This articles explains how to make the setup of UK Tax calculation for Norwegian Customers.
Entry Code Setup
400 – Månedshsyre UK
1. Input tab
Should have the following configuration.
2. Calculation tab
Here we need to set the script for calculation. See Script section below.
3. Accumulators tab
Should have the following configuration.
4. EDAG tab
886 - UK Tax korreksjon tidl. Skatteår
1. Input tab
No specific setup required.
2. Calculation tab
We need to create a script with this formula L61=L21.
Alternatively, instead of script, it is also possible to set a formula in L61 (Calculated amount 1) line: @L61=L21.
3. Accumulators tab
No setup required.
4. EDAG tab
No setup required.
887 - UK Tax korrigering
1. Input tab
No specific setup required.
2. Calculation tab
We need to create a script with this formula L61=L21.
Alternatively, instead of script, it is also possible to set a formula in L61 (Calculated amount 1) line: @L61=L21.
3. Accumulators tab
4. EDAG tab
No setup required.
888 - UK Tax beregnet
1. Input tab
No specific setup required
2. Calculation tab
Here we need to set the script for calculation. See Script section below for your reference.
3. Accumulators tab
4. EDAG tab
No setup required
Basic Pay UK
//Only if vessel is on UK location
IF L11="Y" THEN //etterbetaling
L61=[((X1/30*L22)-((W219/30)*L22))+0,50] //posteringsbeløp
//Amounts and days are accumulating to different basises if there
//is an amount to be paid or deducted.
IF L61<>0 THEN
W40=W40+L61 //Grunnlag trygdeavgift, fast %-sats
W41=W41+L61 //Grunnlag kontingenttrekk
W42=W42+L22 //Dager pensjonsavgift
W43=W43+L22 //Antall dager OU-fond
W44=W44+L22 //Antall dager til diverse tillegg
W50=W50+L61 //Grunnlag inntektsbasert pensjon (PTS)
W80=W80+L22 //Dager for tabellvalg
W81=W81+L61 //Grunnlag tabell
W86=W86+L22 //Dager sjømannsfradrag
W87=W87+L61 //Grunnlag sjømannsfradrag
Normally the above script would also include the calculations of the Norwegian employers fee, leave pay and pension.
It should correspond to your company standards.
UK Tax
W63=150000 //lower limit for 45% 2019-2020
IF W64 >= W63 THEN //45% TAX
L61=L61+((W64-W63) * 0.45) //45% tax above 150000
W64=W63 //reduce the top amount to the lower limit
W63=50001 //lower limit for 40% 2019-2020
IF W64 >= W63 THEN //40% TAX
L61=L61+((W64-W63) * 0.4) //40% tax above 46351
W64=W63 //reduce the top amount to the lower limit
W63=12501 //lower limit for 20% 2019-2020
IF W64 >= W63 THEN //20% TAX
L61=L61+((W64-W63) * 0.20) //20%
W64=W63 //reduce the top amount to the lower limit
L61=L61+W364-P364 //deduct the tax that has already been paid
L61=[(L61*GBP1) + 0,5] //convert from GBP to base currency
Fields Overview available for Payroll Scripts:
P250 Tax Code for UK Tax
P251 Month Week Basis for UK Tax
P253 NI Number
P254 UK Pay Rate
P255 UK Pay Category
P256 Tax Code Number (UK)
P257 Num Period (UK)
P258 Period No (UK)
UK Tax Reporting
There are three different reports for UK Tax in the system. They are located under the Payroll > Reports > UK TAX.
For each report it is possible to select the periods based on year and month, so that the report can be done from e.g. May 2019 until April 2020
The first time you use the report, the accumulators that holds the amount for Basic Wages in total, as well as the Total tax must be selected.
For each report, one also enters in the Employer Reference.
Deduction Working Sheet (P35)
This report will have one page for each employee, and show how much wages and tax were paid for each month with a total in the end.
Offshore Protocol Return
The report gives a summary, listing all persons in a table and with the total amount they have earned and how much tax is paid. All amounts are for the periods selected in the dialogue window.
Year End Certificate (P60)
This certificate is printed per person, and picks up the total amounts from accumulators and periods selected in the dialogue window.