CMG is adding new Ranks (CSV column 'Position') to their CSV user import files. This causes the user importer to fail to set the new Rank for the user and stops the Delta Logic from running after the user import. Once new Ranks were detected (via user import report email) the LMS CMG Live ( and CMG Test ( need to update their Rank JSON mapping and Rank OPF choices.
Attention: CMG Live and CMG Test have 2 separate sets of Rank choices and Rank JSON mapping files!
All files can be found in and need to be updated/uploaded to keep everything up to date.
The JSON Rank mapping and Rank choices need to be updated/added for CMG Live and CMG Test.
- Get missing Ranks from the user import report emails (up to 4 emails per day sent to
- Search for 'Position' (incl. single quotes) in every CMG Live user import report email and aggregate all missing Rank values.
- Example: Error processing row 67: CSV value 'Manager - ISM COMPLIANCE & FLAG REALTIONS (CEU)' for column 'Position' is missing in RankBased mapping JSON page attribute 'System.Customer.UserImporterRankBasedValuesByRank'. Don't update or create user until the unknown CSV value 'Manager - ISM COMPLIANCE & FLAG REALTIONS (CEU)' is added to the RankBased JSON attribute.
- Rank to add: Manager - ISM COMPLIANCE & FLAG REALTIONS (CEU)
- Save all new Rank values found in the user import report emails in a text file (one Rank per row) - i.e. NewRanks.txt
- Generate the JSON and client commands to add Rank choices with DOS tool RankMappingJsonGenerator (PS Git repository at Carnival\RankMappingJsonGenerator\RankMappingJsonGenerator). Note: use absolute file paths to make sure the files are read/written from/to the correct locations
- RankMappingJsonGenerator.exe NewRanks.txt NewRanks.json NewRanksClientCommands.txt /Root/CMG Rank ""
- Example: RankMappingJsonGenerator.exe "D:\MarinelsTools\NewRanks.txt" "D:\MarinelsTools\NewRanks.json" "D:\MarinelsTools\NewRankChoiceCommands.txt" /Root/CMG Rank ""
- The following steps need to be executed separately for CMG Live and CMG Test because the Rank choices and JSON mapping are slightly different
- Append the contents of 'NewRanks.json" (remove the outer most brackets { }) to the existing JSON file (add ',' to the last JSON mapping and add the new JSON Rank mappings). Make sure the updated file conforms to JSON format
- CMG Live - System.Customer.UserImporterRankBasedValuesByRank_20190311.json or CMG Test - System.Customer.UserImporterRankBasedValuesByRank_20190311.json
- Upload new JSON file via File Upload tab at /pages/dev
- Update existing JSON file via client command
- createOrUpdateNavPageAttributeFromFile /Root/Carnival/CMG System.Customer.UserImporterRankBasedValuesByRank "NewJsonMapping.json"
- Append the contents of 'NewRanks.json" (remove the outer most brackets { }) to the existing JSON file (add ',' to the last JSON mapping and add the new JSON Rank mappings). Make sure the updated file conforms to JSON format
- Execute client commands created by the tool RankMappingJsonGenerator (i.e. NewRanksClientCommands.txt) to add the new Rank choices in the LMS
- Add new CSV Rank values to the bottom of the existing lists: CMG Live - All CSV Rank Mappings_20190311.txt and CMG Test - All CSV Rank Mappings_20190311.txt
- Add new LMS Rank choices to the bottom of the existing lists: CMG Live - All LMS Ranks_20190311.txt and CMG Test - All LMS Ranks_20190311.txt
- Upload the new JSON files, Rank/CSV lists and executed client commands to Google Drive location
- Explanation of files (file name ending represents the date yyyyMMdd)
- CMG Live - All CSV Rank Mappings_20190311.txt: all (raw) Rank values as they appear in the user CSV files. Some values were explicitly mapped to a different value - all rows with '||' have an explicit mapping. The mapping is processed by the tool RankMappingJsonGenerator when generating the JSON file
- CMG Live - All LMS Ranks_20190311.txt: all converted Rank choices (replaced '(', ')' and ',' with '[', ']' and '').
- CMG Live - System.Customer.UserImporterRankBasedValuesByRank_20190311.json: Rank based mapping JSON (can be generated with tool RankMappingJsonGenerator and file 'CMG Live - All CSV Rank Mappings_20190311.txt' as input)
- CMG Test - All CSV Rank Mappings_20190311.txt: all (raw) Rank values as they appear in the user CSV files. Some values were explicitly mapped to a different value - all rows with '||' have an explicit mapping. The mapping is processed by the tool RankMappingJsonGenerator when generating the JSON file
- CMG Test - All LMS Ranks_20190311.txt: all converted Rank choices (replaced '(', ')' and ',' with '[', ']' and '').
- CMG Test - System.Customer.UserImporterRankBasedValuesByRank_20190311.json: Rank based mapping JSON (can be generated with tool RankMappingJsonGenerator and file 'CMG Test - All CSV Rank Mappings_20190311.txt' as input)
- Commands (add new Ranks for Test and Live)_20190311.txt: all commands executed during the update process (i.e. createOrUpdateNavPageAttributeFromFile and addOrgProfileFieldSingleChoiceStringChoice)
- Explanation of files (file name ending represents the date yyyyMMdd)
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