This section is only visible for the Adonis employees.
Customer | The view was originally created for Eckero Group |
Summary | The view lists the crew who uploaded documents themselves from APP > Employee Portal. It shows competence, travel and enclosed documents uploaded from the APP for the last two months. |
Keywords | Competence / Travel Documents, Scans |
Category | Crew List View |
The view lists the crew who uploaded competence, travel and enclosed documents themselves from APP for the last two months.
View Sample
should be substituted with the id of the crew list view that you are creating in your system e.g. PW001SRV20
CREATE VIEW dbo.PW001SRV28 AS SELECT p.PIN, p.CLIENT NUMORGID, p.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE, p.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE, p.FIRSTNAME, p.LASTNAME, o.[NAME] Organization, d.[Type], d.Code, d.Document, d.Number, d.[Scan Attached], d.[Scan Valid], d.CREATETIME From PW001P01 p Join (Select c.[PIN], 'Competence' [Type], c.CODE [Code], (Select [TEXT] from PW001C06 where CODE=c.CODE) [Document], c.CNUMBER [Number], Case When c.scanneddocno is not null and Convert(int,c.scanneddocno) in (select docno from PW001OLEDOCS) Then NCHAR(10004) Else '' End [Scan Attached], Case When c.SCANVALIDITY=1 Then NCHAR(10004) Else 'Scan has not been approved' End [Scan Valid], c.[COMMENTS], c.CREATETIME From PW001P05 c where c.CREATEDBY = 'APP' Union All Select tr.[PIN], 'Travel' [Type], tr.CODE [Code], (Select VISATYPE from PW001C23 where CODE=tr.CODE) [Document], tr.TDNUMBER [NUMBER], Case When tr.scanneddocno is not null and Convert(int,tr.scanneddocno) in (select docno from PW001OLEDOCS) Then NCHAR(10004) Else '' End [Scan Attached], Case When tr.SCANVALIDITY=1 Then NCHAR(10004) Else 'Scan has not been approved' End [Scan Valid], tr.[COMMENTS], tr.CREATETIME From PW001P08 tr where tr.CREATEDBY = 'APP' Union All Select ole.[PIN], 'Enclosed' [Type], s.DOCTYPE [Code], (Select [NAME] from PW001C45 where CODE=s.DOCTYPE) [Document], 'N/A' [NUMBER], NCHAR(10004) [Scan Attached], 'N/A' [Scan Valid], s.[DESCRIPTION] [COMMENTS], s.CREATETIME From PW001P01OLE ole join PW001OLEDOCS s on ole.DOCNO=s.DOCNO where s.CREATEDBY = 'APP' and s.DOCTYPE!='MED') d on d.PIN = p.PIN and d.CREATETIME>=DATEADD(day,-60,getutcdate()) Join PWORG o on p.CLIENT = o.NUMORGID
Field Specification
Column | Description/ Location in APM |
Pin | PIN |
Employment Start Date | Select from Personal Details > Employment > Employment State > Start Format dd/mm/yyyy |
Employment End Date | Select from Personal Details > Employment > Employment State > End Format dd/mm/yyyy |
Name | Full name of the person in Personal Details. Format: L_F_M |
Rank | Current Rank of the person in Personal Details. |
Competence Code | The code of the competence document record linked to the selected crew. |
Competence Text | The name of the competence document record linked to the selected crew. |
Competence Number | The number of the competence document record linked to the selected crew. |
Issued Date | The date issued from of the competence document record linked to the selected crew. |
Expiry Date | The expiry date of the competence document record linked to the selected crew. |
Last Updated | Date / time last update action was done to this competence document |
Last Updated By | Login name who did last update action to this competence document |
Validity of Scan | 'N' |
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