How to setup Multiple level in APP

How to setup Multiple level in APP

This is a step-by-step guide on how to setup Multiple levels in APP


  1. Create a new Chain of Approval and add new Multiple levels. This will, by default, be approver level.

    It is not possible to create more than one approver level within one chain.


  2. After you added new multiple levels, you can proceed with adding as many approvers as you need under this chain. The number of approvers will be displayed near the chain segment.

    The information about each approver position will be available once you select the needed chain segment and open its details.


  3. As soon as you added all the approvers, you can proceed with creating multiple new coordinator levels and adding coordinators to those levels.

    The procedure is the same as with the approver level. First, you add multiple new levels under the approver level. They are by default coordinator levels. There can be as many coordinator levels as you need.

    Then you add coordinators under those levels.

  4. The Chain of Approval may look much like that.


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