Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




Release notes


An activity was deleted from p03 and a document was deleted from p05 but both still exist in the PW001P00_XREF table.

This is fixed now


Norwegian Post codes disappeared from PWPOST

The following improvements are applied:

  • Updated the Norwegian post codes import script to generate Sequence numbers.

  • Updated the Belgian post codes import script to generate Sequence numbers.

  • Added the execution of Norwegian post codes inserting into the upgrade script.

  • Added the execution of Belgian post codes inserting into the installation script.


APM upgrade alters replication setup making it incompatible with the partial replication

Removed We removed the FK_PWORGVESACT_VOYAGE foreign key from the database to improve performance. This fixed the issue of a circular reference, which was preventing the replicator from setting the correct sequence id identifying the sequence of executing replication tasks.


APM 2023.30.3 Patch 2

