Release Notes APM 2019.40.7 Patch 6
Key | Summary | Components | Release Notes |
APM-3281 | RCBC Bank Output file for PTC | For RCBC balance action we provided new file format to keep up to the latest bank requirements. For backward compatibility it is implemented as optional setup under Global Options > Payroll > Telepay | |
APM-3302 | Department disappears on the flight booking record. | interfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Crew Change , Modules\Rotation Planning | Flight was not re-linked to the new crew change if a person is moved to the one different from initial, for which a booking was created. |
APM-3306 | Remove Passport data from mandatory for booking flight in CrewLink | interfaces\ATPI Crewlink | Passport details are now not necessary for booking a flight. Application will though show warning message to inform & make a decision if a booking should be performed. |
APM-3324 | Missing entries in Timecard Registration module | Modules\Timecard Registration | If more than one registration was added with the same Date & Time – only one record was visible in the grid, although all data was present in database |
APM-3326 | Need to add a new column to the Export file #3 (Payment schedule) | Export\Logisoft | Added new field GHS for Payment Schedule export to display sum of CalcAmount5 for EntryCodes 619, 620 |
APM-3337 | 'String or binary data would be truncated.' during closing month | Payroll | SQL error when performing Close Month operation & payment receiver was modified for a crew member. |
Release Notes APM 2019.40.6 Patch 5
Key | Summary | Components | Release Notes |
APM-3258 | Altinn will no longer support TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 | We now support encryption protocol TLS 1.2 which is a must for Altinn reporting. | |
APM-3275 | Switching between PINs is not working when Adonis query is applied to Crew List. | Modules\Crew List | Datagrpoups’ content was not reloading when switching between pins when Adonis Query filter was applied |
APM-3279 | Possible memory leak during mass calculation | Payroll\Calculation | Memory leaks when performing mass-calculation |
APM-3286 | Correction of days activity for the past | Datagroups\Activities, Modules\Rotation Planning | When creating a 1-day shift with specific definition for more than 1 activity – wrong activity from the past might be linked to the shift. |
APM-3300 | Default Global Embark-/Disembarking reasons are not displayed in activity details/rotation | Datagroups\Activities, Global Options\General, interfaces\ATPI Crewlink, Modules\Crew Change | Values from Default Embarkation / Disembarkation Reason (Global Options > Crew Change > Default Column Value & Mandatory Check) are now additionally applied to rotation shift properties even if no activity created yet |
APM-3314 | Period Lock doesn't work when calculation if performed for tagged people. | Payroll\Calculation | Persons were recalculated even though Period Lock was set |
APM-3322 | ECs 994, 995, 996 are generated with all the calculated amounts set to 0. | Payroll\Calculation, Payroll\Entry Codes | Transactions for ECs 994, 995, 996 could be created with an amount less than 0.01 |
APM-3347 | New export to Navision changes | Accounting Interface | Wrong fields order for DocNo & DocDate. |
APM-2959 | 2 ONB activities on 1 rotation shift | Datagroups\Activities, Modules\Rotation Planning | When creating a 1-day shift with specific definition for more than 1 activity – wrong activity from the past might be linked to the shift. |
Release Notes APM 2019.40.5 Patch 4
Key | Summary | Components | Release Notes |
APM-3274 | Error "Time is not a valid integer value" when changing Date in CrewLink | interfaces\ATPI Crewlink | Time Is Not a Valid Integer Value error when the string doesn’t contain any value. |
APM-3304 | Field "AcctType" of new Navision should be fetched from Dimension | Accounting Interface | Adjusted dialog window to allow setting up fields Description, TranType, AcctType, BatchName and DOCTYPE as dimension-based. |
APM-3308 | Problem with amounts in historical Accounting Voucher (New Navision export) | Accounting Interface | Decimal part was trimmed when exchange rate applied |
Release Notes APM 2019.40.4 Patch 3
Key | Summary | Components | Release Notes |
APM-3269 | L84 override doesn't work on payslip tab | Payroll | We improved logic of applying Currency Rate at Payslip tab. Now each individual transaction’s rate is used for displaying amounts, instead of common rate as set in General Codes |
APM-3270 | Delete FK_PW001P01_PIN in PWLOG_PAYROLL_EXEC table | Payroll, Replicator | We removed redundant FK pin reference from payroll log table PWLOG_PAYROLL_EXEC, as preventing proper partial replication |
Release Notes APM 2019.40.3 Patch 2
Key | Summary | Component(s) | Release Notes |
APM-3064 | Export to Navision | Accounting Interface | Expanded the number of columns in the accounting interface. |
Release Notes APM 2019.40.2 Patch 1
Key | Summary | Component(s) | Release Notes |
APM-3240 | Rotation planning sign-off left did not create a current activity | Modules\Rotation Planning | When signing of a person in the rotation planning module the next activity was not set to current. The issue occurs when there existed payroll generated activities overlapping the current and or planned activity. |
APM-3249 | FK references not compatible with the partial replication configuration | Replication | Removed the pwlog_payroll_exec (payroll exectuction log) FK reference to the following tables; PW001P0Y, PW001PYH, PW001PYH, PW001PAI, PW001P0C, PW001P0C, PW001P0C, PW001PAY, PWORGCMP, PWORGCMP, PWORGVES This foreign key was stopping the replication of the above tables if the payroll execution log was linked to a a person not part of the partial replication. |
This patch is mandatory for those companies both using the partial replication and the payroll module.