Oracle Hospitality Processing crew folio

Oracle Hospitality Processing crew folio


Payment interface

Latest Version


Release Date

Mar 12, 2021

Download Path



APM Plugin


This plug-in imports the Oracle Hospitality (OH)  crew folio records and imports them as payroll transactions.  Once a crew members payroll transactions are created the plug-in post the total amount back to OH to zero out the outstanding amount.   


Main Screen

The main screen display previous imported crew folios both the folios that are transferred to payroll and the once that are not yet processed.


From the main screen you can import the next batch of crew folios or transfer the ones imported to the payroll system.  Expanding a persons totals the system displays the crew folio items. 

Import Crew Folio Records from Oracle

When importing the crew folios the system only retrieves those that are added since the last time the import was executed. In the settings menu it is possible to set the last import date this should be used when executing the Import utility for the first time.   In addition to the Last Import date which is read only the system prompts you for an end date. The system will then import all crew folios added in Oracle between the Last Import date and date to. (Import all transactions up to)

Transfer to payroll

In the grid listing the crew folios not yet transferred to the payroll, you select the crew folios and press the Transfer to Payroll button. The system now creates the payroll transactions based on configuration in the Settings menu.  
Depending on the configuration the plugin create one transaction for a crew members crew folio or creates one transaction for crew folio line item.To view the crew folio's that are transferred to payroll select Transferred to payroll in the drop down box located above the grid. 


After transferring the crew folio to payroll the system post the amount back to Oracle to balance out the outstanding crew folio charges that now are being deducted from the crew members payroll.  


Download the plugin

Download plugin


How to install a APM Plugin



Contact your Oracle Hospitality administrator for the credentials needed to communicated with OH.  URL, Login and password credentials. 

Plugin Setup

Oracle  Hospitality Administrator will provide you with the outlidID.  

The initial start date is the "initial" last import date, only crew folios created after this date will be imported from OH.  The system will keep track of the last import date once the first import is made. 

Currency: Contact you administrator to know which currency is used by OH. 

Payroll transaction: 

Select the entry code the transfer to payroll create and add Create entry where if the entry code should only be created if certain conditions are met. 

For example if there there exist a specific entry code used for all purchases made in the Crew & Officer bar. The Create entry where should contain: DEPARTMENT LIKE "%Crew & Officer Bar%"  the entrycode containing all other crew folio transactions should read DEPARTMENT NOT LIKE "&Crew & Officer bar%" 

Use the field assignment to link payroll transaction input fields to the crew folio transaction fields

Crew Folio Field

Description (grid labels)

Crew Folio Field

Description (grid labels)


Transaction Date










Total Amount

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