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Innskuddspensjon (Pension Contribution)

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This article describes how to set up an entry code for Pension Contribution where the purpose is to calculate the Employer's Fee and have it reported in "A-melding" without any amount affecting a person's salary.

Denne artikkelen beskriver hvordan du setter opp en lønnsart for Innskuddspensjon, der formålet er å beregne arbeidsgiveravgift og få den rapportert i A-meldingen uten at noen beløp skal påvirke lønnen til en person.


In order for the system to be able to calculate the Employer's Fee of the Pension Contribution and include this amount on "A-melding", a separate entry code must be created. Normally, the entry code is 
set up so that the user registers the amount from which employer's fee is to be calculated, and this amount is coded against 002A in the EDAG setup.


For at systemet skal kunne kalkulere arbeidsgiveravgift av Inskuddspensjon beløpet, og inkludere dette i A-melding, må det opprettes en egen lønnsart. Normalt settes lønnsarten opp slik at bruker registrerer beløp det skal kalkuleres arbeidsgivervgift av, og dette beløpet blir kodet mot 002A i EDAG-oppsettet. 

Step-by-step guide

Start with creating an entry code

  1. Go to Payroll | Entry codes and create a new entry code. For entry code number, just select an available with in the normal Allowance entry code's range. 

  2. Set the options as shown below on the General/Options tab

  3. Enable the user to input an amount in field L21 as shown below on the Input tab. 
  4. The Basis for Employer's Fee will be stored in the field L68, and you can set this up to be accounted for by filling in both the Debit and Credit GL Account numbers as per below: 
  5. Go next to the Script, find empty script or add new script (it is preferred to use the same number for the script as Entry Code number).

    Add the following script lines:
    L62=L68*P50c //arbeidsgiveravgift

  6. The Pay Slip and Accumulators tab should be blank, while the Annual tab can be skipped
  7. Go to EDAG and select 002AkollektivPensjonsforsikring in line L68

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