The notification sends out an automatic email from Notification Service that will inform the approver/ coordinator that there are travel expenses waiting for their approval. The e-mail is sent out weekly on the selected day and provides the total number of documents waiting for approval.
The notification works only with the multiple-level chain setup with any level set up (Rank/ Office, PIN/ Name, or Position/ Vessel)
All the approvers/ coordinators that have some documents waiting for approval with an active account in the Employee Portal.
select (case when coord.PIN is NOT NULL THEN coord.PIN when appr.PIN is NOT NULL THEN appr.PIN ELSE '' END) as PIN, (case when coord.PIN is NOT NULL THEN coord.NAME when appr.PIN is NOT NULL THEN appr.NAME ELSE '' END) as #MANAGER_NAME, (case when coord.PIN is NOT NULL THEN coord.rank when appr.PIN is NOT NULL THEN appr.rank ELSE '' END) as #MANAGER_RANK, --'' as #TEST_APPROVER_EMAIL, email.TELENO #APPROVER_EMAIL, count (wf.DOCUMENT_ID) as #DOCUMENTS_TO_APPROVE from WEB_CP_DOCUMENTS doc left join WEB_CP_TRAVEL_BILLS tb on doc.DOCUMENT_ID=tb.DOCUMENT_ID left join PWORG docves on tb.VESSEL=docves.NUMORGID left join WEB_CP_WORKFLOW wf on doc.DOCUMENT_ID=wf.DOCUMENT_ID left join WEB_CP_COA2_NODE_DETAILS nd on wf.NEXT_NODE=nd.NODE_SEQUENCENO left join WEB_CP_COA_APPROVER_VESSELS av on av.NODE_SEQUENCENO=nd.SEQUENCENO left join PWORG apprves on av.VESSEL_NUMORGID=apprves.NUMORGID left join PW001P01 coord on coord.PIN=nd.PIN left join PW001P01 appr on appr.rank=nd.rank right join WEB_CP_ACCOUNT_EMPLOYEE acc on = LEFT JOIN PW001P0T email ON email.PIN in (coord.PIN, appr.PIN) AND email.TELETYPE = 6 AND email.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM PW001P0T t WHERE t.PIN = email.PIN AND t.TELETYPE = email.TELETYPE AND t.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL AND ( t.TELEPRIORITY < email.TELEPRIORITY OR t.TELEPRIORITY = email.TELEPRIORITY AND t.SEQUENCENO < email.SEQUENCENO ) ) where wf.step =(select max(t.STEP) from WEB_CP_WORKFLOW t where t.DOCUMENT_ID=wf.DOCUMENT_ID group by t.DOCUMENT_ID) and wf.state=1 and tb.VESSEL=av.VESSEL_NUMORGID group by coord.NAME, appr.NAME, wf.ORIGINATOR_PIN, coord.rank, appr.rank, coord.PIN, appr.PIN, email.TELENO
Field Specification
- ID of the approver/ coordinator.
- full name of the approver/ coordinator.
- rank of the approver/ coordinator.
- e-mail address of the approver/ coordinator.
- the e-mail to be used for testing purposes instead of the #APPROVER_EMAIL
, the condition should be un-commented.
- count of the documents waiting for approval;
Sample E-mail Output
This e-mail is to inform you that you have [#DOCUMENTS_TO_APPROVE] persons waiting for the travel expenses approval.
For more details connect to the portal: http://…/employee.
Best regards,
Task Parameters
Recipients: can be modified depending on the customer. It can be:
a fixed list of emails;
or dynamic list retrieved from the database.
Schedule: Weekly, on the selected weekdays and at the selected time.