The Talos Waiting Room plugin is designed to import data from the Talos recruitment system transferring new employees from their system to Adonis. For each imported candidate, the system checks if he/she already exists in Adonis Personal Manager or not. In case if a candidate already exists, the records are stored in the Waiting room for a user to decide whether to update the existing record or create a new one in Adonis Personnal Manager.
To activate the interface for transferring individuals, the user must contact Talos.
The section will teach you how to process duplicate data available in the Talos Waiting Room plugin.
Getting Started
To access the plug-in, run APM and follow the steps below:
Switch to the Tools ribbon tab and click the Import button:
From the drop-down list, select Talos Wating Room. The plugin main screen then appears:
Plugin Overview
For each imported candidate, the system checks whether a certain candidate already exists in APM or whether there are duplicate records in APM. In case a duplicate is found, the record then appears in the Talos Waiting Room plugin:
Let us review the grid columns:
S allows selecting the fields that you want to be exported.
Duplicate Pin is a pin number to be selected in case you want to process the record as Duplicate. The selected PIN will be then updated with new records.
First Name specifies the candidate's first name.
Last Name specifies the candidate's last name.
Birth Date is the candidate’s date of birth.
Nationality is the candidate’s nationality.
eMail is the candidate's e-mail address.
Phone is the candidate's phone number.
Managing Records
The plugin enables you to decide on whether to process the grid data as duplicate or new. To process data as duplicate, follow the steps below:
In the grid, select the record to be affected.
On the toolbar, click Duplicate. This opens the Confirm dialog asking you to confirm processing the record as a duplicate:
Click Yes to proceed.
As a result, the system shows you the request being processed:
Duplicate data will be updated in the database.
To process data as originally imported, follow the steps below:
In the grid, select the record to be affected.
On the toolbar, click Original.This opens the Confirm dialog asking you to confirm processing the record as original:
Click Yes to proceed.
As a result, the system shows you the request being processed:
Original data will be added to the database as new records.
The section allows you to perform a one-time setup of the APM plug-in.
Download and Installation
To install the plugin, navigate to Install APM Plugin and follow the step-by-step instructions carefully.
The latest plug-in version is available here: TalosWaitingRoom.
Before installing the plugin, make sure to activate the Talos interface for transferring candidates by contacting Talos directly.
Connection Settings Configuration
This section will guide you on how to esablish connection to the required web services.
Connection to AdonisIntegrationWebService
To configure the Talos Waiting Room connection settings, navigate to the Tools ribbon tab and click the Import button. From the drop-down list, select Talos Waiting Room. This opens the following dialog:
Within the dialog, click the Settings button to view the dialog:
Within the Settings dialog, fill in the following fields:
Adonis Integration Web Service. Enter the URL of AdonisIntegrationWebService.
API Login Password. Enter the Adonis_API password set.
On completing, click Test Connection to make sure the connection is successfully established:
In the Settings dialog, click Save to proceed.
Connection to CrewPortalWebService
Make sure the connection to CrewPortalWebService is successfully establish. For this, prceed with the following steps:
In Adonis Personnel Manager, navigate to the Setup ribbon tab and select Global Options:
In the Global Options dialog, select Web Service on the right-hand side pane.
In the Crew Portal section, enter the URL to the CrewPortalWebService as well as API log.
Click the Test button to make sure the connection is successfully established:
Click OK to save the changes.
Field Mapping
Field | Input Parameter | Comment | Validation | Return Error |
[PW001P01].[FIRSTNAME] | Firstname |
| Firstname should be under 50 symbols. |
[PW001P01].[LASTNAME] | Lastname |
| Lastname should be under 50 symbols. |
Record in [PW001P0T] |
| Email has invalid format. | |
[PW001P01].[TITLENAME] | Title |
| Title should be under 15 symbols. |
[PW001P01].[TELEPHONE] plus | Mobilenumber  |
| Mobilenumber  should be under 100 symbols. |
Record in [PW001P0T] | Landlinenumber |
| Landlinenumber should be under 100 symbols. |
[PW001P01].[NATIONALITY] | Countryofresidence |
| Nationality does not exist. |
[PW001P01].[BIRTHDATE] | DOB | Parameter value is string | Mandatory. Valid datetime format | Empty DOB request parameter. DOB was not recognized as valid DateTime |
[PW001P01].[RANK] plus Record in [PW001P0P] | OfferedRole |
| OfferedRole should be under 10 symbols. |
[PW001P01].[CLIENT] | PoolRecommendation |
[PW001P0U].[CRUISELINE] | CruiselineRecommendation | string |
| Column 'CRUISELINE' does not exist in PW001P0U. |
[PW001P0U].[SHIPRECMND] | ShipRecommendation | string |
| Column 'SHIPRECMND' does not exist in PW001P0U. |
[PW001P0U].[RECRTDBY] | RecruitedBy | string |
| Column 'RECRTDBY' does not exist in PW001P0U. |
[PW001P0U].[AVLBLFROM] | AvailableFromDate | Datetime nullable |
| Column 'AVLBLFROM' does not exist in PW001P0U. AvailableFromDate was not recognized as valid DateTime. |
[PW001P0U].[NOTICE] | NoticePeriod | string |
| Column 'NOTICE' does not exist in PW001P0U. |
[PW001P0U].[SALARY] | Salary | string |
| Column 'SALARY' does not exist in PW001P0U. |
| CV_FileBase64 | string | Check FileBase64 | Can not parse FileBase64, please check that is Data URI format. |
| CV_Filetype |