To read more about our different types of releases (main release, intermediate release), click me!
1) From release 2021.10 Internet Explorer (IE) is not supported.
2) Before the upgrade, records from the repl_Task table with ID's 3000-4999 that are not related to WEB_CP tables should be deleted manually (see APP-3082 in APP 2021.10 release notes)
Adonis Personnel Portal Compatibility Matrix
APP Version | APM Version* |
2020.60.x | 2020.10.x |
2021.10.x | 2020.10.x |
* APM version numbers are minimum required to be compatible with the APP version.
Dear User,
After the major framework upgrade in release 2021.20, release 2021.30 is dedicated to smaller improvements and error fixes. This release was also an upgrade of our development framework and one of the issues this upgrade fixed was the missing scroll bar in the various calendar view. (virtual scrolling).
The mobile portal app is currently being tested and in the run of September available in App Store and Google Play for all customers using the crew and employee portal.
Currently, besides normal maintenance, we are working on a modified crew change and trip planning module, including a dynamic service and safety level functionality. The latter will allow you to plan your vessels with the correct number and qualified crew.
The team had their well-deserved vacations and some of them were able to travel abroad. In other words, we are fit to take on the challenges that lay ahead.
On behalf of the APP development team,
Best Regards,
Erick Meijer
Product Director
Resolved Jira Issues
General Changes
Key | Summary | Type | Release Notes |
APP-3394 | Administrator Portal review after DevExtreme components upgrade | Change request | Fixed layout issue in the Administrator portal. |
APP-3392 | Audit module review after DevExtreme components upgrade | Change request | Fixed Audit module markup after DevExtreme components upgrade. |
APP-3359 | Role access rights issue | Bug | Fixed access right for My Documents entry fields. |
APP-3339 | Change Help links to a new Confluence address | Bug | Modified Help links path. |
APP-2487 | Move Travel Expense Period into the separate table | Change request | Travel Expense Rates Period re-factoring. Rates period moved to a separate WEB_CP_TRAVEL_RATE_PERIOD table. |
APP-3330 | Hide field labels if users don't have an access to them | Bug | Modified access rights fr My Profile. The system will hide filed labels with disabled access. |
APP-3328 | Add access rights to a profile picture | Bug | Implemented access rights for Profile Picture. |
APP-3404 | Wrong MLC rules calculation | Bug | Implemented modifications in Roster Planning to not show violations on the Sign On Date |
APP-3502 | An error appears when BunkNo value is too large during adding new bunk | Bug | The Cabin No and Bunk No are limited to 10 symbols. |
APP-3251 | Review Cabin Allocation | Change request | Fixed errors in the browser console when Cabin filter functionality was enabled for Cabin Allocation Module. |
APP-3141 | Allocation End Date should be 23:59 | Bug | Applied changes to store the allocation EndDate time potion as 23:59 |
APP-3243 | Review D2D module | Change request | Modified CSS styles for Day 2 Day module. Added fix for indent between fields at the ‘Edit record’ and ‘New record’ forms. |
APP-3478 | Input string was not in the correct format | Bug | Fixed issue loading the enclosed documents if 'IncludeGroup' is empty in General Codes. |
APP-3422 | Make Cabin allocation crew list more similar to crew station bill | Change request | Applied same style for crew liss in Cabin Allocation Module and Crew Station Bill. |
APP-3399 | Cabin allocation. Not possible to create cleaning, maintenance, or quarantine | Change request | Fixed javascript error with assigning status for cabin (Cleaning, Maintenance, Quarantine) |
APP-3389 | Profile button not in the header on mobile view. | Change request | Applied modifications for a page header, to avoid icon displacement on mobile view. |
APP-3387 | Modification to view document request APP to function with mobile app | Change request | Modified the APP document view request to be compatible with an iOS mobile application. |
APP-3360 | Access rights for Next of Kin | Bug | Implemented separate access rights for the Next of Kin module and fields related to it. |
APP-3353 | Not possible to set Saturday and Sunday as workdays. | Bug | New properties are added to the TAA_ApprovedTimesheets method:
APP-3333 | Collapse hamburger menu in My Profile by default | Change request | Modified behavior of the menu for My Profile. The menu is closed by default. |
APP-3316 | Leave days become 0 after the activity update | Bug | We have fixed the handling of PR fields in leave days calculation to return 0 in cases when PR fields are empty. |
APP-3286 | 'Reports' page issue | Bug | Modified report page layout to display reports full size. |
APP-3285 | Notification Bell displays for all users not only for a responsible team leader (approver/coordinator). | Bug | Fixed issues related to a notification bell. Notification bell appears only for a subordinate who has a violation or responsible team leader (approver/coordinator) or reliever. |
APP-3275 | Enforce a change of password for APP users | Change request | Implemented enforced password change for APP users.
When the enforce is activated, after a given period or now, the user changes his password. The users list extended with ‘Password expiry', ’Expiry Each' columns. |
APP-3272 | Enable 'Virtual Scrolling' in scheduler components APP. (CSB & CAM modules) | Change request | Implemented virtual scrolling for the scheduler in Crew Station Bill and Cabin Allocation Module. |
APP-3222 | Fixed radio buttons markup | Bug | Fixed radio buttons markup. |
APP-3071 | Remove Default 'Crew Station' filtering in participants grid. | Change request | The Onboard Drills module enhancements. The default filter was removed from the Participants table at the Drill details. |
Key | Summary | Type | Release Notes |
APP-3447 | Personal Details API methods | Change request | The API calls related to Personal Details are copied to Adonis Integration Web Service.
APP-3374 | Change error text for CONTENTHUB methods | Bug | Modified the error text message in the case when a file is not found for CONTENTHUB_REPLACE and CONTENTHUB_DOWNLOAD methods. |
APP-3358 | API Methods Personal Details: hair, eye, shoulder, height, weight | Change request | Adonis Web Services: New API methods DG_PersonalAppearanceRead and DG_PersonalAppearanceUpdate were added. Adonis Intergration Web Services: NOTE: The ‘HairColor' and 'EyeColor’ parameters refer to a CODE from PW001C05 (General Codes setup). |
APP-3402 | Create VL_SignOnOff Method | Change request | Implemented new Web method VL_SignOnOff that allows registering the work hours of a crew member who is currently onboard. Input parameters: Pin, DateUTC, Location, SignOn (bool flag. true - signOn, false - signOff) |
Crew Station Bill
Key | Summary | Type | Release Notes |
APP-3499 | Crew Station Bill Scheduler View | Bug | Applied fix for period selection at the Crew Station Bill module. |
APP-3412 | Secondary Assignment filter not displayed for Stations | Bug | Applied fix for radio buttons at the Assign Stations page to display all Secondary assignments on the view. |
APP-3395 | Onboard Drills review after DevExtrerme components upgrade | Change request | Fixed layout issues. Added validation to avoid creating a scenario with DateTo less than DateFrom. |
APP-3209 | Cabin allocation requirements | Change request | Modified the Bunk Overview scheduler layout for Cabin Allocation Module |
APP-3103 | Revert changes in case of any error during Safety Plan duplication. | Bug | Implemented the possibility to revert changes in case of any error during Safety Plan duplication. |
Key | Summary | Type | Release Notes |
APP-3430 | Need to apply line colors on all devexpress grids | Change request | Applied styling for DevExpress grids. |
Master Cash Account
Key | Summary | Type | Release Notes |
APP-3398 | Change ship check number format | Bug | Modified mask format for ShipCheck transactions. The mask contains the vessel OrgCode 3 char + '00'. So the OrgCode 453 will be masked as 45300. ShipCheck is limited to 9 digits. Implemented the possibility to insert duplicated ShipCheck numbers. The user will receive a warning dialogue to confirm the action. |
APP-3393 | MCA check number can be greater than a mask | Bug | Added length validation for the 'Check No' field. The 'Check No' field contains 9 digits. |
APP-3370 | MCA: update UI | Change request | Implemented a new option 'Default as Ship check'. The Ship Check option will be enabled automatically when the type is selected. Can be checked only when the transaction has the options 'IsDebit' and 'IsCredit' enabled. |
APP-3369 | MCA: update DB tables structure | Change request | Master Cash Account module DB structure update. The WEB_CP_MCA_TRANSACTIONTYPES table extended with IS_DEFAULT_SHIP_CHECK column. |
APP-3191 | MCA: Cash amount registered to both Debit and Credit accounts | Bug | Update database structure for the Master Cash Account module. |
APP-3168 | Remove the check on the remaining Cash balance for Ship Check transactions | Bug | Implemented modifications to Master Cash Account. The Ship Check transaction, with IsDebit and IsCredit option, will be exported with any amount, no check for the remaining balance. |
APP-3167 | MCA: show Opening Balance transaction name in MCA grid | Bug | Modification for Master Cash Account. The description for 'Opening' and 'Closing' transactions is fetched from the 'Transaction Type Description'. |
APP-2862 | MCA: Ship check numbers | Change request | Added functionality allowing Check No in a required format for new and update actions. The first three digits of Check No are the vessel OrgCode. |
Travel Expense
Key | Summary | Type | Release Notes |
APP-3381 | Currency is changed to default after the update of the travel expense record | Bug | Provided fix for an issue when the currency changed to default after the travel expense record was updated. |
APP-3313 | Navigation buttons 'Next' and 'Back' not working | Bug | Applied fix for 'Next' and 'Back' navigation buttons in Travel Expense document. |
Time and Attendance, Nonconformity
Key | Summary | Type | Release Notes |
APP-3489 | Overtime report CBA calculations (Main Release) | Change request | Applied fix for CBA calculation in the Overtime report, in a case when Leave activity is in the middle of two Onboard activities. |
APP-3448 | APP-3442 Monthly Timesheet: wrong total regular hours (Main Release) | Bug | Modified CBA calculation for Monthly Timesheet report. The Leave activity is excluded from the calculation of CBA. |
APP-3351 | Fields are highlighted with grey color on the Report page | Bug | Modified CSS styles of the report page. |
APP-3186 | Overtime report displays only one position | Bug | Applied fix for Overtime report dialogue, to pick up the correct list of positions. |
APP-3115 | Work and Rest onboard performance issue on Princes | Bug | Performance improvements for WorkAndRest report. |
APP-3423 | Timesheets with "processed" status not included in the overview for electronic signing. | Bug | Implemented modifications, now the timesheets with "processed" status are included in the overview for electronic signing |
APP-3396 | Crew unable to sign Timesheets | Bug | Fixed the issue that pending for signing timesheets were not visible for some of the crew members after they were approved for signing by the approver |
APP-3146 | TC inserts registrations to Approved days | Bug | Forbid for TimeClock inserting time registrations to timesheets with approved days. Such records will be added to a TAA - Pending List. |
APP-3437 | APP-3435 Incorrect calculation split Timesheet (main release) | Bug | Modified CBA calculation in the Monthly Timesheet report If the timesheets(s) cover all periods without gaps. |
Personal Details
Key | Summary | Type | Release Notes |
APP-3486 | Customized view tabs don't open. | Bug | Fixed API method DG_GenerateCustomizedViews which allows opening Customized views in My Profile. |
APP-3357 | NOK phone and email are not available for input | Bug | Applied changes for My Profile - Next of Kin. The NOK phone and email fields are available for input during record creation. |
APP-3356 | Missing personal fields | Bug | Implemented new fields for Personal Profile: ‘Place of birth’ and ‘Country of birth’. |
APP-3344 | The phone number for NOK is not displayed | Bug | Fixed issue with displaying phone number for Next of Kin on a preview tile. |
APP-3341 | Possibility to set access by Fields is gone | Bug | Implemented the possibility to set read access to some fields at Next of Kin, Travel, and Certificates pages. |
APP-3340 | Not possible to give access to add/replace scan only | Bug | Implemented separate access rights for document view and attachment. It is possible to set Read access for a record, but Grant access to a scan/attachment. |
APP-3331 | Extend duration for Email change result message | Bug | Modified behaviour of Email change result dialogue. The resulting message displays until a user clicks the Ok button. |
APP-3329 | A lot of dialogs opened when typing something on a keyboard into the text fields | Bug | Modified javascript to avoid the opening of extra dialogue in My Profile. |
APP-3326 | Empty action dialog appeared with ‘Read only’ access to Telecommunication. | Bug | Prevented empty context menu opening for telecommunication details in My Profile. |
APP-3304 | Need to hide fields 'Pass Priority' and 'Native name' for Travel Doc with Doc type: 'Seaman's book' and 'Other' | Bug | The ‘Pass Priority' and 'Native name' fields are hidden when the 'Document type’ is not a Passport. |
APP-3303 | The system should inform that the fields are mandatory when creating a travel document | Bug | Fixed issue with displaying mandatory fields for Travel documents. |
APP-2734 | Create page 'My Profile' | Change request | Implemented 'My Profile' page. |
Database Modifications
New and Modified Tables
Table | Field Name | Field Type | Description |
| C_CURRENCY | VARCHAR(3) NULL | Rename column from CURRENCY |
| C_ACCOUNTNO | INT NULL | New column |
| D_ACCOUNTNO | INT NULL | New column |
| D_AMOUNT | DECIMAL (19, 6) NULL | New column |
| D_CURRENCY | VARCHAR(3) NULL | New column |
WEB_CP_ELEMENTS | IS_FIELD | bit not NULL default (0) | New column |
| Drop column |
| valid_from_date |
| Drop column |
| Drop column |
| valid_from_date |
| Drop column |
| Drop column |
| valid_from_date |
| Drop column |
| Drop column |
| valid_from_date |
| Drop column |