No Format |
SELECT * FROM [MarineLMS_Live].[dbo].[OrgProfileValues] where efField_Id='7D3FC972-B6EB-11E4-80CE-0CC47A025D51' and ISNUMERIC(ValueString) <> 1 order by ValueString |
Check if there are any TimerEntries for EventNotifications with Expiration AFTER event Start
This should never be the case.
No Format |
SELECT ev.Id as EventId, en.Id as EventNotificationId, rbt.Start, te.Expiration, en.NotificationTemplateName
FROM dbo.Events as ev
join [dbo].[EventNotifications] as en on en.EventId = ev.Id
join dbo.Bookings as b on b.Id = ev.efBooking_Id
join dbo.ResourceBookings as rb on b.Id = rb.efBooking_Id
join dbo.ResourceBookingTimeSpans as rbt on rb.Id = rbt.ResourceBooking_Id
join [dbo].[TimerEntries] as te on te.CallbackValue = en.Id
where ev.IsPublished = 1 and rbt.Start < te.Expiration |