This SQL inserts lines into all Payscale Tables, taking one table as a reference.
Line by line, it inserts new lines for every other Payscale Table, copying the line names from the reference table and not updating existing lines.
DECLARE @PT VARCHAR(32) = 'HLK-CRUISE',@CT VARCHAR(32); DECLARE @SequenceNo INT, @LineNum INT, @CurTable INT, @RefTable INT; Set @RefTable = (Select SEQNO from PWPSC000 where REGULATIVECODE = @PT); Set @LineNum = (Select MAX(Line) From PWPSC_RATES_LINES where SeqNo = @RefTable); While @LineNum is not null BEGIN Print 'Adding line '+Convert(varchar(3),@LineNum)+' to:'; Set @CurTable = (Select MAX(t.SEQNO) from PWPSC000 t where t.SEQNO != @RefTable and t.SEQNO not in (Select SeqNo from PWPSC_RATES_LINES where Line = @LineNum)); While @CurTable is not null Begin Set @CT = (Select REGULATIVECODE from PWPSC000 where SEQNO = @CurTable); Print @CT; EXEC dbo.sp_GenerateSeqNo 'PWPSC_RATES_LINES', @SequenceNo OUT; Insert into PWPSC_RATES_LINES (LineId,SeqNo,Line,[NAME]) Select @SequenceNo as LineId, @CurTable as SeqNo, @LineNum as Line, [NAME] From PWPSC_RATES_LINES where SeqNo = @RefTable and Line = @LineNum Set @CurTable = (Select MAX(t.SEQNO) from PWPSC000 t where t.SEQNO != @RefTable and t.SEQNO not in (Select SeqNo from PWPSC_RATES_LINES where Line = @LineNum) and t.SEQNO<@CurTable); End; Set @LineNum = (Select MAX(Line) From PWPSC_RATES_LINES where SeqNo = @RefTable and Line<@LineNum); END; GO
with the code of the reference Payscale Table.