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Release Notes


Fix Fixed the Bank Transfer File Format and Add Parameter Settings for the Berenberg Bank Interface

Issue #1

Transfer a NON_SEPA bank file to Berenberg, but the file got rejected with the following error.

Issue #2

When the file is generated it should be possible to define additional parameters.

Such as

  • payment date,

  • receiver ref,

  • Remittance Info e.g. SEP24-SPECIAL ALLOT/SALARY AROYA IMO 9733117
    Remittance Info: consists of

    • the month the payment is deducted (sept/24)

    • the type of allotment (ie net wages, standing allotment )

    • SALARY

    • Vessel name and IMO nr

  • etc.

Similar to what we have on other payment methods. but not for Bereneberg. e.g.

Issue #3

The requirement from Berenberg to include individual “purpose codes” on the person


Error Fixed the error when processing Timesheets

Fixed and added the Period Nr parameter to the APP requests to process payroll data according to the defined period.


Kadmos: Needs a new balance actionAdded new Kadmos Balance Action

The Kadmos balance action(B9) has been added to the system as the readonly balance action:

