Sort Nr (values from 1 to 1000) is responsible for the hierarchical logic of levels.
    E.g. level 1 is above level 2, level 2 is above 10, and so on.

    Safety levels for one vessel are not linked to levels of other vessels.

    Non-used Safety levels can be set to Passive.

Experience View

You can define the minimum number of months required for a certain position. To do this, switch to the Experience view type on the ribbon:

On the left-hand side pane, select Operator. This opens the list of principals previously defined in the system (see Define and Assign Principal).
To define an operator for the current requirements profile, follow the steps below:

  1. Select a record in the right-hand side column and click a left-pointing arrow


  2. When the selected principal is moved to the adjacent column, save the changes by clicking Apply on the ribbon:

On defining an operator, you can now specify a vessel type. First, on the left-hand side pane, select the operator. This opens the list of vessel types defined in the system (see Add Vessel Type).
To set a vessel type:

  1. Select a record in the right-side column and click a left-pointing arrow


  2. When the selected vessel type is moved to the adjacent column, save the changes by clicking Apply on the ribbon:

Now, you can add a position seniority category and set the minimum number of months required for the position. First, on the left-hand side pane, select the vessel type and click Add Category on the ribbon. Clicking the command enables the fields to be filled out:

Position Seniority Category. From the drop-down list, select a position category

 The Position Seniority Category in the drop-down list contains the records defined in General Codes > Requirements Profile > Position Seniority Category. For more information, see Define Position Seniority Category.

Code is a unique alphanumeric APM code that is fetched based on the selected position category.

Month Seniority. Set the number of months required for a specific position by either typing a number or using a spin box.

Required. Set one of the options: By Company or Onboard.

When completed, click Apply.
As a result, the positions as well the seniority requirements are displayed on the pane:

  • No labels