

To GET the information of a person we use this READ operation. Your accessibility depends on the scope/access of your API Key.

Please view this link for more information https://adonishr.atlassian.net/l/cp/KX2WceTj


Example Value in JSON

{ "request": { "Interface": "string", //interfaces in APM > General Setup > Miscelleanous > Intefaces "ExternalPin": "string" //UUID from your organization } }
{ "ReadPersonV1Result": { "Authentication_Approved": true, "Authentication_ReasonDenied": "", "ErrorText": null, "IsError": false, "Message": "Request was successful.", "Solution": "", "Version": "2023.40.3.2", "AddressCountry": "UA", "AddressLine1": "909-1/2 E 49th St", "AddressLine2": "Los Angeles, California", "AddressLine3": "", "AddressPlace": "string", "AddressPostcode": "90011", "BirthDate": "2001-01-25", "CallingName": "Wil", "CountryOfBirth": "ES", "Email": "elvis@email.com", "ExternalContractType": "PERM", "ExternalEyeColor": "", "ExternalHairColor": "", "ExternalMaritalStatus": "2", "ExternalPin": "SA-899", "ExternalRank": "QCONT", "FirstName": "Willy", "Gender": "U", "Height": 190, "HomeAirport": "ABI", "HomeAirport2": "", "Initials": "", "Interface": "ANKAA", "LastName": "Wonka", "MiddleName": "", "Mobile": "(323) 238-0616", "Nationality": "UA", "NativeLangauge": "es", "Organization": "10000008", "PlaceOfBirth": "London", "SuffixName": "", "Telephone": "", "Title": "", "TravelTime": "", "TravelTime2": "", "Weight": 85 } }

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