Initially intended for Havila, the task is supposed to run once a year and send a notification to Adonis informing us about a number of active crew.
declare @HTV varchar(max); set @HTV = cast( (select td = Convert(varchar(40),d.Org) +'</td><td>' + Isnull(Convert(varchar,d.Employed),'') +'</td><td>' + Isnull(Convert(varchar,d.ActEmployees),'') from (select o.[NAME] Org, (Select Count(PIN) From ( Select X.PIN From (Select a.PIN From AUDIT_PW001P01 a where dbo.ad_IsClient(a.CLIENT,o.NUMORGID)=1 and a.repl_GMTModifiEDDate>=DATEADD(year,-1,getdate()) and a.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE is not null and (a.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE is null or a.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE>a.repl_ModifiedDate) Union all Select p.PIN From PW001P01 p where dbo.ad_IsClient(p.CLIENT,o.NUMORGID)=1 and p.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE is not null and (p.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE is null or p.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE>DATEADD(year,-1,getdate())) ) X Group by x.PIN) Y) Employed, (Select Count(PIN) From ( Select PIN From PW001P03 Where Code in (Select CODE From PW001C12 Where OPTIONS like '%S%') and Convert(date,DATEFROM)<=Convert(date,getdate()) and Convert(date,Isnull(Isnull(DATETO,TODATEESTIMATED),Getdate()))>=Convert(date,dateadd(year,-1,getdate())) and PLANNED!='Y' and PIN in (Select PIN From AUDIT_PW001P01 where dbo.ad_IsClient(CLIENT,o.NUMORGID)=1) Group by PIN) Y) ActEmployees from pworg o where o.orgtype=2 and o.[NAME] like '%crew%pool%' ) as d order by d.Org asc for xml path( 'tr' ), type) as varchar(max) ) set @HTV = '<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="1">' +'<tr><th>Organization</th><th>Employed Crew</th><th>Active Crew</th></tr>' +Replace(Replace(Replace(@HTV, '<', '<'), '>', '>') ,'>bgcolor=',' bgcolor=') +'</table>' Select @HTV as #b, '' as #email
Field Specification
Organization - Crew Pool name;
Employed Crew - number of crew employed during the last year;
Active Crew - the number of the crew who had at least one sea-service activity during the last year.