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This article explains everything you need to know about the Master Cash Account Module.


The Master Cash Account is used to record the expenses and receipts in cash and the use of checks from the Master's account.   

The module ensures:

  • There is only one open statement at a time. The MCA displays the voyage information and the activity details that are covered by the MCA. There is no direct link between the voyages and the MCA, but the voyage is found based on the start and end dates of the MCA and the Voyage. 

  • The reports and Account Ledger exports are joining the voucher information. 

  • Each transaction is identified by date, transaction type, description, the amount for each expense, and receipt.

  • Each transaction type can be linked to a budget and account code for classifying expenses on the journal voucher that posts into the general ledger. 


Table of Contents

Payroll Check and Cash payments

These transactions are generated by Adonis Payroll Module. For this the MCA Plugin needs to be installed. This plug-in exports the cash and check onboard payments to the currently open MCA. 

Account Ledger Export

For the MCA Account Ledger plug-in need to be installed, this plug-in exports the closed MCA transactions into an export file to be imported in a 3rd party accounting system. 


The section contains the description of the Master Cash Account module commands. By following the guidelines, you will be well on your way to working with the module.

To get started, first, log into Adonis Crew Portal. On the Home page, click the Master Cash Account tile:

On clicking, you are then redirected to the page:

On the page, click the Master Cash Statement tile to start operating the module.

The instructions enable you to:

Open Statement

On configuring the module, navigate to the Master Cash Statement tile. This opens the following page:

On the Master Cash Account page, first, you need to open the master cash account. For this, follow the steps below:

  1. Click OPEN at the top right-side corner of the page. Clicking it displays the Open Master Cash Statement dialog:

  2. On the dialog, fill in the following fields:

    • Opening Balance. The value is automatically fetched based on the Opening Balance transaction type added in the Settings.

    • Opening Date. In the calendar picker, select the start date when the statement comes into effect.

    • Person Sign On. The date is automatically fetched based on the crew member sign on date.

  3. Click SUBMIT to save the records.

As a result, a master cash account statement appears in the grid:

Add Transaction

There are three types of transactions:

  • Cash Payments are recorded in the Master Cash Account module and affect the outgoing balance. 

  • Check Payments are recorded in the Master Cash Account module, but they do not affect the balance as there is no cash exchange. The checks are predefined in the Settings as debit and credit transactions.

  • Crew Payments are recorded in the Adonis Payroll Module or any other module. These transactions are configured with the "payroll" flag set and these can not be manually added in the MCA. 

To record a new transaction, first, navigate to the Master Cash Statement tile and make sure that the master cash statement is open:

On the dialog, click NEW TRANSACTION at the top of the grid. This opens the New Transaction dialog:

On the New Transaction dialog, fill in the following fields:

  • Transaction Date. In the calendar picker, select the transaction date that is greater or equal to the statement opening date. By default, the transaction date is set to the current date.

  • Transaction Type. From the drop-down list, select the transaction type predefined in Add Transaction Type.

  • Description. Provide a short description of the transaction.

  • Paid as Ship check (available only if the transaction type is set to Default as Ship Check). Select the option if the transaction amount is covered by check.

  • Paid/Received (based on the Is Debit or Is Credit option predefined for a transaction type). Enter the amount spent or received.

  • ADD SCAN. Click the button to attach a receipt or an invoice.

When completed, click SUBMIT.

As a result, a new transaction is recorded on the Master Cash Statement:

In case the transaction type is a check payment, the Paid as Ship check option is preselected:

Provide additional information as described below:

  • Payee ia a person or an organization receiving the check.

  • Check No is a running check number.

  • Check Date is the issue date of the check.

  • Amount is the amount to be paid.

On completing, click SUBMIT.

As a result, the check transaction is recorded in the master cash statement:


Check transactions do not affect the balance. In the statement, they appear as debit and credit Only transactions in cash are considered.

Close Statement

To close a statement, navigate to the Master Cash Account Statement:

On the page, follow the steps below:

  1. Click CLOSE at the top righ-side corner of the page. This opens the Close Master Cash Statement dialog:

  2. On the dilaog, fill in the following fields:

    • Closing Date. From the calendar picker, select the end date of the statement.

    • Person Sign Off. The field value is automatically fetched based on the crew member sign off date.

  3. Click SUBMIT to proceed.

As a result, no records are available on the Statement page.

View Historical Statement

All opened and closed statements are available in the Historical list. To access them, navigate to Historical on the toolbar:

On the page, select the statement for which you want to view details and click View. This opens the master cash statement details:

Reopen Statement

You can reopen a closed statement under the following conditions:

  • There is no existing transaction (except Opening Balance) in the current opened statement.

  • The person who closed the statement will be the only person who can open it.

To reopen a statement, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Historical on the toolbar to view the list of closed statements:

  2. Select the statement you want to reopen and click View. This opens the statement details:

  3. On the right-side corner, click RE-OPEN. This makes the following dialog appear:

  4. On the dialog, click YES to proceed.

As a result, a reopened statement is available on the Statement page:

View Reports

You can generate Master Cash reports for historical and currently opened statements. The following reports are available: MasterCashStatement and ShipCheck.

1) Click on Reports and select Master Cash Statement.

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2) Select a Statement from the list.

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3) Click on Generate.

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4) Above is the sample of a complete printable Master Cash Statement Report

Ship Checks Report

How to generate a ship checks report?

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1) Click on Reports and select Ship Check.

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2) Select a Statement from the list.

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3) Click on Generate.

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4) Above is the sample of a complete printable Ship Check Report.


Before proceeding, make sure the report drafts are uploaded in Adonis Personnel Portal. For more information, see Upload Reports.

To generate a report, first, navigate to Reports on the toolbar. This opens the Reports page:

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On the page, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the report to be generated. This evolves the dialog:

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  2. In the drop-down list, select the statement to be displayed in the report and click GENERATE.

As a result, the generated report appers on the screen:

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This section enables you to perform a one-time setup of the module both in Adonis Administrator Portal and Adonis Crew Portal.

Adonis Administrator Portal

Set Access Rights

Log in to the APP Administrator Portal to set the permission levels for accessing the module. Once logged in, navigate to Access Control > Roles:

On the page, proceed as described below:

  1. Select a user group to which you want to grant access to the module. This opens a list of modules.

  2. Scroll down and find the Master Cash Account module in the list.

  3. Select the module to see the module features.

  4. In the Grant Access column, select the features to which you want to provide access.

Upload Reports

The Master Cash Account module allows you to generate reports. Before getting started, you need to perform a simple setup.

As an administrator, log into Adonis Administrator Portal, navigate to Access Control > Roles. This opens the following page:

 On the Roles page, proceed as described below:

  1. Select the user group for which you want to set permissions.

  2. Within the grid, navigate to Master Cash Account.

  3. For Reports, set the permission level to Grant Access.

Now, go to your ftp area by following the path: and select the folder associated with the current version of the application > Reports.


Make sure to select the reports version corresponds to current version of the application.
The following reports are available to you: Master Cash Account, MCA - Ship Check.

Select one and upload it to Adonis Administrator Portal. To do this, refer to Maintaining Reports and follow the directions carefully.

Adonis Crew Portal Setup

To get started, log in to the APP Crew Portal. When the Home page appears, click the Master Cash tile:

On clicking, you are then redirected to the page:

On this page, click the Settings tile to start configuring the module.

Define Transaction Types

To define a transaction type, first, navigate to Master Cash > Settings:

There are three types of transactions:

  • Normal transaction is an expense for some vessel suply added manually by the user or by the payroll system.

  • Opening transaction is automatically generated when opening a new cash account onboard the vessel. This transaction is defined as credit and normally it is not assigned to an account code, and, therefore, not exported to the accounting ledger. 

  • Closing transaction is automatically generated when closing the MCA.

Below you will find the instructions on how to add a transaction type.

Add Transaction Type

To define a transaction type, on the Settings page, click the NEW TRANSACTION TYPE button. On clicking the button, the following dialog appears:

On the dialog, fill in the following fields:

  • Transaction Code. Enter a unique alphanumeric code to identify a transaction.

  • Description. Enter a transaction name.

  • Generated by Payroll. Select the option to make it available in the Master Cash Account Journal Voucher plugin.

  • Is Credit. Select the option if the transaction is a credit (receivable). It is also possible to link this to the Account Codes from APM.

  • Is Debit. Select the option if the transaction is a debit (payable). It is also possible to link it to the Account Codes from APM.

  • Default as Ship Check. Select the option if the transaction uses a check.

  • Transaction Type. Select one of the following options: Normal, Opening Balance, Closing Balance. For more information, see Define Transaction Type.

  • Is Passive. Select the option to disable this transaction and make it unavailable in the transactions list.

  • Click SUBMIT to proceed.


If the bank transaction type is a check, make sure to select both Is Debit and Is Credit optionsas it does not affect the cash balance.

Setting up inheritance, centralize transaction types

One feature of this module is the possibility to inherit the Transaction List from another vessel. This is to make all the transactions uniform for all the vessels and to minimize the workload for the administrator. 

How to inherit the transaction list to another vessel?

  1. Select vessel/s you want to inherit the Transaction List.

  2. Click Update.

  3. You will get a successful notification