PDRs are currently exclusively used by CCL (Carnival Cruise Lines) and CUK for tracking training/assessments at various ranks as well as by vessel (e.g. 1st Engineering Officer; represented as "1EO", Vessel Britannia, PDR PDR1 = an instance of a PDR).
Test Environment Setup
To setup a local instance of the MarineLMS, follow the steps outlined in /wiki/spaces/CMD/pages/5432384046.
The anonymized backups can be found at \\LIVEBACKUP\Anonymous Backups. (Live EU contains the CUK db/files/questions).
Once you have restored the database, navigate to the /Root page. From the bottom admin nav bar, select 'Manage' > 'Assessment Repository' to verify the content has been loaded correctly. You should see a list of PDRs by rank and vessel.
Creating/Importing PDRs
You will need the latest version of the Professional Services repository found here: http://gitlab.docker.marinels.local/marinels/psdev (ssh://git@gitlab.docker.marinels.local:2222/marinels/psdev.git)
Navigate to your local repository and under '/CUK' you will see 2 tools:
- PdrGenerator - Generate all the files (commands) needed to add the PDRs. Ranks and vessels (contained in .json files) and /wiki/spaces/CMD/pages/5432378246 (contained in a .txt file) can be generated using this tool. Default location for generated files is D:\temp (set in program.cs)
- PdrAssessorGuidelineConverter - Converts an excel (.xls or .xlsx) file to the required .json format.
PDR Widget
Add info for widget here
CCL Setup and Implementation
Currently TODO - Add PDR documentation/links here
CUK Setup and Implementation
Currently TODO - Add PDR documentation/links here
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