SQL Scripts
Check for non-integer OrgProfileField values Service At Sea
SELECT * FROM [MarineLMS_Live].[dbo].[OrgProfileValues] where efField_Id='7D3FC972-B6EB-11E4-80CE-0CC47A025D51' and ISNUMERIC(ValueString) <> 1 order by ValueString
Check if there are any TimerEntries for EventNotifications with Expiration AFTER event Start
This should never be the case.
SELECT ev.Id as EventId, en.Id as EventNotificationId, rbt.Start, te.Expiration, en.NotificationTemplateName FROM dbo.Events as ev join [dbo].[EventNotifications] as en on en.EventId = ev.Id join dbo.Bookings as b on b.Id = ev.efBooking_Id join dbo.ResourceBookings as rb on b.Id = rb.efBooking_Id join dbo.ResourceBookingTimeSpans as rbt on rb.Id = rbt.ResourceBooking_Id join [dbo].[TimerEntries] as te on te.CallbackValue = en.Id where ev.IsPublished = 1 and rbt.Start < te.Expiration