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Define Relationship Codes 

Before starting working with the Family data group, you need to set up Relationship Codes and Family Views.

Go to the main menu: Setup > General Codes > Family > Relationship Codes.

Click the button to add a new code.

General Code Editor box appears:

Please enter:

Code is unique Adonis code.

Text is the descriptive name.

Sort is sorting of the code. The codes with the smallest number will be shown first, the ones with the biggest number will be shown last.

  • '0' means the very first.

Click OK to save the code. Add as many codes as you need. 

Define Family Views 

After inputting all needed Relationship codes, you need to define one or more Family views.

Each view will be shown as a separate page in the Family data group.

For every view, you can define what relationship codes will be shown on a corresponding page.

We recommend you to create at least one view ALL to show all the kins.

Go to Setup > General Codes > Family > Family Views. Click the button to add a family view.

General Code Editor box appears:

  1. Enter Code and Text (the field value will be shown as a title of a corresponding page).
    Include Groups - here you define what relationship codes will be included in the view.
    For example, 0-3 means that all the kins whose relationship code has a sort between 0 and 3 will be included in the view.

    0-999 means that all codes will be included in the view.

  2. Columns Definition - in this section you specify what columns will be shown in the view.

    at the bottom and select the column you would like to see in this view.

    to remove the unneeded column.
    Click OK to save the data.

Define Telecommunication Limits

You can limit the allowed quantity of inputted records for any means of telecommunication.

This can be done in Setup > Global Options > Datagroups > Family:

By default, all units are disabled. That means: the input quantity is unlimited.

Tag the one that you would like to limit and select the maximum allowed quantity.

The end-user will not be able to define more telecommunication units (mobiles, e-mails, etc.) than are allowed.

He should modify existing records instead.


Within the Family data group, you can define a family member as well as store his/her personal information.

To access the data group, go to the Datagroup ribbon tab and use one of the tips below:

  • Click Family on the ribbon bar.


  • Use the Ctrl+6 shortcut combination.

The Family data group becomes active from the Manage ribbon tab:

The grid view is based on the data defined in General Codes > Family View. For more information on how to set up family views, see Define Family Views.

Before getting started, make sure the access rights to the 260 Family routine are granted to you in Adonis Control Center

Add Family Member

To add a family member, click New on the ribbon. Clicking the command makes the Family Member dialog appear:

Within the dialog, fill in the fields as described below:

  • Name (mandatory field). Click the

    Browse button to open the Name Details Editor dialog where you can specify a family member's full name:

Mandatory fields are marked with yellow triangles.

  • Relationship. From the drop-down list, select a relationship type. The list of types is fetched from the relationship codes defined in General Codes. For more information on how to define relationship codes, see Define Relationship Codes.

  • In Case of Emergency. Set the checkbox to mark a family member as a preferred contact if an emergency happens.

  • Male/Female. Set the radio button based on the gender of a family member.

  • Priority. Set a numeric value to set the priority of a record.

  • Nationality. Set the nationality of a family member using the drop-down list.

  • Language. From the drop-down menu, select the language a family member can speak.

Access to the feature is regulated by the H75 field in Adonis Control Centre.

  • Birth. Set the date and place of birth of a family member.

    Selecting the Birth option makes a switch to the Deceased state. Here you can enter the details such as date, place, and reason:

  • Comments. Enter any comments you want to add.

On the the Personal tab:

  1. Specify a family member's address. By default, it is fetched from the crew member's Details. You can change the address if it is different.

  2. Add contact information. To do this, click the

     New button on the right-hand side of the Telecommunication section.
    Clicking the command makes the Telecommunication dialog appear:

  • Communication type. From the drop-down list, select the communication mean to be used.

  • Communication information. Enter the information by which it is possible to get in touch with a family member.

  • Priority. Set a numeric value to specify the priority of a record. Setting different priorities allows you to define several emails or phone numbers.

  • Description/Comments. Enter any description/comments you want to add.
    On completing, click OK to save the data.

The SSN tab is intended for storing information on various Social Security Numbers that a family member may have issued in different countries. To enter the SNN details:

  1. Switch to the SNN tab and click the

     New button on its right-hand side.

  2. In the SSN Details dialog, select the country and specify its social security number.

  3. Click OK to save the record.

APM performs validation when adding Danish/Swedish/Norwegian SSN. A warning message is displayed in case the supplied number isn't in compliance with the rules of the SSN validation.

Audit Trails

There is a possibility to view all actions performed with records in the Family data group by clicking the button:

The fields that have been modified for each line are highlighted yellow.
Click needed activity record and you will see in the lower part of the Audit Trail window main information (date/time of modification, the action itself, login name, login/logout time, site ID, trail ID).

Export Entries: displayed audit records can be exported to a file of .csv format.
Filter: you can filter displayed audit records by Site ID, User name and Database Action:

All the records that do not correspond to defined values will be hidden. 

Please use button to remove all the filters & display all records back.

Show Deleted: the trail will only display audit records for records that have been deleted. A record that corresponds to deletion is highlighted in red.
Show Changed: the trail will display all audit records again.

Family Allottee

A family member can be defined as an allottee for receiving a part of a crew member's payments.

  • For this, the Allottee information from the Family data group option should be set in Organization Structure > Company > Payroll > Allotment.

Then it is possible to set any family member as Allottee. For this, open needed family member record:

Family Member is Allottee field is enabled, set it. After that, the Payment section appears.

You are then able to define balance actions & payment details to be used for Telepay generation.

Dock Functionality

From ver. 2017.4, we introduce the new customization approach to make your work with APM even more convenient.

It allows you to dock modules (crew list, contacts) and data groups (activities, documents, appraisals, competence, and family) on the left/right/top/bottom:

So, the result can look as below:

The remaining part can then be used to display the other screens (modules, data groups) according to your needs without overwriting the Family screen.

To reset the Dock functionality back, click button under Manage menu.


On Reports ribbon > Family you can find predefined Family List and Family Summary reports.

There is also Family crew list view that shows the information related to the Family member of the highest priority

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